Even as she lay fallen on the ground, panting hard, Nora had only one question on her mind. How? How did that slu* escape? When she glimpsed the way Yu Seok consoled her, the way that bit** leaned into him as if she was a helpless little girl, even as she had almost killed her, Nora felt herself break down and cried pitifully. Through tears, she painfully asked, "Hhhhow?"

Ignoring her, Yu Seok carefully helped his wife to a nearby couch so that she could sit comfortably before turning back to the pitiful woman lying on the ground. His terrifying gaze then turned to the woman who was tied to the chair. In a cold voice he said, "Take her away. A man who had until now stood in the shadows came forward and pushed the chair outwards straightaway. The model tried to protest but the man simply grinned wickedly and growled, "Why? You had no problem climbing into bed with me? Since you don't mind sleeping with strangers, I will take you to a place where something like this is appreciated. Don't worry, you will not lack bed partners."

This simple sentence was like another blow to Nora, who realized that whatever the photographers had clicked it had nothing to do with either brother. But when had they changed into another person? Did that mean that Shiro was not drugged? And he had switched places with the man when she had switched places with that woman? Despite the madness that seemed to be eating at her and the doubts that assailed her, she still only screeched one question as she stood up with difficulty and kicked at the small table nearby, "How? How did you escape and why?"

Finally it was Xie Eun who answered," It was because you made an error in calculation that I was able to escape Nora. It was actually your idea that I used. You see, you are not the only one who can bribe assistants. The moment you touched Yu Seok's people to use them, I bribed some people under you to be my spies. And that is what saved me. Amazing. Isn't it? How money works. What are you wondering who dared to snitch on you? The thing is Nora, to carry such nefarious actions, you need people who are loyal to you and not to money. We purposely let this charade happen for two reasons. One, we needed to know till what length you were willing to go and second, Shiro did not believe that you were really wicked. He insisted on believing in you. And that is why he agreed to take Yu Seok's place tonight."

"And paid the price for it by being molested." added Yoo Shiro who realized that he had been disgusted while pretending to be drugged. In that moment he himself had realized two things, "One he hated being touched by another woman. And the sexual caressing that the woman who he had considered a sister had done had made him want to puke. He had barely held himself back from actually throwing her off him and off the bed. "But let me tell you, even we were not aware of what you had planned for Xie Eun, otherwise this would not have happened. You had kept this part of the plan very carefully had you not? Even I doubted that you were involved in trying to get someone to attack her. So now you must be wondering how she was not stabbed even though the news reports say otherwise. That actually happened co incidentally. Because when the lights at their home went out, Yu Seok replaced Xie Eun with himself while hiding her in the closet. This was because his acute senses warned him something was wrong. So when your man stabbed at the bed, it was actually Yu Seok, underneath there holding a pillow. The goons you hired are now under police custody and so is the nurse who opened the door for them. I must say she was very smart by letting the people attack her so that she could also play the victim. But had she been a real nurse, instead of opening the front door, she should have gone to the patient's room. Why open the door of someone's home without a reason?

Angry at the way her plans had been foiled, she glared with hatred at Yoo Shiro and Xie Eun. her anger had reached such an extent that her nose started to bleed and she then looked at Yu Seok and asked him, "Why? Why can you not love me? Why did you have to forget me? I was such a good girl for you but still you had to fall for this woman who has been with another man. Why Yu Seok? I have waited for your return for so many years, why is my love not enough? Do you see what you have made me. I am the treasured heiress of my grandfathers and my daddy's princess but you have made me beg for your love. Why are you so heartless, Yu Seok? Why? Even as this woman has struggled to stand beside you, I am already worthy of you. I love you the most in this world. You can see for yourself the extent to which I have gone. Please Yu Seok. Please can you not love me?"

Her pitiful weeping made Xie Eun, look at the girl with pity. She could see that this girl was obsessed with Yu Seok. Probably had been since childhood. This kind of madness made XIe Eun shiver with fright. Because it made her realize that this woman would not give up. Her brain had only one thing in it. Yu Seok. And if she were not able to have him, chances were that she would try to destroy him. Such people had no sense of sanity or morality. Even putting her in a mental institution would not help them be rid of the threat she posed. She thought of the doting old man that had accompanied them for a meal that afternoon. He had told them that she was his only granddaughter. It was pitiful Nora could not cherish the people who loved her and would rather chase a man who was not interested in her. On one hand she wanted to ask Yu Seok to spare Nora and hand him to the old man to deal with as he saw fit. On the other, she was worried that the old man would be soft for his granddaughter which would then result in a disaster for them.

But before she could talk about either, Nora had somehow escaped the rope that bound her and in an unexpected flash of speed, she picked up a fruit knife from a table nearby and ran at Xie Eun, wanting to finish off what she had planned. But before the knife could touch her, Yu Seok topped the blade by inserting his own hand and the blade pierced his palm and fingers. Xie Eun let out a scream and tried stand up but Yu Seok stood in front of her immovable until blood started to flow around the knife and then to the carpeted floor. Yoo Shiro hurriedly grabbed her wrist and applied force so that Nora was forced to let go of the knife. Finally, unable to take the pressure, she fell on her knees and looked at the hand of the man she had harmed while the knife fell without a sound. Immediately, Xie Eun had grabbed his hand and pressed a pristine handkerchief to his wound, slowly turning the white cloth red. This sight seemed to further break Nora who lost her mind and grabbed the knife, plunging it into her own stomach, happy that her blood was now mingled with his. If she could not live with him, she could become one with his blood and die peacefully. Her face full of tears and blood, she let the knife stay there and slowly closed her eyes before falling back. Even as her eyelids drooped, her eyes only looked at the man she had lived her life for.. Her Yu Seok. At first no one paid any heed to the person who had slumped but soon it was Yoo Shiro who realized what had happened. Immediately, he rushed to her and tried to stop the bleeding. He wanted to pull out the knife but dared not, in case he do her more harm than help. His heart ached for this woman that he had once called sister.. And there was a single sentiment in his mind, If only.. if only he had not informed her of Yu Seok's return, all this would not have happened. Maybe she would have spent her life peacefully.. maybe she would have fallen for someone else. Soon, the paramedics rushed in but Nora had lost her consciousness. Nora was immediately transferred to the hospital while the paramedics urged Yu Seok to go to the hospital too.

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