"Did you hear?The boss was on vacation and the Acquisition Department had to call the boss in to smoothen the negotiation.Since then the temperature on the top floor seems to be in sub zero degrees!" An erstwhile employee muttered this piece of gossip near the coffee machine.

Another one added,"Yes!Even I heard my superior cribbing about how the acquisitions people had botched up and now everyone had to pay the price.."​​

The third person around the table though had her mind somewhere else and she interrupted the other two,"Hey..let those higher ups suffer the wrath of the big boss.I want to know of the first piece of news that the boss took a vacation is really true?I mean a workaholic like him!What did he do for the holidays?"

The three interns squealed in subdued excitement and started to gossip,"Yes..what do you think he did during the vacation?And where did he go?We must ask Assistant Cheng!"

"Ha!As if he would tell us!If he was such a blabbermouth the boss would have thrown him out by now!" The three looked at each other and then collectively towards the closed door.Assistant Cheng would be here anytime soon. Just then Cheng Mo entered the break room and was immediately surrounded by Wolf's adoring fans.

"Assistant Cheng",the first girl smiled at him,"Is it true?Did the boss really take a vacation?Or did he go on a business trip?Please tell us!We are only curious about Boss.You are the one who works closest to him..Please.."

Cheng Mo looked at the expectant gazes and his smile widened.Casually he answered,"Gossiping at work?And you want to implicate me also?Fine I will tell you!Boss went to get married.And the acquisitions department interrupted his honeymoon so he is angry."

The three girls almost fainted from shock and even those other people who had been evesdropping almost spit out their coffees..Cheng Mo laughed at their reactions,feeling justified over his own reactions now that he had seen the others and went to make some coffee for himself.

It was only after a while that everyone realised that Cheng Mo had not answered their questions instead diverting them from the topic at hand.NAturally nobody believed that the boss would have gone to marry.It was not easy for any girl to marry the Wolf!

City B was a few thousand kilometers away from the small rural area where Xie Eun lived and this she had no idea about the power of her new husband and how lucky she was that she had been treated so patiently.

Wolf was a name that was eared by most in the city.His origins were unknown and what people did know was what little pieces they had been able to gather over the years. He had burst onto the business scene at the age of eighteen years when he had bought a small luxury hotel that had been going under,Once he had gained control,within a few months,the hotel started to turn in profits and by the age of twenty,Wolf had a chain of luxury hotels and resorts under the banner of Alpha Companies.After that,he started diversifying into different fields and in the next three years,he had made a dominant place for his company in IT,entertainment and art.The company's debut on the stock market had been phenomenal and shook many existing companies.But all this had only garnered people's respect!The reason for fear was something else.

It was believed that one of the biggest underworld gangs had tried to exhort money from the up and coming businessman.But instead of gatting any money,the entire gang had been annihiliated.Nobody knew who had done it and there was no evidence pointing to Wolf so the next biggest gang tried to take advantage but was met with the same end.But this time there was a card near every dead member..A golden card with a wolf engraved on it...After that the card became a known sign of Wolf and no one dared to threaten or turn their attention towards the company. Small businesses which had been burdened by the gangs pledged their loyalty to Wolf as he had finished off the two biggest criminal activists in the city while the other small gangs were all scared and paid homage to the man lest he turn his attention to them.And so Wolf had become a revered name in the city.

Adding in the fact that the man had no past identity and nobody knew where he came from or what he looked like was enough to leave intrigue among people. Though most of his employees had seen him,they tried to not remember him. Because it would only give them a sense of inferiority As if it was not enough that their CEO was probably youngest person in the company apart from interns, the fact that he was blindingly handsome was simply fate's injustice to them.And anyways no one really wanted the CEO's green eyes focused on them. Those eyes felt like laser beams making people shudder to even think about them.

Cheng Mo was the known the only one in the company who would dare to even casually talk to the CEO..and most people felt that either Cheng Mo was really brave or really dumb that he had befriended the Wolf.

Cheng Mo, who was peacefully drinking his coffee at his table,however was not worried about what the world thought of him. His only concern was to find more information about the lady boss.

He had viewed so many women with the surname Xie from his SNS account that he felt as if he knew them all.

Like boss, like assistant would have been apt at this moment. Because Wolf was at this moment also was displaying his own stalking tendencies as he browsed his wife's SNS account. The frequent appearance of a man in the pictures made Wolf's eyes narrow and glitter dangerously.So his dear wife was a good liar...

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