A multitude of people in black stood at attention waiting for further instructions. Yu Seok and Yoo Shiro stood side by side with their arms crosses as they stared at the two people who had been tied and held in separate rooms. The two men with their identical features and auras were a sight to behold as even the most elite soldiers shivered at the hatred pouring from these people. The only person who was not so affected was Cheng Mo. And not because he had a strong heart but because he had a strong imagination. He was repeatedly assuring himself that he was only seeing things double and there was only one dangerous creature present. And this reassurance was working as long as the two people did not speak! 

Cheng Mo glanced at these people and then the sky. He wondered what game fate was playing by making sure that there were two such people co existing in this world! And right now he was having trouble focusing because both these people were staring at him.. Why were they staring at him? Were they not just observing the Chairwoman and the other man just now? Cheng Mo's blank face caused Yoo Shiro to be amused and Yu Seok to be irritated finally causing him to growl," Cheng Mo? What have you found out about the other matter?"

Cheng Mo: "Oh.." So this was what they were asking. Nodding his head, he started, "Sir, as you both planned, Wu Tao believes that Chairwoman Lu is the one who had shaken hands with grandfather to get him out of the way. Lady Lu had been pretty confident but now even she is not too sure. But she has tried to bribe and threaten our people to help her escape. With out focus on these two people, we can be sure that neither of them was behind the recent attacks on Miss Xie.. I mean Mrs Yu.." Cheng Mo immediately changed the form of address after a glare from his boss and continued, "On Mrs Yu and boss. The two other people who you pointed out yesterday are now being kept an eye on but until now they have shown no movement to reveal themselves."

Yoo Shiro glanced at his brother and raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think that any of these two people could be behind the attacks. I can understand you doubting that dumb Lu Yeona but what about the other person? It most certainly does not seem likely because they gain nothing from hurting Xie Eun or you for that matter. And from everything I have found about this person, they look like someone who is content with what they have." 

Yu Seok looked at his brother and said,"It is because this person seems content that I have started to doubt things. It is human nature to always crave more than what they have. Take me for example. When I first started to understand the world, I wanted to just live. Then I wanted to live well. Then I wanted to get the woman I loved and now that I finally have her, I want her to be happy. With every goal that I fulfilled I wanted more. Now think of yourself, "At first you would have been happy just to see me alive, then you were greedy to know more about me. Then you wanted to get my forgiveness. Tell Me Shiro.. were you content with what you have? The only difference between us is that we crave family but this person has grown up surrounded by money and hunger for power so why would they not want Xie Eun out of the way? "

Yoo Shiro looked at his brother in amazement. He had forgotten that his brother used to be so philosophical even as a kid but just now...If someone other than him had said all this, Shiro would have been laughing his a** off. But hearing all this from his own brother was like being shown the mirror. Seok was right. Humans always wanted more..

Another person who felt enlightened was Cheng Mo. Suddenly he felt as if his boss had turned on a switch in his head. His boss could write spiritual guidance books! And he used to think the boss only knew how to make money! The things you could learn every day.. Cheng Mo shook his head in wonder. 

The silence that followed was broken by the grumbling sound from a screen. The two brothers once again looked at each other and then in tacit understanding decided on their first prey. The two had held in the grudges and hurts inflicted by these two long enough.

Yoo Shiro moved forward and ordered his men," To Wu Tao."

The ten men nodded and walked in a line towards the small dank room where Wu Tao was held. Wu Tao had actually not suffered much during the time he had been held here. This was because the two people had wanted him to suffer under their hands. 

When the men walked in, Wu Tao looked up smugly from the chair he was tied to. What? The old man and my dear sister finally grew some balls and now sent you people to beat me? Does the old man want revenge? I must say I thought that when he had left the underworld, he had grown too cowardly. But it seems he was too insidious and waited for a long time. But he does not understand that I am not the same man who was in a power struggle with him then! I have the power now, even if I am held here, I will be rescued and then I will teach the old man a lesson! Tell him, I will help him bury his second grandson also!"

The men paid no attention to Wu Tao's rambling. The leader looked to the side and two guards broke the formation and walked ahead. They walked to the two side walls and brought out two thick metal chains attached to the walls. Immediately, the ends of these were attached to the hands of the man replacing the roped with the handcuffs. In the next moment, a button was pressed and with a groaning sound the metal chains were pulled hard so that the man was suddenly pulled out of the chair forcefully. For the first time since being held here in this place, Wu Tao tasted fear as both his hands were pulled in opposite directions forcefully and his body hung in air.

As he opened his mouth to scream, a bucket of cold water was splashed over him. His eyes closed he coughed and spit out the water. And that was when he heard the cold voice, "So Uncle Wu. How are you? Long time no see."

Wu Tao's eyes snapped open and he looked at the cold green eyes in front of him. Seeing the man in front of him, Wu Tao suddenly started to laugh!"Haaa! So it is not the old man but the brat that wanted revenge. You have grown up well boy. Too bad it was at the expense of your brother's life. So she shook hands with you? My dear sister's standards have fallen! If she had to betray me at least she should have doe that with someone courageous. Not someone who had begged me to spare his life!" Wu Tao's crazy laughter echoed in the room but there was no reaction from Yoo Shiro. Finally when Wu Tao had turned silent, Yoo Shiro looked at the man in the eyes and asked, "Did I? Did I really beg? I don't seem to remember.. but since you say so, I will make sure to make you beg.. But before that, why don't we have a friendly chat? You gave me the option of choosing my brother's life over mine. So why don't I give you the same chance."

Yoo Shiro then turned on the television and the video of the chairwoman started to play from when she was screaming to be saved from the rats. Yoo Shiro naturally had no expectation of any sympathy for the woman but Wu Tao was even more unexpected. The old man started to laugh loudly as he watched his sister struggle until tears of happiness streamed from his eyes! He looked at Yoo Shiro with cruel sadistic eyes and said," This woman dared to betray me! She has been a thorn in my side for so many years! Do you think I will ask her to save you! But I am very pleased today. In fact I will die a happy man if you kill me. Because I have succeeded if this happens. The old man wanted nothing to do with the underworld and the breaking of laws and now his grandson has taken the law into his own hands. Let me tell you boy, well done! But it should not be too hard for you! After all, you already have blood on your hands. Your brother's blood."

But this time before the man could continue, another eerily similar sound echoed, "Are you sure of that? Uncle Wu?"

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