Stealthily sneaking into the bedroom, Xie Eun felt as if she was a thief. She could even imagine the mysterious tune that usually played in the background of those detective shows she watched as a youngster. She did not know why she was tiptoeing but somehow felt it was appropriate.She had never entered this room and never even thought of this. The moment she stepped inside,the dark room was suddenly bathed in light and she let out a small screen before realizing that the room had motion sensor lights like the ones in her room. She breathed a sigh of relief.She looked at the big bed and her face felt hot once again as she thought of sleeping in it Her imagination helped her situation by providing some real nice images to go with that... Throwing aside her own blanket,she fell face first onto his bed..and then sniffed deeply into the blankets..only to inhale the scent of washing detergent! Wrinkling her nose, Xie Eun sat up and frowned heavily..Next time she will break his legs if he thinks of going somewhere and leaving her..better yet..she will make a habit to sleep alone again and then not let him sleep with her so that if he does go, she will not miss him!After all she had lived so many years without him..

Resolutely,she turned over and was about to leave the room,when her gaze fell on the dressing table.It was free of any clutter(typical of Yu Seok,she rolled her eyes and thought of her own messy one) and there was a small bottle of men's cologne and a tube of after shave. Wondering if he smelled so tempting whenever they were close,was because of those, she went to the dressing table,picked up the bottle of cologne and inhaled deeply.."Aachooo" The sound of the loud sneeze echoed in the room and almost made her jump. Hurriedly placing down the bottle,she raised her nose and then dropped the thought of going out. She,next walked into the walk in closet. Her eyes almost rolled back at the shades of black and grey in the closet. She used to think that she had a keen eye for colors but all these blacks were so different.And everything was color coded... The only other color that could be seen was some white from his shirts and a couple of basic white t shirts that he probably wore when working out..Did the guy really not wear any other color?She made a note to buy him some colorful suits. And more t-shirts...

She then went on a mission to find something that smelled like him.She had come to the conclusion that it could be the only way that she would fall asleep.If she could not get his warmth then that was the next best option..Finally after looking into the cupboard,she found two items that smelled of him. A white shirt and a t-shirt. She could tell at a glance that the t shirt was the one he had been wearing in the morning and the shirt was probably from last night..Happy her finds,she grabbed the t-shirt and stuffed a pillow into it. The next moment,she was about to discard her own pyjamas and wear it but she changed her mind and slipped it on top of them..Just then her cell phone,which was in the living room rang, and she raced out..

Wolf had just entered the hotel room,tired from the day's meetings. He glanced at the time and realized that Xie Eun must have fallen asleep. Stretching his neck and rubbing out the kinks,he made his way to the shower to freshen up. A little while later, when he came out of the shower,he noticed that he had a message from Xie Eun so he opened it and the small wish of good night made him smile.He felt that the day's tiredness had melted away.. He thought of messaging her back and they could have a short conversation if she was awake,but just then,another application on his phone beeped urgently. It was the motion sensor that was installed in his room to prevent any intruders..Walking over to his laptop,he powered it and turned on the small camera in his room.At the same time,his fingers dialled the number of the local police chief.The call had just connected and before the groggy commissioner could say ,"Hello",Wolf muttered a "Nothing" and cancelled the call. He then sat down to watch his wife who had just wandered into his room like a small burglar.He wondered what it was she wanted. He saw her throwing aside her blanket and falling face first onto the bed. His eyes heated up as the camera showed the perfect line of her figure encased in pink silk pyjamas. She never wore these when he was around..He observed as she restlessly turned over and then went through his dressing table. An unconscious "bless you" escaped his mouth when he saw her sneeze. But even as he was thoroughly amused,he wondered what she was up to.. So engrossed was he that he did not even realize that he was sitting in a chilled air conditioned room with only a towel around his hips. Finally,he realized what she wanted when she came out clutching two of his clothes and hos smile widened into a grin.. When she put the t-shirt on the pillow,a small chuckle escaped him and then he saw her put the shirt in front of her,His eyes narrowed and a certain part of his anatomy stood at attention.

He almost groaned but then sighed in disappointment when he saw her slip on the shirt..Before she could button up the shirt,he turned on his cell phone and dialled his wife's number.

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