Lee Jong looked up from his musings when a shadow fell across him. The softness in his eyes vanished when he saw Soo Bin standing there glaring at him fiercely. Giving her a fake smile he said, "Soo Bin? What had you so cross?" Seeing that he was going to pretend to be ignorant, Soo Bin continued to scowl and complained," You invited me out here with you and yet you are looking at other women. We are supposed to be dating, Hong Hong!" 

The charming smile on Lee Jong's face remained the same but his eyes froze as he stood up and leaned over Soo Bin. Pretending to be loving, he leaned down and whispered in her ear," Soo Bin. Are you delusional? Our relationship is only pretend in case you have forgotten. We are only together to promote our next film! And if you think that I will have to handle your tantrums then let me tell you we can have a lover's tiff right here and you will know who is more important to the producers and the audience."

The smile on his face remained unchanged even as he threatened the beautiful actress. Soo Bin was disappointed as she had started to weave expectations and hope that their hype relationship would turn true. But even her smile remained as she walked away from him with a smile as she said, "Don't worry, honey! I will get a better piece that will satisfy you..." But Soo Bin had already found a target for her rage. The woman with the baby. She saw the woman perusing some dresses and noticed how her gaze turned to a particularly showy piece.

Recognizing the look, Soo Bin walked faster towards the piece rather but even then both the women placed their hands on the black dress at the same time. Both women then turned to look at the other. While Soo Bin raised an eye brow, Xie Eun smiled gracefully at the beauty before turning to the assistant," Do you have my size in this dress?"

The assistant shook her head before answering," No mam. This is a special designer piece. It has been made only in one size but the material is stretchable and would easily fit you."

Before Xie Eun could say anything about the dress, her hand was rudely tossed aside by another assistant who was attending to Soo Bin. " Get your dirty hands off the dress! Do you even know how costly the dress is? Can you even afford to touch it? What if you leave a dirt mark on it? Who is going to pay for it?" Soo Bin looked at Xie Eun with disdain before commenting," You must not be disheartened. Stores like these, they do not usually cater to middle class people like yourself. Now if only you were as famous as I am.." And then ignoring Xie Eun with a look, Soo Bin turned to the assistant who then explained," Madam. Our designer has specifically designed this dress with a special thread and the shimmer you see on this is actually tiny diamonds. The dress is called Stardust and even though it looks opaque it is actually just the right amount of transparent. Would you like to try it Miss Soo? Our designer would be really honored if you would wear this. It is actually only a few thousand dollars...it would be pocket change for you... "

Soo Bin gloating and extended her hand to take the dress and would have walked to the dressing room to try it when Xie Eun commented," Miss Soo. Are you sure you will be able to carry the dress. In case you have haven't noticed the dress is indeed stretchable but you do not have the proper assets on your upper body to carry the dress. It might just slip and cause a wardrobe malfunction.. And anyway I was the one to first choose it. And I would have let you take it if you had been civil."

"You bit**! Let me teach you a lesson.." Before Soo Bin could say anything more, Lee Jong walked over, which caused her to shut up. She glared hatefully at the woman who had insulted her and then looked at Lee Jong with complaint in her eyes. But he ignored the look and simply placed his hand on her waist as he looked at Xie Eun with a smile and said, "What a coincidence! We seem to be running into each other often."

At this moment, Xie Eun realized that this woman was with Lee Jong. "Mister Lee. It really does seem to be a big coincidence. And let me tell you that I am not too fond of such coincidences." Her gaze flickered to the hand that was placed on the woman and her smile widened," Now I understand. Anyway, your girlfriend was about to teach me a lesson. But I have decided to be generous and teach her one."

That said, Xie Eun walked towards the cashier and ordered," Bill the dress and all the other clothes to me."

The cashier nodded and immediately started to scan the price tags while the other assistants looked on. They dared not say anything now because even if they were looking down on the woman, it was clear that the woman was someone affluent or else an actor like Lee Jong would not show her respect. As the cashier announced the bill, Xie Eun did not blink and opened the diaper bag on her shoulder to look for her card. When it took a while for her to search for it, Soo Bin could not help but snort and comment," Is that the lesson you are teaching? Are you going to make my boyfriend pay for your clothes?" Soo Bin added this comment because she saw Lee Jong was about to take out his card and felt increasingly jealous.

But the next moment she had to shut her mouth as she watched take out a black card from her purse. With a reverent look, the cashier accepted the card and swiped it. As if the black card was magical, even the machine that usually stuck between transactions worked fast. Taking the card back, Xie Eun ordered, " Pack the dress separately, please." She then turned to Soo Bin and answered, "The lesson that you need to remember is this,' stores like this cater not to celebrities but to credit cards. You understand? I will leave the dress for you, since you have been such a good disciple."

With that Xie Eun walked out of the store followed by the shop assistant carrying a bevy of bags in a daze. Angrily, Soo Bin was about to follow Xie Eun but was stopped by Lee Jong who muttered, "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Do you even know who that woman is who you are trying to antagonize? Look up on the internet for the most powerful woman of this year. You fool. Instead of glaring at me you should be thankful that I saved your hide!

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