Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 217 - Baby's Day Out

Xie Eun and Aika woke up fresh after a rest and Xie Eun who had been at the end of her tether in the morning was feeling refreshed by evening. She talked on an audio conference call while occasionally glancing at her little one who was playing with in her playpen trying to catch the stars and the moon with her hand. She smiled happily and decided that she needed to bond with their little girl before Yu Seok came back and surprise him! She had spoken to him a little while ago and he had promised her to come back as soon as possible.

Soon after, she was finished with her work and wandered over to the kitchen where a delicious fragrance had attracted her. Looking at the fish soup that was simmering and the veggies that were ready to be stir fried, Xie Eun sighed and commented, "Aunt Su, you are the best! I don't know what I would have done without you! You just came at the right time! Did you have a premonition that I was going to need you?"

Rolling her eyes at the still silly chit, Aunt Su commented," Your husband had a premonition that you were going to need me! Poor Yu Seok actually begged me to come back here to you! I was out enjoying a new romance...and I had to come here to you..."

It was a wonder that she was not in a liquid state with the way her husband always melted her heart and looked at Aunt Su,t easing her," A new romance Aunt Su? Are these new ear rings given to you by your love interest?"

Blushing like a girl, Aunt Su smiled and shooed her away," Just go, you silly chit! Take the baby and go out in the air! It is such a fine evening! Get out of my hair and have some fun."

Seeing that it was still only five, Xie Eun nodded and hurriedly grabbed the diaper bag and her phone before saying," You are right, Aunt Su! We ae going to go to the Fashion street and do some shopping! See you later!"

And Xie Eun was out with Aika before Aunt Su could say, "Wait."

Shaking her head, Aunt Su muttered," The silly chit! Always doing before thinking! She did not even realize that she was wearing a worn jeans and stained top before rushing out like a lunatic!"

It was only later as Xie Eun walked the street and garnered weird glances as she pushed the stroller that she realized that she was wearing such ratty clothes. Walking back to the car, Xie Eun wore a kangaroo pocket, put Aika in it and placed the stroller back in. Closing the car's trunk that had been outfitted into a baby room by her husband, Xie Eun walked to the clothing store on the side as she spoke to her baby," Aika! You are my superhero! With you in front of me, no one is going to know how ratty my clothes are." Aika blew bubbles at her mother as she interestedly looked around the new places her mother was taking her to.

Xie Eun stood outside the designer boutique wondering if she really should go shop. But she had been toying with the idea to surprise Yu Seok and this would be the best time. She could buy some sexy clothes and lingerie. But she felt hesitant when she glanced at her clothes. Places like these were really snobbish. Then reminding herself that she was a businesswoman not a green girl who had just reached the city, Xie Eun walked in...directly bumping a mannequin. "Sorry.", she said before realizing that it was mannequin so she rolled her eyes and said," I thought you were a person."

And that is when Xie Eun realized that she must have completely lost her marbles because she was still talking to the mannequin! Looking around surreptitiously she heaved a sigh of relief that no one had witnessed her embarrassing moment and looed at Aika,"Shhh, Aika. You must not tell papa about this. Okay? It will be our little secret."

Being ignored by the assistants who had dismissed the woman at a glance, Xie Eun shopped peacefully as she put checked the clothes at random. Finally an assistant saw her struggle and walked forward to help her, taking out and holding the dresses up for her. Choosing the dresses at random and enjoying the process as the assistant showed her the special mother-daughter twinning section, Xie Eun failed to notice the couple that had just entered.

But the shop assistants did not. They noticed and recognized the couple in an instance and walked to help them shop, fawning over them. The man took a casual seat on the couch in a corner and instructed the assistants to help the beautiful woman. But just then his gaze fell on Xie Eun and his gaze paused over her. His eyes scanned her from top to toe before his lips lifted in a smirk. The saying that a beautiful woman could wear a sack and look stunning was true when it came to some women. Forgetting his own woman, his eyes followed the beautiful woman as she chose dresses at random. His eyes softened and he wondered if she was really a random shopper. 

Soo Bin carried a pink cocktail dress to Lee Hong excitedly for him to approve when she saw his gaze focused elsewhere. She thought that maybe some clothes had caught his attention and turned to check them out but froze when she saw the beautiful woman. Soo Bin could hardly believe the woman that Lee Jong was staring at. A wave of jealousy passed through her at the beauty while at the same time she felt disgusted that Lee Hong would stare at a woman who was obviously a mother. Specially when he had invited her to come here with him. Frowning, she walked over to him.

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