Xie Eun woke up with a splitting headache and an urge to just to fall back and fall asleep again.For a few moments,she wondered where she was as she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and then recalling the events of yesterday, she remembered who she had abused.She touched her nose unabashedly and thought to herself, about how patient Yu Seok was.He had taken all her tantrums yesterday and even held her when she had been vomiting her guts out.She was really lucky to have a friend like that.Getting up slowly, she made her way to the washroom and after freshening up she realized a practical problem.She needed to go to the university to change her major from photography and she needed to find a place to stay.Her dorm rooms had been paid for earlier by Si Jing on his insistence!At the time she had tried to protest that she had some money of her own but he had refused to listen and even told her that he wanted to do this because be considered her his wife.What a bunch of rotten eggs!

After her brain had fully woken up, Xie Eun realized that she needed to go back to Wolf's apartment.He could have waited for her in the night.A niggle of guilt crept into her that she was doing wrong by her huaband...Nidding to herself, she decided to have a firm talk with him instead of just speculating by herself. 

A little while later:

Xie Eun crept into the house, using her key card, like a thief sneaked into the Queen's vault.Closing the door,she found another note stuck on the door,"Have your breakfast before you go."

As she saw this,she realized that maybe he did not even know that she spent the night elsewhere.But the next line proved her wrong as it continued,"The papers for your course transfer are prepared for you to submit.Also, please keep your phone with you and I would like you to meet me tonight at the Kingston Hotel, room no, 1103.A talk is long overdue."

Xie Eun had an ominous feeling in her heart as she read the note.Her husband had been understanding until now.Even when she had hidden the matters regarding Si Jing.But now she had changed and was free of those shackles, so he must be expecting her to behave like a wife.And she....Xie Eun realized that she was not averse to getting to know her husband anymore.In fact she was even more and more curious.The more she came to know about him the more he sounded like a mystery that she would love to solve.

Finally, at six in the evening, Xie Eun who had been running around all day,took a deep breath as she tued the towel around herself.She had just finished a bath and currently stood in front of the huge wardrobe that her husband had ordered for her.The massive room had everything from formal suits to dresses to belts and accessories and even shoes.They were all color coded and looked scary as hell to her.She had looked up the hotel he mentioned and knew that it required their patrons to be dressed formally so she picked up a simple black jumpsuit with a studded collar that covered her front and back but had a small gap at the sides of the hips.This gap flashed a bit of tender white skin with every step of the wearer tempting the observer to see but not touch.The chauffeur would be here to pick her up soon so Xie Eun davbed a bit of lip gloss and tied her hair in a loose knot.Looking at herself in the mirror, she was satisfied that she looked cure but unknown to her she looked a perfect mixture of alluring innocence and hot seduction. On her way there,she reminded herself to behave and get to know her husband. she decided that she would ask him to discard the mask so that they could get to know each other..It was befitting that they get to know each other all over again.

The car stopped outside the beautiful hotel but before Xie Eun could admire the beauty, she was escorted to a VIP room.As she entered the room, she noticed that the room was dimly lit and and entire room was filled with a slight jasmine smell as a small candle's light flickered in the middle of the table.The setting was just as romantic as it was beautiful and Xie Eun was amazed...

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