Xie Eun lay on the bed,staring at the ceiling. She blinked repeatedly and then checked her phone. He had not called or messaged her yet. Should she? What if he was busy?All sorts of thoughts kept rummaging in her head until she finally shook herself and let out an "Urgh!"

The emptiness of the bed reminded her of how much she missed him and how alone she was. Finally, kicking away her blanket in frustration,she marched out to the living room,turned on the television and sat on the couch with a thump. The next moment,she got up again,went back into the room and grabbing her cell phone,stomped back to the living room.

Turning on the television,she browsed channels to see if there was anything good but nothing caught her attention.Finally she turned back to her cell phone,glared at it for not ringing and started to surf the internet.Even as she stabbed at the phone's screen,she inwardly cursed Yu Seok for not calling her,he could have called her even if he was busy..She took out his number in the contact list and wondered if she should dial but then what if she disturbed him?So she gave up the idea and started to check her SNS account.

A little while later as she was bored and staring at various posts,something caught her eye. It was a quiz!A small smile graced her lips as she stared at the quiz,"Which celebrity/CEO/Rockstar is your ideal husband?" She wondered if Wolf's name was there on the list..She then shrugged her shoulders,and decided to play even if it wasn't there. It was something fun to do so she went ahead and opened it. The questions were so random and basic that she almost rolled her eyes. How was her favorite color or her holiday destination going to decide who her ideal partner was? But then the next question made her face turn red and she almost threw her phone.What did they mean by asking a favorite sex position? How was she supposed to answer that?Her over active imagination provided the answer as various images of herself and Yu Seok gathered there making her feel hot and flyshed.Choosing a random choice in that, she answered all the questions diligently as if she was taking an exam and then waited for her results. She wondered if she should take a screenshot of the answer and send it to Yu Seok,just so he could taste some vinegar..After waiting for a few moments,her eyes widened and she wondered if this test was a hack. How come the test result showed that CEO Wolf was her ideal partner!She squinted her eyes and read the description : "You are a hopeless romantic day dreamer. Thus, your ideal partner would be CEO Wolf of Alpha Companies.His mysterious ways will keep you hooked and his lack of presence in public eye will give you privacy.He would care for you, will always be there for you when you are feeling down and will always make you smile.You can expect a life long relationship with this person because they will never let you go." She felt her heart warm some more before her face turned sour.How could they use his name in a quiz like this?How many other woman would have gotten him as the ideal partner?Ha!She threw the phone down on the couch, having tasted vinegar herself. She wondered if she can sue them.. Useless quiz.They could just write whatever nonsense they wanted! Scowling ferociously, she picked her phone again, stabbed at the screen to close the quiz and fumed some more. It was better to watch some movies rather than do all this. But then another idea struck her and she restarted the quiz.This time she chose options that were totally against her and we're almost the opposite of what she wanted. She then sat back smugly and waited for the result.Let them give her a different answer this time and then she will send it to Yu Seok..after a few minutes, the quiz had come up with another answer but this one made her even more angry and she was tempted to smash her phone. She started reading the description,"President Si Jing of Si Enterprises is the heart throb of many young girls..blah blah blah." This time she jabbed at the phone's screen even more harshly and blew out a breath. She had class tomorrow. There was no need to waste time in all this.She needed to sleep. But the thought of going to sleep in her big and lonely bed made her sad so once again she marched to her room, grabbed a pillow and a blanket and decided to sleep on the couch. Dimming the lights, she lay down on the couch and once again stared blankly at the ceiling. Finally, unable to take it anymore, she grabbed her phone, typed out a,"Good night" and sent it to her 'hubby' before pulling the blanket over her head and resolutely closing her eyes. After some time, sleep still eluded her and she could not help but frown. She wondered if there was something that made her addicted to him in such a short while!He was even more potent than the most powerful drug in the world! Just as she was about to get up,her gaze fell on a closed door on the other end of the living room..Maybe she could go and sleep in his room..Though he had been sleeping in her room since she found the truth...may be she would sleep better.She was sure his blankets and stuff would smell of him..and then she would feel as if he was around..and not miss him so much..Folding her blanket and picking up her pillow,she then walked towards the room she had not yet gone into...

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