Late into the night,the lights in the offices of Lu Enterprises were still high. every employee,investor and customer who had woken up to the horrifying news of the scandal, was personally re assured by Xie Eun and the two people who had been lent to her by Wolf. As a result,every question was answered and every doubt cleared withing a few hours. The people who swarmed the office finally started to leave after receiving the reassurance from everyone that things would change and they would receive all answers to any queries they might have. While the press conference suppressed the furor,everyone in the media still continued to curse at the old Chairwoman. Some people who only saw the negative aspects also cursed Xie Eun asking her to resign and appoint someone competent.

However these voices were soon silenced and by the end of the office hours the share prices of the company had stabilized even though they continued to remain at an all time low.Finally as everyone left,Xie Eun walked into her office casually and almost collapsed into the chair as soon as the door was closed,. Her first day of work and she was already exhausted. She closed her eyes and lay back her head. She had no strength to keep them open. She was about to fall asleep when suddenly she was pulled out of the chair. She almost screamed as she felt the sensation of being lifted but relaxed when she felt the familiarity of the embrace. She wanted to ask when he came there and how she did not know but feeling tired to her bones,she simply wound her hands around his neck and closed her eyes,laying her head on his shoulders. Soon afterwards,even as she was placed into the car she simply kept her eyes closed and let her husband adjust her as he leaned in and pushed the seat back so she could lay there comfortably. Xie Eun slept deeply on the way home.

Once there,she was once again carried inside and lay on the bed. She smiled sleepily and snuggled into the soft bed. This was nice. She could fall asleep..But, alas, the next moment, the husband did something that simply woke her up. Slowly, he took off her high heeled shoes and discarded them to the side, Next up his hands went under her skirt,directly on the elastic of her sheer stockings. Carefully,he rolled down the stockings,his fingertips stroking her bare skin. The shock that traveled up her body made her eyes snap open and she stared at him. Her overactive imagination made her wonder if he was going to have s*x with her even when she slept. She had woken up once with him inside her when they were on their honeymoon.. Her body heated as she thought of this and suddenly she felt energized. But instead of doing anything else,the man grabbed her pyjamas and slid them over her legs covering them properly even as she raised her hips to help his slide down the skirt and pull the pyjamas to her waist. It was only after her lower body was covered that Yu Seok looked into the watery and shiny eyes of Xie Eun and gave her a smile.

"You are awake..Good.Why don't you change into this soft t shirt and I will bring you something to eat."

She watched him leave but made no move to change the rest of her clothes. He had magic hands which had caused her to wake up. Well now she was not so sleepy so she was only going to lay here,doing nothing.

Soon after he came back with a plate of stir fried vegetables and rice and placed the tray in front of her. Xie Eun looked at the appetizing food and the fragrance wafting from it made her drool. She realized she had not eaten anything since this morning. No wonder she had no strength. Even as she stared at the food, Yu Seok picked up a bite and brought it directly to her lips so that all Xie Eun had to do was open her mouth and eat.

Finally after the last bite was over,Xie Eun could feel her lost strength regaining a bit. She wanted to ask for more of the food but knew that if she overindulged at this time that she would have to suffer tomorrow. She pouted at the door from where Yu Seok had walked out and then at the t shirt that was laid there. Lethargically, she unbuttoned her coat,taking it off and throwing it aside.

She glanced down at the silk camisole she wore and wondered if it would be ruined if she slept with it on. Yes it would be..Sighing she hooked the hem and slowly brought it up but as soon as it covered her face it got stuck in the pins that had come loose from her hair bun. And as a result this is what Yu Seok came to when he entered the room.

His sexy wife,with her breasts displayed to the full cupped in beautiful lace,her arms raised and her face covered as she fought to get out of the dress. He smiled a bit. Now this kind of clumsiness he could enjoy to the fullest..Walking forward silently,he stopped her struggling arms by placing a warm hand on them. Xie Eun felt as if she had been rescued and whined from inside,"Yu Seok! Help me get out of this!"

But she had forgotten that in this position, she was displayed really well.. While his hand stayed on her arm, Yu Seok did not help Xie Eun remove the camisole. Instead,he slowly bend down and suckled on a breast through the bra. Xie Eun exhaled sharply as she realized the position she was in and stilled,her eyes inside the camisole widening and her her mouth opening in an 'o'. Before she could come to her senses, her other ni**le was given the same treatment,making her hyper aware of her body and the heat of the man that clouded her senses. After laving them properly, Yu Seok moved a bit and this time,the clasp on the fabric was undone. By now,every sense in Xie Eun's body had come awake and she was looking forward to what would happen next. However,the next moment,she was freed and pulled forward in to the lap of her husband who was now sitting cross legged on the bed. She wondered what they were going to do next but he simply pulled on the pins that held her hair messily and threw them aside. His fingers gently massaged her head easing the pain that she was not even aware of. She lay her against his shoulders so that he was forced to continue the massage with one hand and her own fingers crawled over his shirt,feeling the muscular strength in them. She slowly unbuttoned the first button,clearly indicating where she thought they were going with this. But just as her hand touched his hot skin,Yu Seok held her hand stopping it from continuing it's exploration. "Uh huh..You are too exhausted and need to sleep."

In the next moment, Xie Eun was dumped on to the bed unceremoniously and her husband had wrapped her tightly in a blanket. She blinked up at him shocked. Kissing her lightly on the nose, he said,"I am going to go change and you close your eyes until then."

Before a word of protest or indignation could leave her mouth, Yu Seok had already gone. Xie Eun cursed him for leaving her like this and wondered if she would be able to sleep now. But after a few minutes, her exhaustion took over and she had fallen into a deep sleep. Soon she felt her husband slide in with her as he pulled her into his chest, spooning her lovingly.

The next morning, Xie Eun woke up to kisses as her hungry husband had his morning snack, nibbling small kisses over her back..Her eyes opened slowly at first and instinctually she arched her back and moaned sluggishly.

Yu Seok slowly turned her over, continuing to kiss and nibble before he reached her neck and bit lightly, suckling carefully leaving a strawberry colored mark over the pale skin. The barrier of clothes had already been discarded and Xie Eun's body welcomed his openly. Ever so slowly, he enteredbher, pacing himself, slowly at first and then faster and faster.

It was only after a long time that the two people woke up again. But even then Xie Eun was not able to escape her husband who focused on environmental preservation and insisted that they do this by taking a shower together where the two indulged in another bout of snacking with Xie Eun being the main appetizer.

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