The ballroom was stunning—huge chandeliers cast dancing beams of light on the beautiful people beneath. On the side, stood a huge podium, where the new products and posters of theof the campaign were displayed. The people who were mingling about glanced in awe as the most awaited man entered the ball room. 

No women could not stop themselves from gazing at the man who had walked in. His green eyes held an austerity and aloofness that they longed to break through. His cold demeanor as he ignored the fawning model who had approached him, made him a challenge that they longed to win..

But no woman was able to get with a meter's radius of the man. Somehow, the man seemed to slip from their clutches time and again.

Only the old men who held a place of importance to Lu Enterprises were able to talk to the esteemed CEO Wolf. 

While the ball continued, the nurse on the other hand glanced at then last steaming news of the arrivals before she left her seat and walked into the kitchen. There, covered under a silver foil was a platter of food, that had been left for the patient. Ignoring the platter, the nurse filled up a glass of water and walked out towards the patient's room. Knocking lightly, she peeped in and once she had affirmed that her charge was asleep, she went back to her chair. Opening her cell phone, the nurse continued to surf the internet until the light suddenly turned dark.

Her face illuminated by the light of the phone, the nurse looked around worriedly. Slowly,with the help of the flashlight, the nurse looked around and walked around trying to find a door. Finally, she was able to find the door and opened it successfully only to be hit with a hard object in the head..Even before she could scream, the nurse had fallen onto the floor in a faint and two men camouflaged in black entered the residence on silent feet.

Meanwhile, at the ball, the emcee welcomed the guests and employees before playing a video address by their chairwoman. On the screen Xie Eun spoke," I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the honoured guests and our employees who have worked hard to ensure tonight a success. Along with that Inwould also like to pass my apologies that I am not able to attend the ball due to doctor's orders. I had a long speech prepared to bore you all with but since Inam not there physically, I will leave the honour to my husband, CEO Wolf to make a few announcements."

Folowed by applause, the video turned blank and the stage turned dark. And then the dashing man walked to the stage. Wolf walked to the microphone slowly and really as his gaze sweeped over the hundreds of people in the ballroom. 

Like a king looking down at his subjects, he spoke, " On behalf of Chairwoman Xie, I extend to you all a warm welcome. As she just told you, she had a long speech prepared for you, which I will now be delivering on her behalf. Firstly, to celebrate the success of this launch, the company would like to promise it's members a few gifts. Secondly, because of the scandal that the company faced a few months ago and to thank all the employees and shareholders for standing by our side, we would like to announce the opening of the "Hope Foundation" which will be an independent none-profit agency funded by Lu Enterprises to support those who have lost hope in life. This is to re affirm the fact that there are times we all have lost hope in life and only when we have fallen to the lowest can we rise to the highest."

A thunderous applause broke around the ballroom as this news was released. Some of the jaded people shook their heads believing it to be a mere publicity stunt but many were stunned and applauded their Chairwoman and CEO Wolf. Because the guests tonight were not just a few second generation heirs but people who had fought tooth and nail to reach their position. Just as Wolf would have walked down the stage, his cell phone started to ring and with a glance at it, he answered but before anything could be heard, someone bumped into him and the cell phone took a fall, shattering into pieces. The technician who had made the mistake immediately fell onto his knees and grabbed the big man's thigh, "I am sorry Sir! Please forgive me."

Many people who had been staring at the big CEO felt fear invade them when this incident happened. They had seen it for themselves that it was indeed the technicians mistaken but they were worried at being witness to it and hurriedly turned away their faces. Just then a beautiful woman in a red gown walked forward and placed a hand on the man's sleeve and purred," CEO Wolf. He is a poor man..I hope you." Before the woman could continue, Wolf threw a dirty glance at the hand that was placed on his sleeve and without a word backed away showing an expression as of he had been touched by slime. His cold voice then penetrated the otherwise silent ballroom,"It was an accident. There is no need to over react.."

Yu Seok then turned to glance at Cheng Mo who had been his silent shadow all evening and understanding the look, Cheng Mo guided Yu Seok to the dressing room that had been prepared for him in advance.. This was not the first time that a woman had dared to touch his boss. This was the reason CEO Wolf hated going to such gatherings and the rare times he did, Cheng Mo always had a few spare suits ready for the man. Because other than his wife, he loathed being touched by any woman.

Inside the private room, Cheng Mo brought forward the jacket with the same cut that the Boss had on him while the CEO discarded the jacket he had been wearing. Seeing that the CEO had calmed down, Cheng Mo continued,"Sir, your spare phone is in the car. Would you like me to bring it for you?"

Wolf nodded as he fastened the button on the suit jackets and his eyes narrowed in thought. Walking to the dressing table, he felt some niggling sense of impending doom. To calm himself, he poured himself a glass of water and drank it in a go. It was only as the last bit of it had been finished that he realized the taste of the water was off. His eyes hardened as he became aware of his own stupidity and he would have walked out that moment but his limbs froze and he soon fell to the floor. He analysed his body and realized that he had been given a drug that would keep him conscious but unable to move. His movement lethargic, he tried to move his hand and bite himself but his limbs were unable to respond to the messages from his brain.

He lay there, trying to muster his energy and attack whoever came to kidnap him. Because he was aware someone would come. They would have made arrangements to apprehend Cheng Mo even of he had not drank the water. Calmly closing his eyes, he pretended to be unconscious when the kidnappers came in. Even though they tried to walk silently, Yu Seok heard the get closer. And tried to test his response in case he was able to move. But the kidnappers, two men, stopped a few feet away and a discussion ensued," Wasn't the man supposed to have been awake? Why is he unconscious?"

The other man replied impatiently,"What business is it ours as long as he is alive. The young madam wants him at any cost so isn't it better we don't have to worry about his struggling. Anyways we are not the ones who drugged him. So whatever happens because of the drug is not our problem. Now come on, we need to move fast before that Assistant comes back. A black cloth was thrown over his face and the two men lifted him and placed him into a trolley. Wolf realized that he had been moved into a room service trolley and his green eyes opened and glittered under the cover of darkness. While her man was drugged and kidnapped, Xie Eun slept and two more men slides into her room. The metal of the knife glinted in the moonlit darkness as one of the men raised his hand to attack the person on the bed. The other man locked the door and ransacked the room, trying to create a scene of apparent robbery. The thick blade came down with a quick swish and the lump on the best was stabbed accurately in the middle where the stomach was supposed to be.

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