Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 62 - A Moment Of Peace

As Xie Eun carried her big bowl of food around the living area, she thought back to the conversation she just had. She chewed the food slowly and realized that this was the first time someone had cooked a neal for her other than Aunt Su..Usually she ate at the University cafeteria these days..How considerate...She was a horrible cook, the kind that would burn down the kitchen if she had to boil water, so she had always hoped that her husband would be a good chef....because she was the best at eating...

After finishing her food,Xie Eun lay back on the couch staring up blankly..Finally, she sighed and got up to go to the room that had been given to her.Climbing the stairs two at a time, she rushed up and changed into a soft tshirt and denim shorts that Wolf had provided for her.It was only after she came out of the bathroom did she spy the cell phone on the side table..Picking up the phone that had been placed on her bedside table in the morning, she pressed the button to turn it back on.She had seen the numerous text messages and missed calls of the man she loathed and thus had switched off the dam* thing before going to the meeting.As the phone switched on, she was greeted by a picture of their joining hands that she had once clicked.She opened the picture gallery in her phone,intending to delete the picture and opened the folder where she had stored his pics over the years.But seeing the love with which she had clicked, her fingers paused.Her thumb rubbed the place where his jaw was on the screen. She felt a dull ache when she thought of his deception..She had fought against her father for him..if only he had told her once,she would have willingly signed over everything..

Huffing,she opened her wechat and deleted the chat without reading any of his messages.She did not want to hear any explanations that would only cause her heart to ache more for him...She had read in a book that first loves never ended well and Si Jing had proved the theory..As soon as the chat was deleted, her heart would not soften with his fake words.Just then her phone started to ring.Seeing the name flashing on it,Xie Eun was tempted to throw away her phone.Declining the call,she immediately put his name on the blacklist.But seeing his name had already made her anxious and the little peace she had gained, evaporated.Just then her phone rang again with an unknown number..She declined that too suspecting it was him again and switched off her phone before throwing it away on the bed and going out in a huff.She felt closed in all of a sudden..She wanted to get out of this house but the private elevator would not come!She marched back to the main door and decided to look for the key card.And to her astonishment, it was right there taped to the door with her name written on a note and stuck next to it.

It was not there earlier!Atleast she thought there wasn't...She read the dark and bold handwriting on the note that simply said,"Eun-a, this is your keycard."

Cocking her head to the side, Xie Eun suddenly decided to visit the Alpha Group of Companies.She needed to see her husband.It took a generous man to leave his house keys to a virtual stranger,even if they were married. As she happily went out,she thought that the man her father had chosen was really exceptional.Once again she could not help but compare her faceless husband to Si Jing who had known her for so many years but had not once talked about giving her a set of her own keys for his house.Realizing that the direction of her thoughts had once again shifted in the wrong direction,she forcefully reminded herself that Si Jing had never been in a relationship with her so naturally he would not have this kind of consideration.

She successfully hailed a cab and gave the man the address of the company.It was only as she alighted and was about to march in,did she realize her attire was too casual and inappropriate.She felt herself falter.She could not go in like this..She would not make another person feel ashamed of her...Maybe she could wait for a while and when most of the employees had left she could request them to let her in.Deciding that would be best, Xie Eun looked around and decided that the case style restaurant opposite the building would be the best place to wait and watch. 

Inside the small cafe,she found a small table near the window and ordered an iced coffee for herself. Her iced coffee arrived within minutes and just as she was about to sip it, a shadow fell across her table making her look up..

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