Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 193 - I Want To Go Too

Xie Eun watched Yu Seok as he fastened the cuff links on his cuff and sighed in appreciation at her husband's handsome physique! She wondered if there was anything that he did which was not seductive to her? The fact that he was only fastening what was essentially a button, made her mouth drool, was something to be noted. She wondered why she was so fascinated by him even now! She glanced at his long fingers and frowned. It had to be his strong hands that always kept her distracted. Her eyes followed them like they were nirvana. Whether it was simple actions like buttoning or even when he was simply straightening his tie. She pouted at this apparent awareness that she had of him even now that she was pregnant..

Their eyes met in the mirror and her pouting face brought out the heat in his eyes.. Making her realize that he was just as susceptible to her as she was to him, this pleasing her immensely.

Turning around, Yu Seok walked over to her and sat against her, slowly lifting her foot, placing it in his lap and caressing it lovingly. This time, Xie Eun let her feelings show and whined," I wanted to go too! But this stupid incident had to have happened!" Xie Eun glared at the bandaged foot that was placed in Yu Seok's lap and sulked. Tonight, had been the big launch party of Lu Enterprises Campaign where they were going to show the new face of the company. Instead of going for a famous actor, this time they had changed their ambassadors to various rising stars who excelled in their fields of sports, specially e sports, thus aligning their products with the people who actually needed and used them. But, in spite of being careful, her clumsy nature had reared it's head in the afternoon, when she had been leaving the office and almost taken a fall from the stairs. Thankfully, she had been able to catch the balustrade and save herself or she shuddered to think of the consequences. As a result of the near disaster, she had been rushed to the hospital and been thoroughly checked. But this had resulted in her getting a good scolding from the doctor for the ankle sprain and a strict order for a complete bed rest. And now there was no way that she could attend the party! And this made her feel really irritable!

She realized that it was her who had convinced Yu Seok to attend on her behalf even though they had already made preparations to announce that she was indisposed for health reasons. But now that he was going and a nurse had been called to look after her for the time period, she did not want him to go.. And the reason was pretty obvious! She could just imagine the number of socialites who would try to use this chance to get closer to him! 

When Yu Seok said nothing to her whining, she was even more roused and complained, "Can you not be a little ugly? You know just a bit? So that girls would find you a bit unattractive?"

Yu Seok, still saying nothing, slid closer to Xie Eun on the bed and placed a finger on her lips to stop her from complaining continuously. Once she looked at him carefully, he simply asked her, "Were you very scared?"

Her eyes filling up, she nodded her head and was then enclosed into his arms. She had tried to remain strong and rational through out the time from when she was taken to the hospital to the time she was brought home with him. Because she had responsibilities of the campaign and the image of the leader to uphold! But in actual fact, she felt as if her heart had yet to return to it's normal pace. Her knees still felt like jelly to her and she could still feel the sensation of the fall.

So many times she had been tempted to just jump into his arms and break down and cry but as a leader she could not have done that! And she knew that he was just as scared as she had been. She had seen the terror in his eyes when he had reached the hospital. And just like she was trying to maintain a strong front for everyone, he was trying to maintain a strong front for her. She was twelve weeks pregnant now, and if she had taken a fall, then the baby would not have survived... Xie Eun shuddered in his arms as the thought went through her mind again and she tried to control her sobs.

Finally, after a few minutes, she breathed deeply, his soothing presence and calmness making her feel safe as she reassured herself over and over that their little bean was fine. In his arms, she could also feel the slight stiffness of his body going away as he let her vent her emotions. She understood that holding her, soothing her was his way of letting go of his emotions that he bottled up within him.

Finally, she sniffed deeply and said, "I am fine now. You go! Shoo!"

Yu Seok held her face in his hands deeply and looked into her eyes. He was worried about her. Much more than she could guess. When he had been informed by Cheng Mo he had felt as if his life had collapsed. And seeing her sitting there on the bed with vulnerable eyes and her foot tied in a bandage, he had felt immense relief course through him.. Never had he believed that seeing her hurt would bring him any measure of relief. But that was the one thought he had in mind, that even though she was hurt a bit, they were both safe. And that was what mattered to him.

To distract her, Yu Seok teased, " Is my wife worried that I will be enjoying myself with other beautiful girls."

Just as he had expected, she glared at him with red eyes and frowned, " Do you really think that a few beautiful giggly senseless girls, throwing themselves at you and fawning over you will get me worried? If I had to doubt you over this then I would be a fool.. The only beautiful girl you are going to ever fall for is me! So go and stand in for me, husband dear!"

His prideful words were a direct contrast to her expression which told him that she knew what he was doing. And that she was thankful for it. Turning to the bed side table, he picked up a bottle of water and her medicine, which she took quietly even as she made a face at having to eat such supplements. And then like a little child, she was tucked into bed and ordered, "Now, you need to sleep." She nodded her head and closed her eyes obediently before she was kissed on the forehead and Yu Seok was ready to leave. She watched dim the light and leave with semi closed eyes and pouted the moment the door was closed by him.

Outside, Yu Seok paused to look at the woman who had been keenly suggested by the hospital. She stood there quietly while awaiting the instructions. He gestured to the woman and ordered, " Take good care of her. Pay attention to what she needs and you will be rewarded. And inconvenience to her and you will regret living." The order and the threat were both given naturally and conversationally as if a person was discussing the weather. The nurse felt scared for a moment but then she composed herself and bowing gently agreed, "Yes Sir. Madam will not get a chance to complain."

Yu Seok nodded and left the house, closing the door behind him. As the nurse heard the sound of the car driving away, she walked back to the chair she was sitting on and continued to read the book that she had with her. Since the patient was asleep, all she could do was wait.

After a while the nurse closed the book and started to scan her cell phone. She came across the news of the grand launch party of Lu Enterprises and started to watch the live stream of the red carpet..

She watched in awe as many of the celebrities walked in one by one as they were greeted and questioned by the media. Soon after, the journalist broke into excitement as she was informed of the impending arrival of the business tycoon, CEO Wolf and the journalists were informed that he would be attending in the place of his wife.

The nurse watched in excitement, as the man who had walked out of this house walked onto the red carpet. He was surrounded by a bevy of security guards and even though many reporters wanted to clamor for his attention, no one dared to approach him. Seeing this, the nurse felt better that she was not the only one scared of him and closed her phone.

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