The atmosphere in the big conference room at Alpha Group Of Companies was bad.The marketing and financial team had been asked to create a lucratibe proposal to present to the Lu Enterprises, and smoothly make it their partner.The Public relations team had already done their job and now it was their turn.But due to the short notice, no one had been prepared..and without any brainstorming, they had to come up with half baked ideas So that both the companies would make profits. As they filed into the conference room, with their half done proposals and shivering feet,they were all cursing in the inside.Today could be the day they would be fired..The employees had barely sat down when the CEO entered the room followed by Assistant Cheng Mo. 

The temperature in the room turned colder and seeing his grim face knew that there was no turning back now..Wolf sat back in.his chair and stared at the nervous faces.What was the point of having employees when they could not even come up with a feasible plan?He, in fact already had a plan in place but wanted his people to use this chance to prove themselves. As the lights dimmed and a power point presentation started,the door to the conference room suddenly opened and a lean man stumbled in.All eye turned to the door and some people even cringed as the assistant to the Vice President walked in.Seeing,that he was the center of everyone's attention,and feeling the mix of accusatory and pitying gazes,the man bowed low towards the boss and said,"Please forgive me, was lunch time and I am diabetic so I could not miss my meal..I thought I would be able to return on time but the meal at the cafeteria was not yet ready..I am sorry Sir!I am so sorry.I will not repeat this sir.."

The young assistant could feel his knees knocking together as he waited for his boss to reply.Most people pitied the man.He should have skipped the meeting if he was late.Now he was going to get a scolding among everyone and soul the boss' mood with his tardiness.

Wolf steepled his fingers together and raised his brows,"So if next time I kept the meeting at lunch time, you will be skipping your meal to make it on time?"

The Assistant:''.."

Cheng Mo flelt pity for the young man and was about to intervene when the CEO suddenly extended his hand towards him,"Cheng Mo,order the kitchens to deliver boxed lunch to everyone.If they work on empty stomachs, they might just not perform their best...The senior management and all the employees were all shocked at this and even the assistant who was late and had been planning to almost kneel on the floor almost collapsed in shock But what he did next was even more shocking.While everyone waited for the meal to arrive, the CEO took out his cell phone and made a call...

Most of the people did not even know he owned a cell phone.Nobody had ever been him with one.It was a known fact that any information or communication for the CEO could only be done via Assistant Cheng.

To everyone's horror,they then saw a slight amile on the boss's face and the few senior managers who sat closest to Wolf,felt themselves turn pale.They subconsciously looked at wach other when the heard the CEO ask someone if they had lunch?And he even went on to list the dishes that would be warm..They wondered if their boss had been abducted by aliens and this was a clone.Another manager wondered if the sip of liquid courage he had taken before coming had caused hom to hallucinate in the middle of the day..

Cheng Mo was the only one who saw this scene and thought, the boss was forcing everyone to eat such sweet dog food...They would never be normal again..

As everyone in the conference room, those who could eavesdrop and those who could only see the expressions of their boss continued to saty in shock,Xie Eun had discovered the food at home.It was only after she had stuffed a few bites did she realize that she had thrown the phone mid-conversation and ran back to the living area. Picking up the phone,she mumbled into it with her mouth full,"I found the food.It is very delicious.Please thank the chef on my behalf.If I ever get a chance Inwould love to eat more of his food."

Though, Xie Eun had said all this with her mouth full, Wolf understood every word and answered,"I am glad that you approve of my cooking.You can tell me what you would like to eat later.I will make it for you."

Xie Eun:".." 

Managers:".." Their boss knew how to cook?And he even offered to make something?Who had such an iron cast stomach that they could order their boss to cook food for them?

Xie Eun had no idea what to reply and felt geraelf blush as she heard the man's languidbvoice so she changed the topic.."Have you had lunch?"

Though the question was a diversion tactic, it made Wolf happy enough that she was concerned about him that he subconsciously gave a anall genuine smile making wveryone firmly believe that their CEO had been replaced by a ghost..."

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