Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 41 - Panic In Alpha Companies


The mobile phone on the bedside table rang loudly jolting the man sleeping on the bed to fall off and groan.Rubbing his eyes, Cheng Mo looked at the phone, while cursing the caller.Grumpily, he answered,"Yes?"​​

The caller was the Department Head of the legal team in the Alpha Group and but he was scared to even relay the message.So he stutteringly said,"Assistant Cheng, there is an emergency regarding the boss.We, that is, the Public Relations and Legal department are already handling it but we feel that it would be better to give you a heads up."

On the thirteenth floor,in a conference room,of the Alpha Companies, a few employees stood straight even though their faces showed that they had been dragged out of the bed at an Ungodly hour.They had been working nonstop for an hour and an array of discarded black coffee cups spread on the side were testament to their hard work.

They were all cursing the country bumpkin who had dared to use their boss' name to make a powerplay for her company.A couple of hours ago, their cell phones had started to ring and they had been harassed by the journalists from entertainment and finance industry had bombarded them with question regarding their CEO having accepted a female student..At first everyone had believed this to be a prank but daring not to take chances they had started to make enquiries and the truth of the matter had come out.A village girl and distant relative named Xie Eun had tried to claim the shares of Lu Enterprises by using their boss' name.Having gained clarity of the matter from Chairwoman Lu herself,and understanding the hint that the Lu family were not to be associated with such a person,the Public Relation department had carefully constructed a denial and contacted the legal department to take action against this individual. They were very clear on their course of action that the person needed to be prosecuted on forgery and fraud charges so that no one would dare to use their CEO's name in vain.The statements were about to be sent out when they received the picture of the papers that the girl had used..The department head,Attorney Lee had also already had the papers prepared to sue the offender for a few million but then he had glanced at the papers.In shock, he had asked them to stop them from sending anything out.

Attorney Lee was one of the few people who knew what the CEO's signature looked like.Most transactions were handles and signed by the department heads with their Power of Attorneys but certain things required the CEO's signatures.

These signatures matched their CEO too much and this Attorney Lee felt it would be prudent to confirm everything before making any rash statements.Unknown to him,this one moment had actually saved the livelihoods of all the people present in this room.

Everyone stared as Attorny Lee explained the entire situation to their only point of contact with CEO Wolf-Assistant Cheng.

Cheng Mo,got into a comfortable position as he sat with his elbows on his knees and listened to the long winded explanation.After having heard the story and the preparations, Cheng Mo pitied them as all their hard work would have to be discarded now..But, with a sadistic smile on his face, he thought happily to himself,"This is what it means to have an eccentric boss!He could have let them know of his plan to help Miss Xie but he did not and now these peoplewoyld have to suffer.But now,it was time to look at their faces as he gave them a shock.Taking the phone off from his ear, Cheng Mo disconnected the call.

Attorney Lee,on the other end,heard the dial tone in his ear and stared disbelievingly at the phone.What did Assistant Cheng me a by hanging up on them?

Attorney Lee could feel himself panicking at the thought that maybe Assistant Cheng was going to complain to the CEO about their incompetence and thus he almost ordered the others to go ahead with the statement.But just then, Attorney Lee's phone started to ring with an incoming video call and he answered immediately.Seeing that Assistant Cheng Mo had made a video call everyone tried to scramble in front of the camera so that the Assistant would recognize them and their hard work but instead of doing that, Assistant Cheng Mo laughed at them and asked,"Are you all not interested in working at the Alpha Companies anymore?"

This statement caused almost everyone to freeze in shock much to the amusement of Cheng Mo who actually wanted to watch this..Sardonically he contiued,"Change your statements and acknowledge the agreement.Whatever you have written, write the opposite of it.Work on suppressing any negative news about Miss Xie.The more you praise Miss Xie, ,expect more good luck in the future."

Everyone in the room stood stock still as the heard the disbelieving words uttered by Assistant Cheng...

Cheng Mo glanced at the faces of his colleagues and nodded in satisfaction at their proper shocked response..before disconnecting the call and climbing back onto his bed to get a peaceful sleep.

But,alas,sleep was a far away dream for him,because the moment his eyes close,"lalalalllll".His phone rang again..

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