"Put me down!"

Wolf heard the words she said or rather commanded and angled his head. One long black eyebrow rose and the ends of his thin lips lifted. "In a minute." He lazily replied.​​

Sliding her down slowly, Wolf held the girl carefully as he put her on his feet. But his arms still kept their place at her waist, searing the place where his hands we're placed.

Xie Eun felt scared as well as a strange current ran through her. in that moment, she felt her veil lift slowly. It had already been lifted past her thin and pink lips up to her nose when she lifted her hand and stopped it by placing it on top of her eyes. Frowning with her eyes covered, she protested,"I don't want you to see me! and let me go."

In a minute..just let me..."

The first contact was a surprise to her and her eyes flew open. If she had been able to think,she would have screamed but she was too distracted by the warm lips that had arrogantly settled over hers. They coaxed and conquered and the hand that had raised to push him, clutched at the soft material of his suit jacket.

His hand pressed in the center of her chin urging her to open and allow bid entry. She stirred in his arm that encircled her and slowly surrendered to the kiss that awakened in her a previously unknown hunger.Her toes curled and her other hand which had held the veil fell to her side.

Wolf felt triumph course through him as she started to respond to his kiss. He knew his bride was young and innocent. She tasted of the sweetest wine he had ever imbibed. He felt an ache for her but he controlled himself so as not to startle her.He had to be careful otherwise she would push him away in a jiffy if she realized the liberties he took. He felt her soft curves fit against him beautifully, temptingly. He felt his lust rise higher and knew that it would turn into ache if he did not pull back in time. And he balked at the idea of touching her when she had not even seen his face yet. He would have to let he go untouched..for now. Slowly, his lips still clinging to hers, Wolf pulled back from the kiss. He wanted his bride fiercely. He wanted to lay her down and devour her, but that was not to be.

As Wolf pulled back, the veil that covered Xie Eun's eyes, fell over her face once again.

Wolf slowly let her go out of his arms, needing to cool down his heated body. They had time to get to know each other before they could before intimate. He should have maintained his boundaries. But, for Wolf, it was his confession of love. He had fallen for this girl when she was just sixteen and him twenty but he had thought her to be an impossible dream.But that dream had been in his arms and he had almost lost control. He needed to woo his wife, gently and coaxingly. Because this marriage was something that made her angry, he knew. And he wouldn't have agreed to it if his mentor had not told him the truth. The truth that this beautiful angel was unaware of and the truth that could potentially harm her.

While, Wolf was lost in his world, Xie Eun brought a trembling hand to her slightly swollen lips. "Lord preserve her." This was not what she had expected just now.She had completely lost herself in madness!Her first kiss..lost just like that..Angrier at herself than that arrogant man, Xie Eun and turned and marched towards the window.

Glaring at him,(Though it had no effect because it was hidden by the veil)Xie Eun pointed an accusing finger at him and said,"You shouldn't have done that!"

Deliberately misunderstanding her, Wolf raised an eyebrow and gave a slow smile saying flirtatiously,"You don't want me to stop?I don't mind restarting, my dear one"The handsome face of the man would have stolen any girl's heart and made her swoon but it did not affect the bride because she couldn't see it! However his voice had an immediate effect on her.It reminded of her favourite singer with the husky voice. Shaking her head sideways vigorously, to stop him from kissing her or to clear the cobwebs in her head, she didn't know, Xie Eun ordered him to stay back.

Greatly amused at his little sheep, Wolf turned around to walk to the closet to bring her a robe that she could comfortably change into but her next words stopped him short and stole the smile from his face,"I want an annulment."

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