Nora glued her ear to the door as she tried to hear the sounds of the reporters that must have by now invaded the space. Her eyes glittered and she was almost tempted to peep out of the door.

But she heard no sounds from outside. She straightened and wondered if it was the hotel's soundproofing that was preventing her from listening to what was happening outside. She imagined Yu Seok's roar of anger. The way he would trample everyone in his path when he walked out of the room. She regretted her momentary weakness of not leaving on time. Then she would have been better able to enjoy this show. She surfed the internet for news of the scandal and was pleased with what she read about Xie Eun. She speculated why the scandal had not yet broken out yet. It should have been exposed by now. Maybe it was because Yu Seok had used his power to suppress the news. Dam* it! Now she would be stuck here for a few hours waiting for everyone to leave and unable to pull strings to get the news broken. Now she could only wait. But, she decided, she would make sure that the scandal was uncovered and her plan was not jeopardized.

About two hours later, the door to the bathroom slowly and soundlessly opened. Carefully, Nora looked out and immediately frowned. The room was shrouded in darkness. What the fu**. Frowning, she was about to close the door and move back in when a foot stepped inside stopping her from closing the door before pushing the door backwards causing Nora to almost to fall on her butt.. Soon the lights turned back on and she stared with horror into the green eyes of the man that she had plotted against. Behind him, tied to a chair was the model she had hired struggling to get out of the bindings.

At this moment, Nora understood that her scheme had been exposed. But even at this, she felt no fear or shame. Because two of her goals had been accomplished. Xie Eun was out of her way and a scandal had been created. And now laying it out in open and fanning the flames slowly, was up to her. And if you had the biggest banking service under you, then no matter how powerful the other party was, they could be brought to their knees with a few carefully whispered words.

If Yu Seok did not come to her of his own accord, then she would force him by making him loose everything he had earned. And once his protection was gone, his beloved wife and her company would also be fed to the wolves.

Unfazed by the simmering anger in that gaze, she raised her chin and glared at the man with arrogance. Raising an eyebrow, she beamed at Yu Seok and asked,"What a surprise seeing you here."

When he said nothing she snickered and asked,"What? Are you not going to run to your wife and console her for the loss of her bas****? I expected better of you. You should have at least gone to console her for the loss of her child."

But even as Nora goaded him, unexpectedly, Yu Seok gave her an unexpected answer. He shook his head sadly and looked away,"Nora, little kid, I never knew you. My biggest regret is having told you of his return. I should not have been blinded by my childhood trust of you."

Nora felt the ground under her shook...this man..was Yoo She looked at the clothes he had on. The shirt that was the same as the one she had unbuttoned.. No. This had to be a ploy by Yu Seok to escape the scandal. Refusing to believe this, she snorted before saying," Yu Seok. Do you really think anyone believe that you are your brother? You are known for your cold and indifferent attitude while he is known for his laidback and playful one. By pretending to be Shiro, you are only trying to ruin him also. From what I understand, he has also just entered a new relationship. Are you going to be so heartless? Because even if you ruin him, I will not leave you alone."

With the same disappointed gaze he said," You killed the cat that had just birthed the kittens when we were young. You promised me that it was an accident and I helped you hide it from everyone. But now I don't think that it was an accident. You must have purposely killed it. Because it was Yu Seok's favored pet."

At this moment, Nora knew that it was indeed Yoo Shiro who stood in front of her. She smiled and said,"Yes Shiro. It was me. You see, Yu Seok is allowed to love no one but me. Not even a pet. and were you not the one who believed that Xie Eun is not worthy of your brother. So what is the problem now. After tonight, let everyone believe that it was Yu Seok here and not you. And then Xie Eun will be out of his life."

Angrily, Yoo Shiro spat and disgusted with himself gritted out," Currently I hate myself for bringing you into my brother's life. I assumed you to be a diamond while you are merely a piece of useless glass. Xie Eun will never be out of his life. Heck even if it had been Yu Seok here tonight, I would have happily taken the blame for everything."

Nora clenched her fingers and argued back,"It does not matter who was here today! Both your reputations will be dragged through the mud! I will make sure of that. And I don't understand why did you take his place today?"

Once Nora started to believe that the person she had touched and caressed was Yoo Shiro as not Yu Seok, she felt disgusted. She wanted to claw this man's eyes so that next time she would be able to tell the difference between the two. As long as Yu Seok had not been around, she had not minded Yoo Shiro hugging her because she had consoled herself and imagined him to be Yu Seok but now that she knew that man, she felt dirty at having touched another man and gained pleasure from it.

This time, it was Yoo Shiro who smirked,"Did you think that after Xie Eun had been hurt, Yu Seok would leave her alone for even a minute? Naturally he could not have said this to Xie Eun and so she carefully planned everything and once he left the house, he went onside through the backdoor while I took his place for the launch party. And thank the heavens I did, otherwise a disaster would have happened."

A madness filled laughter echoed in the room as Nora stared at Yoo Shiro with crazed eyes. Screeching now, Nora shot out," so what! Have you not read the news? Xie Eun has been stabbed successfully. She will have lost her child by now. Your brother may be consoling her now but when she comes to know that she lost her child because of her husband, she will hate him to the core! Even of you kill me now, I have already put the steps in place to make sure that Xie Eun is ruined. I can still drive a wedge between them from the grave!"

Just then the door opened and Nora's attention was turned towards it. Even as her disbelieving mind registered what she was seeing, her hands were captured by Yoo Shiro and tied behind her back. And that is when Xie Eun finally limped inside. Without saying a word, Xie Eun simply slapped Nora across the face, the sound echoing through the room. And before she could straighten, another cheek was slapped just as hard. Her fingers winding across the woman's neck, Xie Eun tightened her fingers until Nora had turned blue and was gasping for breath. Her eyes bulging, she tried to untie her hands to stop Xie Eun from killing her but it was useless. Finally, when she had almost fainted, Xie Eun threw her onto the ground. While Nora drew in her breath desperately, Xie Eun continued to stare at her with blood thirsty eyes before she ground her teeth and gritted out,"How dare you cast your dirty glance on my baby! You B****! I let you challenge me when you threatened to steal my husband but you actually tried to steal my child! What kind of a monster are you? To attack an unborn baby? The only reason you are still breathing is because I don't want to get my hands bloodied or I would squeeze the life out of you with my bare hands!"

Behind her, Yu Seok who had entered with Xie Eun placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to placate her down and patted her,"You need to calm yourself. This is not good for you or the baby."

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