Without glancing at the caller id, Cheng Mo barked into the phone,"What?" and then promptly fell off the bed again when he heard the boss' voice.By the time he had regained his senses andtuttered out a "Bbbboss", the phone had been disconnected.He stared at the blank screen of his phone and thought that this was Karma..He had laughed at his colleagues for having to work overnight and disconnected the call on them so now he would have to work overnight and listen to the disconnected tone.Pulling at his hair, he groaned and got off the floor to freshen up ..Which prestigious person had lost their common sense and decided to kidnap the lady boss, he did not know.But once his boss was done with avenging his wife from that person, the kidnapper was going to suffer at his hands for robbing him of his precious sleep..Rascals..Sleep stealers..

A couple of hours ago:​​

As Xie Eun walked towards the cloakroom, she was lost in thought about the people she would have to confront tomorrow. There was especially one person she wanted to find and ask a few things.She had seen him leave tonight and knowing him,he would be ready to come back soon..That was Si Jing's style..if there was a problem, be could not solve, then he dropped it and stepped back before coming back to it in a little while.She had seen him do this many times in the past and she had seen him do this today when she became a problem to him..

As Xie Eun was lost in thought,she failed to realize that the eyes of a nefarious person were focused on her.She stepped to the small alcove and handed her token to collect her coat but instead of being given the coat,she was pulled into the cloak room and a medicated handkerchief covered her mouth and nose.Xie Ein tried to struggle but she had already inhaled the chloroform and could only struggle a bit before she went unconscious. Immediately putting the woman into a service trolley, a man and a woman,dressed in the hotel staff uniform,made their way to a food delivery truck parked at the back of the hotel and placed the woman there before carefully closing the door.

The hotel was known for its high tech security and so the shadow body guards had been waiting outside for Xie Eun to return.It was only after the party had started to wind down and the lady had yet to come out did they start to wonder and went in to check.To their astonishment,they were told that Miss Xie had already left..Hurriedly ,the head guard raced to the security toom,knowing full well that the cctv surveillance would have been tampered with..

The guard felt his soul fly away when he saw that it was indeed true and hacked into the files to check if there was any record of the deleted surveillance.Using his top notch skills, he found the delivery truck and checked the time stamp on the cameras.Luckily, the hotel was in the middle of the city and the delivery truck could not have speeded out of the city so he ordered his subordinates to check into the city streets' cameras looking for the delivery truck..They may be able to keep their lives,if they could rescue madam otherwise they were dead..

Dreading what was to come,he tool out his cell phone and made the call..

The call was answered on the first ring as the man knew these guards were there for his wife's protection..When the guard communicated the news of Miss Xie's kidnapping,the man could actually feel the ice storm from the phone..Hurriedly, he disclosed that they had already discovered the kidnappers and were trying to follow their route.

The man uttered a single sentence at the end of the guard's monologue but the grown man who had fought various thugs could only meekly nod when he heard,"A single scratch on her and your team will suffer the same a hundred times.."

Meanwhile,the effect of the mild medicine started to wear off.Xie Eun tried to move but she realised that she had been tied tightly..Realising the car was still moving,Xie Eun took a deep breath and tried to pay attention tonher surroundings.It was then she heard the conversation happening in the car as a man barked into the phone,"We have already kidnapped her. You said only to kidnap her and roughen her up a bit to give a scare but now you want us to hold onto her until tomorrow?We can try but you will have to pay is extra..And my boys like fresh meat so if you leave the dogs to guard the meat,don't expect the meat to remain intact.You understand what I mean?"

The man laughed loudly at whatever the other person said on the phone,but Xie Eun felt her stomack roll at the evilness in the laughter and when the man repeated the answer he had recieved,Xie Eun wanted to throw up and she earnestly started to formulate an eacape plan..

"Our employers are generous this time!They said that we can enjoy all the meat we want!!Haahha"

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