Xie Eun sat in the car with her head bent down. She had pleaded with Yu Seok to let her question the old woman. Because she needed to learn to be strong to face the turbulent times ahead. Tonight they were going to expose all the dirty deals done by the old woman under the guise of Lu Enterprises and once it was made known, regaining the old reputation was going to be her only goal. But Xie Eun wanted to look at the woman before her and ask her why she did all those things. Her brother had exposed all her dirty deeds and Xie Eun hated the woman who had brought her family so much harm. She wanted to look at the woman and show her how she and Yu Seok were slowly going to dismantle the empire she had built. But even as she thought these things,she knew that looking at the woman was going to be painful for her. 

Just then Yu Seok came out of the warehouse with a grim look on his face. Walking to her door,he opened it and waited patiently. She could see the sympathy in his eyes. He understood all the dilemma that she was in. On one hand she wanted to avenge her mother and grandfather whose death had been caused by this devious woman and on the other she did not even want to look at her face. Yu Seok always understood her and knew that even if she did not want to do this,she would have to because this was her only chance.Tonight would spell the end of the Chairwoman Lu. And she would never again have a chance for revenge. She inhaled sharply and nodded,indicating she was ready to go in.

She had just taken a step,when a pair of warm gentle hands held hers in assurance. This simple gesture gave her the strength to go forward. 

Her first look at the woman gave her a fright. The always elegant and haughty Lady Lu looked like a mad woman. Her hair stood at end in tangled knots around her face and her eyes were wide in fright. She was crouched in a corner and looking around continuously. Her face was pale and she looked like a frightened child cowering in a corner. Xie Eun gulped and looked at Yu Seok questioningly. She had wanted to see the old woman lose her temper but the current situation made her realize that she would not even recognize her at the moment. 

Frowning,she called out,"Chairwoman Lu?"

The small sound echoed in the room but the older woman had no reaction other than letting out a scream and shouting,"No..Take them away from me. Please take them away from me. She started to rub her arms and jump in place as if trying to get rid of something. Finally, Yu Seok pulled Xie Eun out of the room and closed the door behind him forcefully and pulled her towards the car. Xie Eun frowned and asked,"I thought that Elder Yoo was only holding her hostage but this? Xie Eun did not understand how the old woman had reached this stage when they were only supposed to get a confession from her. Yu Seok sighed and explained," It seems Grandfather focused on her weakness and let out a few rats into the room to scare her. However after that she seems to have lost her mental balance and is cowering from anyone and gets aggressive if anyone approaches her."

Xie Eun widened her eyes and asked,"You mean that she has lost her mind?"

Yu Seok stared into a distance with his eyes narrowed before explaining," Lady Lu is a very cunning woman. We have no idea if she has really lost her mind and is suffering a mental breakdown or if it is a trick to escape our clutches. Grandfather Yoo thought that maybe seeing you would give them a hint but she has not recognized you. Either she is a very good actress or this is real.

Xie Eun thoughtfully stared at the door before suddenly an idea struck her. She looked at Yu Seok and said,"Why not use the same trick on her? The kind you played on Wu Tao.."

"You mean Lu Yeona?" Xie Eun did not have to say further and Yu Seok soon understood. Yes. They could use Lu Yeona to lure the truth out of the old woman. But how much she was attached to the girl was questionable after all a person like Chairwoman Lu probably loved herself the most.

Before they could think this over,another thought had struck Xie Eun and she walked into the surveillance van that Yu Seok had shown her earlier. The guards recognized her and immediately let her in. She talked to the person there and after talking to him knew about the speaker in the room. Immediately, she turned on the microphone and said softly,"Grandmother Lu?"

No Reaction.

Once again,she called out,"Grandmother Lu.I have a special present for you but it seems that you cannot accept it."

Deliberately, Xie Eun made her voice more gloating and carefully looked at the woman for a reaction.But even now there was none.

So she began to talk," I think you must have one burning question in your mind. Why did elder Yoo turn against you? It is an interesting question, I think. Well let me enlighten you. You see,because of your schemes in the past, Elder Yoo lost a grandson. And then because of your scheme against me, Elder Yoo also found his grandson. You see my husband is Elder Yoo's lost grandson,the one all of you assumed to be dead..."

This time there was finally a reaction. A minor one but it did not escape the eagle eyes of Yu Seok, who stood behind her. He nodded to Xie Eun and she continued,"Interesting is it not. You wanted me killed and decided to use the ace card that you had carefully held for so many years. But that ace itself caused you trouble in the end. But you need not worry. The family has finally reunited and they will definitely pay you back with interest.. Now let us talk about the business side and all that you have done against me. I am rather disappointed that you have lost your mind and do not understand all this, But still I would like to get this off my chest. Your dear brother has exposed every evil deed that you did over the years,with proof by the way. All this will be exposed to the media. Now this naturally spells the end of you and your criminal empire but since this legacy is created by my grandfather, I will protect it by sacrificing you. Now tomorrow when the world id angry at you, the police will arrest a person who looks like you, for questioning. At the police station,the look alike will naturally confess all her crimes and suffer from dementia. Now this was not part of the original plan but you helped us this way. After the furor has cooled a bit, we will naturally stage an epic drama of you losing your mind and killing yourself. Naturally, a cunning woman like you, I cannot give you a chance to make a come back. And no court will charge you if you have lost your mental balance. But then again there will be no need for the courts because justice will be served personally by those you have harmed."

"So? What do you think about my plan? Ingenious isn't it? Oh I almost forgot the another side part,"Lu Yeona? Your beloved granddaughter that you have protected all your life? She will be the next one to suffer. Because all this that has been cooked up by you,needed a little spicing up. So I decided to use Lu Yeona as the seasoning on this dish of revenge. As your other crimes will be revealed, we will also reveal false evidence that you forced your dear granddaughter to sleep with many men from a young age so that she would get business for you. Of course they are false but who is going to probe more deeply into all this in the face of other evidence. And naturally, your granddaughter will have to live like a prostitute for the rest of her life. I will make sure that she lives like a high class prostitute instead of having to serve some low class ones. Maybe I will ask my husband to look for an old gentleman.."

Finally the madness from Lady Lu's eyes faded fully and she screamed out,"You bi***!I will kill you! You think that you can outsmart me!It is not going to be so easy! Even if you kill me, I will continue to haunt you and make your life a living hell!"

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