Wolf tapped his fingers against the table as he pondered over his own foolishness.Why he had to use his hacking skills for stalking his wife in name only was something he could only curse at.He had made himself drink vinegar on his own! The pictures he had seen were actually ones that had only been added to Eun-a's SNS account and not really uploaded.They were what one would call her private thoughts and musings.He had thought to know more about her so that he could help her accomplish whatever she wanted.But this idea showed a side of her that he now craved to know while at the same time was unsure of.. Her public pictures showed simple selfies of her with various animals and landscapes around the farm that made him think of her from that time but her unpublished ones were just too much...they were pictures of a man and it was the same man..He could see that! And that man was someone close to heras they had been clicked maybe when they were walking because these pictures were random clicks here the subject did not seem aware..but the worse part was that none of the pictures showed the man's face!If they had he would have found the man by now and received all his information.

The pictures however changed his perceptive of his wife.At first the pictures were innocent but seemed to be getting more obsesses and...he guessed naughty was the word for them.​​

The first picture was of a man's extended hand but the caption was what got to him."The hand that I want to hold forever..!" The hand that his wife wanted to hold onto was not his..The second picture was of a man's back and the caption read,"The one I want to lean on forever.." There were many pictures of the man..Some even showed his lips only and the captions were just as intimate..The last picture was actually one that had caused his to almost explode and he even felt that he might have to bleach hi eyes to get over the disgusting image.It was the picture of the man's a** encased in black denim.A close up at that!. Wolf was thankful that there was no caption there! His wife was a pervert!And that too over another man!(Author:Is the problem her being a pervert or her being over another man? Wolf: Her being pervy over another man ofcourse!I have a good a** if only she would care to see it!You better get her to me asap author! Author:"..")

So she really had lied when he asked her if she had someone in her heart.That aspirations and those dreams that she had were a cover up to the truth.That she loved another man..And that person was not someone worth her.That he knew,could guess.And it wasn't because of his own sense of superiority that he felt so but because General Xie had forced her to marry someone else.Him to be precise..

The possibility that General Xie was not aware of this man's existence was next to none.And if General Xie's only motive had been Xie Eun's safety then he could have simply extracted a promise from him to protect his daughter and son in law if he thought that the said son in law could keep her happy.But that was not the case.So this was the other danger that General Xie had warned him of.

And this man was the reason that Xie Eun wanted an annulment. The fact that she had demanded an annulment and not a divorce was something that he had been suspiciuos about.So she wanted to tell her lover that she was pure even if she had married someone else?

At this moment,he realised that he did not really know her. Once again he thought back to the few hours he had spent with her when she had jumped from that tree. The 'her' from then had been bold and righteous while this one was cloaked in layers of mystery and even lies..She really had grown up..

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