Xie Eun felt fear course through her after she heard the kidnapper's words..Did these people hate her so much.She tried to get her hands out of the binding but they were tied tightly and the rope chafed against her wrists.

Even as she tried to make as little movement as possible, she heard the conversation between the two kidnappers.​​

"Don't be a fool.She looks like someone powerful.There must be a reason that someone wants to kidnap her.Kidnapping is fine but if you and your boys harm her,someone may come back for revenge."

"I don't think she is anyone powerful.She walked in with an old man.I saw her.So maybe she is his mistress and no man will come to avenge his mistress.Suxh a beauty!Why should we not have her?"

The man's voice grated on her ears and Xie Eun cursed the fates that she had to wear a dress..She was no damsel in distress and had to escape from here before these people reached their location.She promised herself that she would kick the man's nuts into his stomach if any man who tried to get close to her.She was a tomboy since childhood and her father had trained her well in physical self defence..But if these kidnappers reached the hideout then she would have to fight extra scum!

Xie Eun twisted herself into a pretzel, thanking that the stupid people had thrown her in the back instead of the seat and slowly took off the high heels on her feet.The silly pointed thing could atleast be used for something other than torturing her feet..

Once the heeled shoe was in her hand,she got to work on cutting the rope binding her..and just as she felt the rope give way, she could also feel the car coming to a slow stop..

Xie Eun felt her heart drop at the thought of fighting a few men while wearing such a dress but she narrowed her eyes and concentrated on creating a strategy while she untied her legs.She looked at the delicate wrist watch on her hand and realized that it had been more than an hour since she had been kidnapped..

She lay back in her original position with the shoe still clutched in her hand as she readied to attack her kidnappers the moment they opened the doors.But the two people simply left the car..After a few minutes when nobody opened the door of the van,Xie Eun carefully raised her head and peeped out of the car..They were evidently ourside some warehouse and the two people were walking inside.It seemed they were confident that she would still be unconscious.On the front seat,she spied the waiter uniform that the kidnaoper had been wearing and then she looked at the surroundings.More than the people there she was looking for cameras to check if her escape would be noticed by anyone.Once she had confirmed that there were no traps and hidden cameras, she raised herself and picked up the uniform and her small beaded bag from the dashboard, before trying to open the door.Luck was on her side and the kidnappers had not locked the doors. Clutching the uniform in one hand and her shoes in the other, Xie Eun made a run for the small metal gate..

Pebbles and stones hurt her foot but she dare not stop..But the gate was locked..Looking around,Xie Eun spied a tree that had a single branch that extended over the high walls..But she could not climb the tree in the dress.

Using brute strength,Xie Eun urgently ripped the lower skirt of the dress and then tugged on the uniform pants. Then picking up her makeshift weapon,she started to climb the tree..

It had been a few years since Xie Eun had climbed trees and other than being out of practice she realized that she had miscalculated the height of the tree branch..

However she gritted her teeth and climbed higher and higher.She had almost reached her goal when she heard the sounds of men running around and shouting..She cursed and almost lost her balance but then tried to calm herself.They would not look for her over here.The kidnaooers in face would not even thing to look-up at the tree.Since it was dark, she had the cover of night and could slowly slither out...

Like a little cat,she clung to the branch as the kidnappes opened the gates and rushed out of the warehouse looking for her..Fools!The lot of them!Xie Eun decided that she would out wait them and then once they were back after looking for her, she would jump down out of the warehouse..However in the next moment,she almost gave away herself as she heard a slithering sound..."hissssssssss"

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