Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 114 - An Enemy Of An Enemy

Xie Eun made her way to the university in the car that had been arranged by her husband.She kept trying to cheer herself up but it was like something was missing.She had never realized how used to she had become to Yu Seok's presence at the university by her side.Even on days that they would not meet,just knowing that he was there would make her day reassuring. Today they had to attend a few basic classes and brush up on their knowledge before they were thrown into intensive training. Xie Eun plucked at the hem of her short top as she tried to forget that she would have to come back to an empty house.

Once at the university,she kept her senses about her and without talking much simply smiled politely at other students who saw her. The news that a teacher had been fired because of her had already spread like wildfire and she simply wanted to keep her head down and not create any more waves. Just then the Professor entered,followed by a girl.The girl looked ethereal and her light blonde hair,which were tied in a loose knot looked like a halo. Seeing her, everyone subconsciously straightened their backs and tried to look their best.Only Xie Eun was the one who was not affected by the girl and almost rolled her eyes. If anyone were to look into her heart they would surely know that the girl was as far from an angel as she could be. Once the entire class' attention was focused on her,the girl bowed and introduced herself,"Hello everyone. My name is Lu Yeona and I am new here.Please take care of me."

The single sentence resulted in a round of applause and Yeona walked to a seat in the front row to attend the class. The lectures turned out to be back to back with no break as the covered a range of topics from a study of basic micro economics,human resource management and then some strategies related to laws and using them to a business' best advantage. After every lecture,the professors did not hesitate in giving them a tonne of homework. Xie Eun methodically wrote down the notes but her attention was on her husband and whether he had reached his destination and thus she left as soon as the lecture was finished. But because of this,she gave the cunning Lu Yeona a chance to make friends with her classmates.Soon after,there were rumors circulation that Xie Eun and Lu Yeona were cousins who were at odds.Lu Yeona had said nothing directly but a few words had turned the tide in her favor. Many people wondered what must have happened to the cousins to be at odds but seeing that the pretty Lu Yeona was saddened by this,they did not ask much. However,to cheer her up,may people offered to help her with her homework which she gratefully accepted.

Xie Eun,on the other hand decided to not go home and instead went to the library to study some more.On the way,she tried calling her hubby but his phone was unreachable. She was about to place her phone back when her phone rang.Checking the caller id,she spoke a tentative,"Hello?" and was greeted by a cheerful voice from,"hello Anna!How are you?"

Xie Eun smiled at the exuberant greeting and answered,I am well.How are you?"

She wondered if Miss Wen wanted to talk about anything more about the will but Shan Shan continued,"Anna. Would you like to meet up for dinner?"

Xie Eun thought nothing of it and agreed.When Shan Shan asked her where she was,she told her the name of the university and they soon agreed to meet near there.

As Xie Eun prepared the notes in the library,her phone beeped once again and she saw that she had received a message from Yu Seok telling her that he had reached. She smiled a small smile and responded quickly,"Great." and then unable to stop herself added,"I miss you.."

Wolf,who was presently far away from his wife almost threw aside his cell phone to return to his wife's side.

The restaurant they met at was relatively private than last time and Xie Eun wondered why Shan Shan had chosen such a setting.Once she was escorted to the private room,Shan Shan met her at the door happily and the two ordered the food before they unconsciously started discussing random topics from weather and even some internet memes. Xie Eun forgot that she did not know this girl for long while Shan Shan felt as if she had found a friend. Their meal was almost over when the two girls realized that they had simply chatted as close friends instead of simple acquaintances. It was only when it was time for them to separate that Shan Shan remembered her focus and said,"Anna.You need to be careful. That bi*** Yeona has transferred to your University. She may seem like a dumb blonde at times but she has a specialty. And that is to use boys to her best advantage. If there is one thing that can be said about her is that she is like a chameleon and knows how to even change her basic character. Soon,she will know everything about the important people in University and then start to use them against you. I know because she has done this in the past. Though University students are smarter that high schoolers and not easily lead astray,she is well experienced in manipulating and won't shy away from using dirty tricks. She has also done this in the modelling industry .In the initial days,a beautiful model had debuted with her and would have surpassed her. But suddenly she befriended Lu Yeona and soon the media revealed that the young girl had been intimate with many men. The girl was only fifteen..she committed suicide and all her projects were taken over by that woman so you need to be really careful."

Only when Shan Shan was finished talking did she realize that Anna was looking at her strangely.She raised her eyebrows in question so Xie Eun commented casually,"You know too much about Lu Yeona.."

These days Xie Eun was very wary of people and as the girl had spoke about her,she had detected a hint of hatred in Shan Shan towards Lu Yeona. She somehow felt that she had an ulterior motive in telling her these things.And Xie Eun did not want to be used by anyone so she directly asked,"Why do you hate her?"

Shan Shan's eyes glittered with hatred and she said,"I have my reasons. But if you think that I have befriended you because you are her enemy then you are only partially right. As you can see,I have had my eyes on her for a while now but I am unable to get much evidence. But for you, I feel that she has already done enough. Destroying her is not too difficult for me but she has the protection of that Chairwoman Lu. But you have challenged that woman's authority now and I feel that helping you will help me. But I have also seen that you are relatively innocent and would not be aware of the many deep tricks of these women and I wanted to protect you from them also."

Xie Eun felt oddly touched at the girl's words and also understood that whatever her reasons for hating Lu Yeoan were,their new found friendship had nothing to do with it. And anywats there was a saying that an enemy's enemy is a friend so..Soon the two girls separated,this time already making a plan to see each other again soon.

But they could not have known that there was someone who was spying on them. A man who had been following Xie Eun since this morning made a call,"Sir,Miss Xie has met with a girl friend."

The man,then sent the pictures of the two women chatting amicably to his boss.

Yoo Shiro glanced at the pictures in the phone as a small smile played around his lips. He looked at his own assistant and extended his hand.Soon a file was placed in his hand as the assistant summarized,"Miss Wen Shan is the granddaughter of Lawyer Wen.She has recently been helping her grandfather so that she can take over his practice. a genius,Miss Wen cleared her bar exams at a very tender age and she is yet to loose any case. But she is very eccentric and has had no friends in a very long time.Miss Xie seems to be the only person she has met outside the office in the past and that too seemed business related."

Yoo Shiro nodded and calmly said,"I need a new lawyer..for buying the south side disputed property.Invite Miss Wen for a meeting.."

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