Deciding he needed to clear up the misunderstanding, Yu Seok sat on the chair opposite to her and said,"Xie Eun..just because someone signed my form does not make them my lover!"

Yu Seok,with a finger pointed at her said this and continued to glare at his wife.As if it was not enough that she was with someone else. It wasn't enough that she refused to see his face but believing that he was interested in males was the height of his tolerance. He was tempted to just clutch her shoulders and shake her forcefully..Had he offended the fates somehow that he received such an 'understanding' wife?​​

Xie Eun may or may not know the truth but she had a strong sense of self protection. Since she could not explain how the other man had behaved anxiously, not like a common friend, then Yu Seoknwould understand.But what if she explained all this and it had a negative impact on their relationship?No no..she could not do she nodded sagely and said,"Fine fine..don't get so agitated.The food is getting cold.Eat up and then we need to rest.I will show you around tomorrow after I have visited Aunt Su.."

With that Xie Eun concentrated on eating her fodd and ignored the man who could almost feel steam raising from his ears...Quietly, Yu Seok picked up the chopsticks and stabbed them at the meat as it it was something that had mortally offended him..How was he supposed to make her fall for him if she believed that he was gay?No one was so good at putting a wrench on his plans other than his Eun-a.

Even though Yu Seok continued to curse at Xie Eun in his heart, his tone was still of tolerance and pampering.It did not matter whether she believed him to be gay or even an alien, he was going to make her his....

After their foos was cleared, Xie Eun,who hated doing dishes, ordered,"I cooked so you have to clean."

Yu Seok narrowed his eyes at Xie Eun and still not over the blow he had received answered acidly, "You simply heated the food!That is not called cooking!"

But his sentence was uttered to thin air, Xie Eun had already escaped the room as she shot behind her,"Why are you so lazy? There are only two bowls and two sets of chopsticks to clean!Even if I did not cook the food I heated it up!"

But even though Xie Eun planned to take her bag and go to her own room, she found herself turning in the direction of her father's study.That is where she had last seen him..sitting on that chair.Slowly opening the door of the study, Xie Ein felt her eyes fill up..Even the study was kept in the same way like her father used to like.Shencould almost feel he was still here and would return any moment..Walking over to the chair, Xie Eun sat in front of it and could not stop her tears from flowing..Sonmany things had happened since he left her and she could only roll with the flow...She had not even been given little time to grieve him and all the emotions bottled inside her made her feel that she would burst over.Finally, she could let go and cry over the loss of her father.She lay her head on the best ofthe chair and started to narrate everything that occurred to her father..the way she would do when he was here...She hiccuped in between sobs as she confessed everything that she had kept inside for so long.Wolf,who had followed Xie Eun gained a new understanding of his wife as he stood still-evesdropping.. Many doubts that he had were cleared as cleared heard this and he realized that Xie Eun may look clueless and bubbly without a care in the world but she was actually aware of all other scum around her..even if she was blind to scum number one!

Yu Seok turned back and went into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and then slowly walked back to the study...His own cold heart also felt grave when he thought of his mentor..kneeling behind Xie Eun, Yu Seok placed the glass of water on the table and patted the girl on the head.She turned her red eyes to him and in the next moment, had thrown her self into his arms crying even more wretchedly.Though Yu Seok felt pain for her and hated her tears, he did not ask her to stop crying. He simply held her in his arms and let her cry to her heart's content. He may not know what it felt to lose your parent but he knew what it felt like to be surrounded by people physically but having your heart alone..

The two people stayed there in each other's arms for a while before Xie Eun's sobs subsided...Still patting her head, Yu Seok picked up the glass and made her have a few sips of water, coaxing her the way he would a child...After having a few sips, Xie Eun, who was exhausted emotionally and physically, lay her head back on his chest and closed her eyes..

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