Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 151 - Everything Is Perfect

Even as the beautiful expanse of flowers stretched in front of her, Xie Eun had only one thought going through her head. "He is so perfect.."

She brought her camera to her eyes and clicked away at the beautiful scenery. But soon, her camera moved towards the man who stood beside her. He had angled his face away from her and the camera captured his symmetrical features and she was struck by how clear the latent power in him was reflected against this colorful background. He looked like a ruler even when he was laid back. She sighed in appreciation and quickly accepted the fact that he was her favorite subject to photograph. 

After a while, Yu Seok had lay down a picnic basket and the two enjoyed a picnic of sandwiches and juice. Xie Eun could just marvel at the attention to detail that this man gave.

Soon they were on the road again. This time they were travelling with the top of their car down and Xie Eun marveled at the rush of freedom she felt as the air blew through her hair. She spread her hands and screamed loudly, feeling intoxicated from happiness and adoration. 

As they ventured deeper into hills, the air turned chilly and there was a bite of coldness. Xie Eun who was dressed in a summer dress could feel her self shivering but she wanted to make the most of it so she gritted her teeth and endured the feeling. This too was noticed by Yu Seok who frowned a bit before saying, "There is a small blanket at the back. Surprised, Xie Eun looked back and indeed there was a folded blanket on the back seat. Gratefully, she spread the blanket across her legs and looked at Yu Seok with a small smile. After a few moments, she asked him, "Where are you taking me? How much further is it?"

Yu Seok threw a glance at her to judge if she was tired from the journey but she was staring at him bright eyed so he calmed his worry down before saying," Another thirty minutes.."

"hmm"..Xie Eun muttered a bit and then lay back in the seat, closing her eyes. 

They reached the small get away just as the sun set. Xie Eun looked at the cozy place and marvelled at another beauty of nature. The small house looked like a part of the nature itself. The natural terrain was used in such a way that one would be able to see the farms from all sides. And the tranquility up here was even more astounding.

She wanted to grab her camera but this time Yu Seok stopped her and said, "We have more time to do this later. Let's get some dinner and settle in first. Xie Eun was disappointed a bit but then nodded and agreed with Yu Seok, following him in. But inside another surprise awaited her. The inside of the place was dimly lit with small fat candles and a dinner table had been set up in the middle. A number of dishes were laid out on the table and the temperature inside was pleasantly warm unlike outside where it had turned freezing.

Xie Eun felt herself melt at another of his romantic surprise and could not hold herself back anymore. She jumped at him and kissed him deeply, passionately. She had been thinking of their night together again and again, wanting to confirm that all of that was not a figment of her imagination but even now she felt she was in a dream The situation had quickly changed and this time the two people were clinging to each other..Xie Eun felt like groaning. .Oh God.. help her.. his mouth on her was heaven sent. She pressed herself closer to him and the his hand went to her back, clamping tightly ,holding her to him and pulling her closer, as close as was humanly possible, making her aware of every single of his hard muscles. Her hands lifted to his shoulders, her eyes were tightly closed as she let every one of her senses take control of her body.

His masculine scent, mixed with a smell of earthy nature, filled her nostrils, filling her body with promise and anticipation of the upcoming night.. Soon the kiss had turned more passionate, more aggressive as his tongue dueled with hers, demanding a submission that she offered willingly. The hand on her back dipped lower, his fingertips moving over her bottom, pressing her further forward so a simple kiss—not that kissing this man could ever be called simple—suddenly became about so much more. Her pulse was like a torrent in her veins, her heart hammering so hard and fast that she could hear it in her ears, her knees felt as though they were made of jelly..

Yu Seok seemed to sense her weakness, her surrender and he lifted her up by the waist, pressing her against the door, still holding her to his body. He had lost all sense of time and all he wanted was to be one with her.

Her hands curved behind his neck, holding him there for her, and she kissed him as though she were drowning and he was her only lifeline. One of his hand supported her while the pther slowly crept under the dress, kneading the soft skin there, inching slowly, closer and closer to her core. She ran her fingertips over the skin at his nape—she seemed to love that part that part of him—and slowly wound her legs around his waist, locking his body to hers as much as hers was glued to his.

The first time was a dream but this time, she kissed him slower, longer, committing every single moment to memory. She luxuriated in the feeling of his body on hers as his weight pressing her into the door. Soon the hand had reached the band of her panties and his other hand had joined in exploring her. He tore away the small barrier and then his hands moved to his own trousers discarding them.. Soon their mouth's separated but even as Xie Eun tried to catch her breath, Yu Seok had moved his mouth to her breasts. He sucked the protruding tips through the material, leaving a wet spot on her dress. Xie Eun threw her head back in abandon. He lay small kisses all over her neck, suckling and nipping leaving little red marks all over her. Xie Eun, was also lost in passion and the fire within her threatened to consume her. She licked his adam's apple and bit slowly, enticing him further, encouraging him to enter her. And soon Yu Seok had entered her body. Both of them groaned together at the feeling of being together. After frenzied and urgent movements, the two finally stopped moving as Xie Eun tightened on him and he too found release at the same time as her. The feeling of them being together, made Xie Eun shudder again..

The two people continued to cling to each other, still half dressed and completely ravaged. Slowly, as if she was dreaming, she heard Yu Seok's words as he confessed, "Eun-a..I love you." Xie Eun felt as if he had offered her the sly but when she turned her head, she realized that the words had slipped out of his mouth unconsciously and his eyes were still closed. She was not meant to hear these words. And so she cherished this confession even more than if he had made a loud declaration of love. 

Just then a thought struck her and she realized that she could stay like this forever, with her head on his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart, a heart that she believed to be completely hers.. She moved a bit and then winced unconsciously as she realized their activities may have just hurt her wounds. Her wince was caught by Yu Seok and he immediately came back to reality and worriedly asked her," Are you alright? Was I too rough? Are you hurting? Let me check your wounds." He slowly moved away from her body so that Xie Eun's legs which were wound around him, slowly slid down. She felt unsteady when her feet touched the ground and thanked the heavens that the door supported her.

Unconsciously, Xie Eun started to giggle as she took in, this unique and disheveled version of the ever perfect Yu Seok with his hair falling over his forehead and sticking in various directions because of the way she had run her hands through it, the buttons of his shirt half opened and the jeans which he seemed to have stepped out of, she didn't know when and his worried frown. She giggles uncontrollably and then pecked him on the nose, hugging him tightly before muttering, "No you did not hurt me, my love . Everything is fine.. Just perfect.." Her eyes closed against him and thus she failed to note his stunned expression as she had called him 'my love."

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