Wolf glanced at his new wife with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. The circumstances of their marriage were not ideal but he felt that they could have a chance at building something strong. Bug it seemed he would have to face a hurdle first. His new wife refused to even look at his face.

With one hand gripping the wheel, he used his other hand to run a finger across the back of her hand. It was more playful than sexual but Xie Eun retracted her hands as if scalded making Wolf's smile widen. Silky tendrils of her long blonde hair fell across her face covering what little part of her face that was exposed by the veil. Gently tugging at a soft lock of her hair, Wolf smiled before teasing,"Can you even see where we are going? I am afraid that you would get lost if we were to stop somewhere and that you won't even recognize your husband if you are lost as you are yet to even lift your eyes and look at me. I promise you I don't look scary."​​

Xie Eun wanted to smile at the person's teasing. But even as her lips twitched,she controlled them fiercely because he was right about one thing,she had not even seen her husband yet. Today's marriage was a forced one. Her father had emotionally blackmailed into marrying one of his students and she had refused to even meet her future husband when he had arrived two days ago! And she refused to look at him even now!If she lost him,then so be it. It would be better that way. A small frown gathered on her forehead,she replied with a small voice,"I don't care how you look and I don't ant you to see me either. You can be the most beautiful man on earth and still I won't be happy to marry you. It is better if we don't know how the other person looks. It is not going to be a long marriage anyway."

Wolf threw another glance at his new wife.The ink on their marriage certificate had et to dry and she was already talking about ending their marriage. Saying nothing to her claim o getting separated soon,Wolf continued to drive and soon they had stopped outside a hotel. They did not have to check in as he had already been staying here for the past two days. Walking around to the passenger side of the car,Wolf opened the door to help down his wife,who ignored his hand with a harrumph and flounced out of the car...only to almost trip and face plant herself into the stairs agter being caught in her dress' train. Just as she would have hurt herself from the hard floor,a pait of hard arms wound around her waist and pulled her upright straight into a muscular chest.

Terrified from the near fall,Xie Eun could almost feel her heart burst out of her throat. She stiffened when she felt the man's closeness and his hand tightened around her waist. Clearing her throat, Xie Eun was about to thank him for saving her when she suddenly felt her feet leave the ground as she was carried over the steps. A small scream left her mouth, which was muffled by the veil, and her hands automatically wound themselves around his next to prevent herself from falling.

This action of Xie Eun made her look like a shy new bride, causing everyone in the hotel to look at the newly wedded couple indulgently.

In a small town like the one where the hotel was located in, everyone knew their neighbors and their business but because the bride's face was covered and the groom was from out of state, everyone thought that the couple had eloped to get married here. They smiled at such young and passionate love. The older people reminisced while the younger ones hoped to find such a love in their future.

It was only after they had entered the Hotel bedroom did Xie Eun come back to her senses and started to struggle. She had no intention of spending the wedding night together! in fact she had planned to ask for another room!

But so be it.She had learnt giving commands at her father's feet.Gathering her haughtiest voice she ordered the man,"Put me down."

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