Xie Eun looked from the frazzled Lee Jong who looked like a guilty puppy ready to be punished to her own hobby who seemed to have regained his confidence and was now looking at her as if he was actually proud of his naughtiness. Narrowing her eyes at him, she looked at him in a threatening manner and then turned her eyes back to Lee Jong.

Meeting her eyes, Lee Jong sighed in frustration before saying, "Firstly, I would like to apologize for the stalking and for worrying you, Chairwoman Xie. The thing is, I am currently planning my first movie production with my own script and I will be the director. For my movie, I wanted to use your husband as my inspiration. But he refused to even see me! I knew that this bas**** had recognized me. Even if we were only friends for a little while, it is impossible that he had forgotten me! But this ingrate, he never even agreed to meet me! All my breads that I brought for him as a kid were wasted!

Finally to grab his attention, I had to target you! That is the only way he replied. And that too, he said that my plan would not work because you could handle me. It is why I had to be so aggressive! So that you would not be able to handle me! Because only then would give his consent! Sister in law, I realize my methods were not the best but please understand. This script is my dream! And If your husband does not agree to it then I will have no choice but to give up my dream... "

Xie Eun raised her eyebrows and looked at her husband and then at Lee Jong who looked aggravated because she had indeed 'handled' him and then again at her smug husband who had used her so easily and was now sitting proud as a peacock. Well, she would 'handle' him later.

She looked at Lee Jong carefully who had slumped in defeat. So this was the man who had left a mark on her husband when they were kids. She had read about him just now and realized that he too had brought himself out of the slums with extreme hard work, facing innumerable hardships and obstacles.. He really was known as a genius but also a manipulator. This guy had not given up his dream but was even now acting pitiful in front of her so that she would agree and help him convince Yu Seok. No wonder he was at the top of the food chain in the entertainment industry. He was a master at acting and negotiating. 

"Mr. Lee.. I feel really sad for you! If only I could help you."

Xie Eun had to bite her lip hard to stop herself from laughing out loud when the man realized that his manipulation had not worked and she was not pitying him. She looked away as Lee Jong looked at her askance before the man finally let out a breath and begged directly. "It really is too difficult to get the two of you to negotiate! Can you please think this over? Look I have already done my research and let you look at the script also. I just need your husband's consent."

Xie Eun raised her eyebrows as the man had changed colors within a minute going from pitiful to businesslike and questioned,"Mr. Lee? Do you have the script with you?"

This question caused Lee Jong to sit straight in his chair before he excused himself," Call me Lee Jong from here on, sister in law. And I'll be back in a minute."

Xie Eun's question had given him hope as he rushed back to his room to get the script while Yu Seok looked at his wife with horror. As the door closed behind Lee Jong, Yu Seok looked at Xie Eun and asked," What are you thinking, missus? Look, you know he was a good guy and he did feed me bread when I was hungry so I let him be. But that does not mean that I want him to make a movie about me! How can you even consider something like this? Eun-a! Sweetheart. I know you are angry but really you don't have to encourage that pric*!"

Glaring at her husband, Xie Eun pointed a finger at him and said," You better be quiet, husband mine! You really are awesome! Don't think you can fool me like you have fooled him. You sent him to me not because you wanted me to get rid of him. But because you wanted me to focus on him and not pay too much attention to what you are up to. Do you think that because this person has been harassing me, I have not paid attention to the fact that you are hiding something from me? You even used this time such that Cheng Mo would not be able to report anything to me!"

Before Xie Eun could say anything more, Lee Jong had returned with a small suitcase. Opening the case, he took out a bundle of atleast thousand pages and placed it in front of Xie Eun. "This is my research that I have done over the years. I was a struggling actor when his name as a fierce tycoon shot to fame. I had an inkling that he was the same Wolf who was my friend so I have been researching him for a while now."

Xie Eun carefully pulled out a random page from the thick bundle and it was a page that had a news article about Wolf's success and first award as a businessman. It had been a controversy because her hubby had at that point refused to attend the ceremony or even thank the people claiming that he did not need awards. Shaking her head in amazement, Xie Eun then picked up the file that was placed on the top and read through the script.

It was only as she had read through the whole piece, that she looked up and questioned," Lee Jong, Have you been stalking my husband?"

Lee Jong shook his head and felt tongue tied. He actually had been stalking but it had only been because he had wanted to write the story.. He really had turned into a stalker...Xie Eun looked at his bashful face and then back at the script. She had always known her husband's past was dark but seeing it described in such words had given her the shivers. It was a beautifully written script. "Lee Jong, I will convince Yu Seok to give his consent but I have a condition."

Lee Jong had almost jumped in wonder at the words while Yu Seok had almost fallen off his chair before the two men sat back to hear the condition that would change everything...

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