The week passed in a blur and soon it was time to go back. Xie Eun frowned as she felt that their trip had been too short. But she knew there were many things that awaited their return. She also understood that Yu Seok had brought her here for a reason. And now that they were going back, that too would not be without a reason. But she did not want to leave this beautiful place. She was going to miss the serenity and peace here. She knew that it was not just the place but the time they had together without interruptions was what attracted her to this place.

As a result of all these thoughts, she pouted at Yu Seok and whined ,"Yu Seok. I want to live here. Let us give up the worldly things and just live here. We can grow our own food and maybe rear some animals. We can just watch the sun rises and sunsets together." Yu Seok glanced up and smiled at her thoughts and flicked her nose. "We can do that when we are older. But we have other things to do now so living here is out of the question!" Her face immediately broke into a scowl and she accused, "A spoilsport is what you are, Yu Seok! I don't want to think about work things. I just want to live here in this fantasy world! With only the two of us!"

An eyebrow raised, he questioned, " Who talked about work? Were you not the one who told me that you wanted to see the world on our wedding night? What happened to that dream? So tell me how are you going to stay here and see the world?"

This sentence took the wind out of her sails and she stared at her husband once again. Did he remember everything she ever told him and make plans to fulfill them? But it made her realize how she had changed. First she had changed these dreams as a compromise for Si Jing and then she had even forgotten about them as she learnt new things by Yu Seok's side. But now she realized that with him she dreamt of more! She did not just want to roam around the world but she wanted to do it while holding his hand. Sigh! He was really too sweet and meticulous, making her greedy for more at every turn.. She sighed in her heart again. She wanted to do the same for him. Fulfill all his heart's desires the way he fulfilled hers. Thinking this, she placed her chin on her palm and asked, "Yu Seok? What have you wanted the most in the world?"

Without even pausing to think about it, Yu Seok replied,"You."

A minute later he paused in taking he middle of taking a sip of his juice as he saw her stupefied face. That was when he realized, that her company had rubbed off on his making him blurt out things that came to his mouth without thinking them through! But it was the truth so..

She stared at him with wide eyes and uttered a single, "Oh.." That was one quick, unexpected answer.

Inside, however, Yu Seok started to panic. He has said too much. After all they had been taking everything slow..(Author: You call this slow?). He raked his fingers through his hair and said, "I...shouldn't have said that. It sounds like I am obsessed with you and that is not the case..I mean I am obsessed with you but not in a scary stalkerish way.. I have everything that I want but your heart is what I have desired the most for a long time... so this just slipped out."

For the first time in his life, Yu Seok wanted to hit himself. How did he become such an expert in slapping his own face?

Seeing his panicking look, Xie Eun let out a giggle and leaving her sear she gave him a hard peck on the lips, "You are so cute!"

With that, she escaped the dining room, because she knew that wouldn't be getting any straight answers from her man. And she really needed to wipe away those pesky tears that had come into her eyes. (Xie Eun: Ha! I am not crying author! you are!) Yu Seok watched her go and his look seemed a bit dazed wondering if he had somehow scared her. 

As they drove back, Xie Eun felt her heart ache at having to say good bye to such a place. Once again she looked at her husband and then extended her hand, "Yu Seok, we must come here at least once a here. You ask the owners for advance bookings please?" She lay her head on his shoulder and looked ahead as the peaceful scenery was left behind.

Yu Seok grinned and gathering is wife in one arm,so that her head was laid on his chest, while his other hand on the stearing wheel, he answered, "Your wish is my command! I will get to it right away! So Mrs. Yu? My wife and I would love to visit this place every year. Would that be alright with you?"

Xie Eun looked at her husband in amazement understanding his words and turned speechless. He had already bought the place while she was only thinking about renting it! He'd never stop to amaze her. But this also are her realize that she would have to be careful in the future! If he kept spending his money on everything she ever fancied then they would soon be penniless! She remembered that she had read the news about him buying out a pizza company...

If Yu Seok had heard his wife's thoughts, he would have laughed and assured her that they would not be impoverished any time soon and even handed her his own wallet so that she could handle their household finances!

As they drew closer to the city and the calm of the hills was left behind, Xie Eun also started to experience disturbance within her heart. Finally, after a lot of thinking and avoiding, she asked the question she had dreaded the answer to, all week, "Yu Seok. What are we going back to? Are there going to be more such attempts?"

The attack that time had given them a scare and made them realize the need to act fast. What if they had lost each other. She had seen the half life her father had lived in the absence of her mother! She doubted that she could even live that much without him! And Chairman Lu was not going to give her a chance to survive and grow stronger. The only reason she had been able to live 'peacefully' was because she had not been considered a threat. Even then Chairwoman Lu had taken preemptive measures by sending Si Jing her way. Only the fates knew what she would come up with next!

Yu Seok threw a glance at Xie Eun and sighed,"Eun-a. We have not yet been able to find who was behind this attack. We were under the impression that it was the Chairwoman but that seems not to be the case. Chairwoman Lu is presently with us and she has been tortured almost out of her mind but she has still not confessed. Same goes for her brother. That man was also behind out kidnapping but even in that case both of them firmly believe me to be dead. So wither they are very god actors who can survive such torture or there is someone we are missing. Yoo Shiro has been pretending to be me this past week but there have been no attacks. So we can only think that the person's target is you and not me. Which is even more baffling because you have no enemies other than the Lu's. We are keeping an eye on the others also but until now there has been no movement from their side."

Xie Eun pondered this very carefully. It was true that she had never had any enemies as far as she could remember. The only people that she could have offended were the Lu's. So who was this that was targeting her? And the big question was why? She squinted her eyes and threw out a few wild suggestions, "Could it be someone else that would profit if I and the Lu's both lose out on the company? Or it could be some competitor who would benefit? Or someone who is offended because of me? Or maybe my father's enemy? Or maybe someone who wants you and has guessed our relationship and wants me out of the picture?"

Though Xie Eun had thrown out her thoughts randomly, she failed to notice that Yu Seok's expression had suddenly stiffened as if he had just thought of something and the temperature around had turned freezing! Yu Seok looked at his wife in amazement that she had casually guessed the person who wanted to attack her!

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