Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 228 - What Are You Planning?

Once Lee Jong had jumped up to agree with the condition and after confirming that his sister in law had really forgiven him, Lee Jong left the room gloating with victory. The only person left in the room with Xie Eun now was Yu Seok who was staring at his wife with extreme apprehension. Because his wife had just promised something that he was extremely uncomfortable with. And had meant to avoid without having to outright refuse. Seems he had miscalculated a bit.

Giving her a thin smile, Yu Seok walked over to his wife and pulled her into his arms. The best way to get what he wanted was to have pillow talk or no talk. Before Xie Eun had a chance to interrogate him, Yu Seok moved forward to kiss his wife, but by now, Xie Eun had become knowledgeable about his tactics and turned her head at the last moment, so that his kiss landed on her cheeks. Escaping from his hug, Xie Eun walked away and stared at him with narrow eyes, "What are you up to, Yu Seok? Are you still going to continue using distractions! Let me tell you about that after having spent so much time with you, I am well aware of your tactics."

The challenging tone in his wife's voice did not deter him for a minute but instead re-ignited his desire for her making him want to capture her. A small smirk crossed his face as he stalked his wife who moved away from him as her instincts screamed in alarm. "Wife-y. Whatever you maybe aware of, you seem to have forgotten that challenging me is usually futile and will result in you losing...Now why don't you tell me why there is suddenly a movie being made about me and why are you the investor?"

Even as they played tai chi as one moved forward while the other moved backward in sync, Xie Eun tried to explain, "Hubby! The scrips is amazing. I... I know you have not told me everything as you don't want me to know about the darkness in the world. But that darkness is a part of the world and that darkness is part of what has made you. And Lee Jong has made the script a perfect balance. And I put forward the condition for being the only investor because that way we can have some control over the script. Other wise if someone else were to force him to make changes then the script would be ruined.."

Before Xie Eun could continue, her back touched the wall and she stared like a wild animal at her husband who had closed in on her. His palms touching the wall on both sides, Xie Eun stared at him in apprehension before stuttering out," You are trying to distract me again. Yu Seok, tell me what you are up to. I just know you are hiding something from me."

Smiling softly, Yu Seok placed a finger under her chin and brought up her face so that he could kiss the slightly pink lips. Rubbing his lips against hers, he whispered," You really know me too well. I thought I had hidden things well. Who would have thought that even as you expended your energy in evading Lee Jong, you would have time to keep an eye out on me. You have become even more cunning, Mrs. Yu." 

With that, his hands slowly slid off the wall and onto her waist, holding her in place. Xie Eun tried to think of what they were conversing about, but just like she had gained knowledge of his tactics, he too had found ways to finesse his techniques. As her arms wound around his neck, Xie Eun heard him whisper, "Soon, we will not have any secrets amongst us." 

The next morning, Xie Eun woke up next to an empty bed and a note on the bedside table, "Be ready at 2.00 pm. We have an appointment. Aika is going for a day out with Aunt Su."

Xie Eun rubbed her eyes and wondered what her husband had in store for her before rubbing her eyes and slowly getting out of the bed.

A leisurely breakfast later, Xie Eun dressed in the simple black dress that had been delivered for her even as she tried to guess what it could be. Was today the day when she would know what her husband was hiding from her?

Just then a knock sounded on the door. Xie Eun walked to the door and was surprised to see Cheng Mo standing at the door with a big smile on his face. Pleasantly surprised, she asked, "Assistant Cheng! What are you doing here? Were you not on a month long honeymoon?"

Cheng Mo looked at his Lady boss and wanted to complain but kept mum about his boss' ruthless ways. His boss had sanctioned his leave for a month but then suddenly cancelled it a couple of days ago! He felt like a soldier who had been suddenly called on duty! His wife was also angry at him and had threatened him with only action movies and no *action* for the next few days! He had never imagined his boss would do this to him.. Did that man not preach that keeping the wife happy was of utmost importance. Keeping his grievances to himself, Cheng Mo consoled himself over the fact that his boss had gifted him with a couple world tour cruise towards the end of the year and also promised a paid leave of two months for both of them which had finally pacified his wife and smiled," Madam, my wife was bored with me so she threw me out of the house."

The aggravated tone so in contrast with his words made Xie Eun giggle as she wondered if the fiasco from day before yesterday was the reason for poor Cheng Mo's honeymoon being interrupted. Before she could question him more, Cheng Mo continued, "Madam, are you ready? I am here to drive you to the venue."

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