The morning brought with it the biggest financial scandal that the world had seen in a decade. The Police made simultaneous arrests of various mangers and small and big businessmen all over the country, The people were in a disarray and the media seemed to be having a field day as more and more evidence was provided and the names of the crimes detailed. The senior journalists and the editors who had received the big piles of evidence even wondered if they had enough space to publish all this. Many received phone calls with bribes and threats to suppress the news but they dared not. Because the person behind the news was Miss Xie Eun. Though this name had no value on it's own,when coupled with the knowledge that this person was the mentee of the great Wolf and also the person behind all this,they dared not accept any bribes. Everyone knew the ruthlessness of Wolf and Xie Eun too, was an unknown quantity, But the company that was worst hit was Lu Enterprises as their shares plummeted sharply and many employees and their families sat outside the company offices,protesting against the corrupt management and cursing them for their greed,while questioning the fate of the company and themselves. Suddenly, a company that had just started to regain it's momentum and morale, was brought to a halt in a single night,

Finally, after a few hours, the press received an invitation for a conference. And immediately some of the best financial journalists were sent to cover this. Many predicted that this was the end of Lu Enterprises while many supported this move of reporting the corruption, It was clear that if the company had continued with it's regular operations then these matters would never have come to light. Another set of vicious and angry protesters stood outside the Lu Mansion calling out and shouting obscenities at the immoral residents.

At The Press Conference:

The press was gathered inside the conference room of Lu enterprises. Because of the severity of the situation, the small hall was packed to the point of bursting and reporters even stood surrounding the perimeter of the wall.. The security had carefully vetted the personnel before allowing anyone inside to avoid any trouble.. Suddenly, a careful path was cleared between this and many guards in black entered the venue. Three seats had been placed on the podium and everyone could not help but wonder who would be presiding over this meeting.

The first person to walk in was the interim CEO that had been appointed by CEO Wolf. This man was in his early forties and a well known financial genius in the business world and many believed that he was the one who had discovered everything that was wrong with this company and would lead the conference tonight.. However the people inside were even more shocked when another figure walked in. This person was dressed in a simple grey suit and held a few files in his hand. But everyone recognized this person simply by look. This person was known as the messenger of the great CEO. Whenever this person opened his mouth in the past,it was on the 'imperial' edict of the great CEO Wolf. Manager Cheng Mo.. Suddenly, everyone considered the relationship between CEO Wolf and the heiress of Lu Enterprises. Were the previous rumor that Lu enterprises was being sold to Alpha Companies true? Otherwise, why would two of the most influential people in that company be here?

Suddenly an air of anticipation spread through among the people. Because the next person to walk in could very well be the elusive CEO. But it wasn't. However it was someone comparable. The person walking in had an undeniable aura of power. Her hair was pulled back in a stylish knot at the nape of her neck while. Her business suit defined her slender figure but also highlighted her features, exposing this person to be a cold beauty. Her eyes cold and determined,she had mesmerized all the men as soon as she walked inside. An alluring mix of power and elan..Obviously this person was none other that Miss Xie Eun, The reporters wanted to surge forward to question her but by the time they came out of the trance she had already been escorted to the stage by the guards.

The two men on the stage stood straight and only when she was seated did a person walk out from behind the stage and ordered the people to maintain their silence. The first person to be invited to the speak was the interim CEO who explained the crisis to the general public in layman terms,trying to ease the panic of the people who were watching this broadcast being live streamed. After a few minutes,he dropped a shocking bomb as he announced that after today Miss Xie would be taking over her rightful position. as the CEO and then invited Xie Eun to speak and then indicated that the press would soon get a chance to question her. Many people felt that this decision would be the final nail in the coffin for Lu Enterprises and shook their heads at this decision. At this time the company needed an assuring leader instead of a figure head.

The soft voice that spoke into the microphone was soft and alluring instead of dominating and cold as expected of a business person. Xie Eun started her talk with a crisp apology on behalf of the company and everyone who had suffered causing a wave of approval to pass through the common people. She then talked on to explain the impacts of this scandal to every relevant person and then the steps that would be taken to bring the company back to it's former glory. Many people who had watched this live stream felt that they did have hope. And as she talked,everyone felt as if they had suddenly been covered by a warm blanket in the middle of the shivering cold. This was no empty headed heiress. The way she talked clearly showed her vision for the future of the company. She understood the implications of everything and had already taken steps to protect the innocent employees and customers. With the entry of a young blood like her,everyone believed that this person would usher Lu Enterprises into the new era.

Finally a round of applause broke out inside the conference room as well as among the protesters outside who were watching on their screens. They felt as if they had been given sudden hope. This was not the end but maybe a new beginning. Though it was doubtful that this person would be able to successfully implement everything she promised but if she succeeded by even a small percentage,many families would be saved from ruin. Of course many even believed that ths was only talk for the time being and once the matter had settled a bit, this CEO would have disappeared with all the people's money.

After the applause, it was finally turn for question and answers by the press. At this point, the microphones in front of the people were turned on and Xie Eun, to took a seat in the middle, ready to answer questions. The first person called out by the emcee actually questioned Cheng Mo,"Manager Cheng? Dies your presence indicate that CEO Wolf is going to be handling the business from now on?"

Cheng Mo gave a charming smile to this person and without refuting or accepting anything,he said,"My presence here is only to support my junior sister here as she takes over her position. You can otherwise ignore my presence."

With this reply,Cheng Mo had clearly set the boundaries for further line of questioning and this time the questions were more related to the legal battles the company would soon be facing. Finally, a reported asked about the biggest culprit until now, Chairwoman Lu. 

Xie Eun, who had been answering confidently,suddenly paused. Her expression changing to a sad one she then explained that when her grandmother ad been informed of Xie Eun's decision to take this tough call, she had lost her mental balance and was suffering from dementia. She was now being held in a safe holding cell and being treated by the doctors and top psychologists. Her expressions showing the sadness in her face as well as her determination to still continue on the right path,won the hearts of many common folk as the meting was brought to an end. She had won the first of many battles.

And as the cameras captured the woman bowing to the people to say goodbye,the person who wore the proudest smile was Wolf who had never had such an expression on his face even when he himself had made his first billion dollars. Thankfully Cheng Mo was not around to witness this and Yoo Shiro had to endure this huge serving of dog food.

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