Xie Eun,suddenly realized that she had switched to her old ways and had not been paying attention to her surroundings.But she did know that the teacher had passed a student the pen.She looked at the teacher directly and then continued to write without bothering to wait for any culprit.She had already deducted that this was most probably a conspiracy and there was no way to save herself if the teacher was bent on implicating her. So instead of waiting for the inevitable,she continued to write.The other students had also understood that no one would accept that they had committed a crime and so the teacher would have to directly catch the traitor or they would be wasting their time.So everyone who had a clear conscience got back to work.

The teacher stared at the piece in his hand and then walked back to the desk.Stopping directly in front of Xie Eun,he said nothing but continued to look into her paper. He was actually an honest man and did not know that some students had conspired. He did not want the student to be punished because he understood that students committed mistakes. But supporting a cheater would be injustice to other students so he quietly looked at the girl and checking her name,said softly,"Student Xie Eun?"

Xie Eun looked up with clear eyes and pausing in the writing of an answer,asked,"Yes Sir?"

"I would like to see your answer sheet."

Wordlessly,Xie Eun passed on her answer sheet and the man noticed that her handwriting was different from the one on the note..Maybe she had asked someone else to write it for her.. As the teacher was wondering what to do,he slowly walked to the desk of the student who had dropped his pen.What if the slip of paper had also rolled out with that pen? So moving a step forward, he checked the work of the other student but that too was a different handwriting. Just then the school inspector made her rounds.The woman entered the classroom and immediately her eyes zeroed in on the teacher and thebalip of paper in his hands.

The older woman narrowed her eyes at the teacher and asked arrogantly,"Professor?What is that in your hand?"

The shocked teacher then realized that the matter was now out of his hands.But he did not understand why the inspector would make sudden rounds..

Quietly,he walked over to the inspector and explained the entire matter of the piece of paper that has been found.He even tried to explain that maybe it had fallen out of someone's book and went unnoticed. But the old woman simply scoffed at this and directly walked over to Xie Eun. This time, Xie Eun was not ignorant.She kept her head down and continued to write down her answers.However, her fingers tightened on her answer sheet because she was somehow sure that this inspector may not be as honest as the professor. Because someone had made arrangements for her to get caught,they would not leave it so that she would escape unscathed. The inspector, stood in front of her desk and crossed her arms,starting at the downturned head. When I'd run paid no attention to her, the inspector tried to forcefully snatch the answer sheets but Xie Eun smartly pulled them away and garden upwards.

The inspector suddenly felt a chill run through her body when her eyes met the student's.It was almost as if the student had seen through her intentions. But she suppressed those thoughts and said,"Student Xie Eun, you are not allowed to sit for this exam.Get out of the class right now."

Xie Eun, however, made no move to get up, she simply asked"Why?"

The inspector did not expect to be questioned so she was flustered before she replied firmly,"Because you cheated."

Any other student would have been agitated by now and worried about finishing the exam in time.But not Xie Eun, she merely asked,"What are you talking about?"

The inspector was angered at this and raised her voice,"Student Xie Eun, you were caught red handed and you have the audacity to question me!I had the intention of only leaving you with a warning but now I will see to it you are suspended from the faculty you are currently in! There will also be an investigation to check if you have cheated in other exams and after that you will be expelled!Get out of this class now and go straight to the principal's office."

Xie Eun calmly replied,"No.I have done nothing wrong.And I have no idea what cheating you are talking about.But it is my right as a student to sit here and finish my exam.And if you accuse me once more, I will be filing a case against you for defamation and if I am forced tonekave the examination hall, I will also sue the school for accusing me wrongly and shielding the real cheat."

Unexpectedly,the threat caused the inspector to be alarmed and glance in the direction of the person who has ordered her.Xie Eun subtly followed the gaze of the inspector and her brows raised up.So this was the perpetrator , how interesting.She had earned herself a new enemy.

The inspector thought back to the orders she had received,"That Xie Eun should not be able to sit for the exam" and decided to use some dirty tactics. She extended her hand to slap the unruly student but the Professor stopped her in time and reminded,"Senior Inspector!You can not hit a student like this!"

The inspector was at a loss and this time she could not even use the excuse that the student had riled her up,so she decided to create a fuss in the principal's office. She raced out of the classroom whole other students stared surreptitiously at Xi Eun.Some believed that she was too arrogant to insult the teacher after cheating but some believed that something was fishy.Why would there be so much fuss over something liken this.They had seen the strength with which the inspector had tried to snatch the paper. It the student had not saved her sheet in time then the paper would be torn by now. And no one had really seen the student cheat but the inspector had directly do used on her. Some of them were aware of the person's identity and believe that it was because of her connections in the business world that she was being targetted.But soon after, everybody put this matter to the back of their heads and went to their tasks and the classroom turned peaceful again. 

But the principal's office at this time was the direct opposite of it. The inspector had barged into his office and was creating a ruckus over the arrogance of some students and that the teachers were helping their students cheat.After calming down the inspector, the Principal understood the situation an decided to investigate later. He assured her that the culprit would be punished. But the inspector was insistent and forced the principal to come to the examination hall.The principal sighed but had to give face to the senior teacher so he followed. He wanted to ask why she was conducted the rounds so early but then simply let go, seeing her so upset.It was her job to make rounds during exams after all so she could choose any time. As soon as the principal entered the classroom, the concentration of the entire class was broken.They could not help but be fistracted by the drama that was taking place. Walking over to Xie Eun, the inspector rudelynpoimted at her and said to the Principal,"Sir,this is the student.She was the one who was cheating and then she even threatened us that she would sue us!Hearing this, the principal was also angered but he was a rational man and decided to question the student."Student Xie Eun, of you were not prepared for the examination,you should not have applied.Why resort to underhanded means?Once a thief, always a thief. If you use such methods now then how will you stop yourself from doing unlawful practices in the future?"

Xie Eun retained her calm however and replied confidently,"There are so many students in this class.Please ask anyone if they have seen me cheat. Or ask the professor or even the inspector if she has seen me cheat with her own eyes. She came to the classroom and directly accused me of cheating."

"I want to ask the professor,did he tell her exactly where he found the slip of paper?Did she find any evidence of my cheating?Then tell me Principal Sir, Who is the cheater?"

Everyone was stunned at this and had nothing to say..

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