Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 150 - Towards The Hills

A big hat graced the head of the smiling person as the car drove towards the outskirts of the city.  Her pale summer dress setting off the vibe for a vacation,Xie Eun sat there looking at the passing scenery but nothing registered in her mind. She was excited but at the same time felt there were butterflies in her stomach. The sudden trip had come as a surprise to her but she realized that she looked forward to it.. Because even though they had been living together and the spark of attraction between them was like fire, they had been immersed in routines and structure. And then when they had finally come together the attack had happened. But on this trip, they would not just be alone, they would be together all the time..She thought of the confession notes that she had prepared and hurriedly put them into her bag and smiled happily. She had already changed her plan and now was going to hand them to him directly.. somewhat. Suddenly, the car slowed down and came to a stop at the end of the road. Xie Eun turned her head worriedly but Yu Seok simply stared at her.

"Are you too tired to drive? Do you want me to take over? We should have hired a driver instead of coming over ourselves.. "

When Yu Seok simply gave her a smile, not saying anything ,Xie Eun frowned even harder and was about to reach out her hand to check his temperature in case he was delirious when her extended hand was caught. Yu Seok smiled and kissed her wrist before saying," Nothing is the matter. I just like it when you worry for me. It makes me feel really warm.."

Xie Eun smiled a little at this, feeling shy and happy at all his sweet talk. She lowered her eyes and poked him in the arm, "Enough of the talks! I want you to seriously tell me if you are tired !You promised to do that. It is a long drive but we can drive alternatively!"

Yu Seok smiled and said, "I would let you drive, if you had not failed your driving test four times.."

He winked at her as he said this while Xie Eun narrowed her eyes at him and poked him again, "Exaggerating much? I do have my license! I just don't like to drive! And I failed only once and that too not because I was not good enough! A fly had suddenly flown into the car and I got distracted. The teacher who was testing was a scaredy cat and got angry because I suddenly braked! And that was many years ago! How did you even know that?Get off the driver seat now and I will show you how well I drive.."

Yu Seok laughed at her angry face and gently told her, "Your father loved to talk about you. He was really proud of you when you cleared the test the second time.."

Hearing this, Xie Eun giggled and remembered how her father always teased her about this. That had been the first time she had failed and she had been so angry about it! Her father had teased her mercilessly and told her that it was good she had a taste of that he could teach her to look at failure in the eye and then overturn it into a win with a smile on her face. It was a lesson that had helped her get through the difficult times. Her smile turned even more softer and she leaned in close to Yu Seok and laid her head on his shoulder, "Yu Seok! you are the best..."

Yu Seok turned his head and planted a soft kiss on her head, "I know.."

Xie Eun looked up at him and poked his arm again, "You are such a narcissist.. Now tell me why have we stopped here?"

Yu Seok smiled and pointed to a gate a little further ahead and said, "I have a surprise for you before we reach our destination."

Xie Eun felt her eyes widen at this. Had he also been planning a surprise for her the way she was? She excitedly got out of the car and looked at him as he handed her the camera.. 

It seemed he had found her something else to photograph.Her heartbeat fastened as she held his extended hand and walked towards the gate. A couple of bicycles stood at the entrance and she was amazed when Yu Seok got on one.Just as she was about to grab the other one, he caught her hand and gestured to sit behind him.A little awkwardly she climbed onto the left and then placed her hands on his waist. Her camera was placed in the basket on the front and soon Yu Seok had started to pedal and the ride began. Her fingers unconsciously tightened at his waist and she rested her head against his nack as she took in the picturesque view. The air was so much cleaner here and the atmosphere so peaceful. There were tall trees lined along the road which swayed softly as if greeting and welcoming them.. Soon the bicycle stopped and when Xie Eun got off and looked around,she felt her breath catch..It was like paradise on earth.. They had cycled downwards so that they were now at the small valley of the hills and surrounding them were flowers of more variety than she could count, and ranging from pale lilac to bright Fuschia was like a bouquet of more than ten thousand flowers. It was beautiful beyond belief. Unable to take her eyes off the beauty, her hands automatically found his and she hugged him tightly all the while marvelling at this beauty...and once again her hands itched to take pictures but this time she wanted to take pictures of him in the ocean of flowers...But before that, she finally took off her eyes from the beauty, wound her arms around him and leaned up and kissed him deeply...

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