Xie Eun looked around curiously at the dimly lit room.The atmosphere was sweet, mysterious and romantic.Xie Eun felt butterflies in her stomach and felt glad that she had dressed up and put on make up.She realized that she would finally have a chance to see her husband.Like a bird who had been released from captivity and who was eager to fly in the sky, she felt that the shackles that bound her to Si Jing had been broken and now she could live freely.

She looked forward to getting to know the man that was her husband..In this past week, she had seen his capability and the respect he commanded among not just his peers but even the elders.Who was this person and why did her father choose him?

The man who stood in the corner of the room could see her clearly and after observing her a bit,walked forward and extended his hand to Xie Eun.The girl looked too beautiful tonight..Her lightly colored peach lips made him want to kiss them.He told himself to be patient even as his body reacted to her presence.From today onwards, his plan to woo her was going to be put in place.And a deception that may or may not prove to be worth the risk would begin.Listening to her last night had made him realize that there were things that Xie Eun had envisioned in a partner and in her relationship and she felt that due to the nature of their marriage, she would never be able to get those things.She maybe a tomboy by actions but her heart was like that of a little girl. So, the pretence of being a senior that started out as a need to protect her and be her friend would now have to continue so that he could woo her.He just hoped that his plan did not backfire.He could continue being just her friend but the misunderstanding she had about his sexual orientation made it near impossible for him to be intimate with her  But as he looked at her bright eyes, he realized that it did not matter whether she came to know now or a bit later because she was going to feel betrayed and would definitely close him off whether as Yu Seok of as Wolf.So he could only do his best to make her fall for him before the truth could be revealed..

Xie Eun placed her cold hand in his warm one.His fingers closed around her slowly and lightly but she felt a jolt run through her at the touch.She wondered if maybe she had contracted a heart disease...It had been beating rather violently and now it kept jolting and threatening to burst out of her chest.He walked her toward the table in the middle and pulling a chair out for her, helped her sit. In a normal environment, this gesture would have been felt pretentious but now it just showed the man's care.Xie Eun finally gathered her courage to look up and see the man's face and felt her jaw drop.His face was still covered with a mask.It was a Zorro one to be precise. It covered the side of his face and forehead, making his wyes seem all the more dangerous.Realizing,that she was foolishly starting at his face, Xie Eun published and pointed out,"Umm,you don't need to wear that.I.. I was plain dumb in the past but now that is not the case.."

A wolfish smile graced his face as he leaned back in his chair and said,"Eun-a, you requested I cover my face and I fulfilled the request.But when the mask comes off is going to be my decision.Let this be your first lesson as my student, never be the first to state your terms when beginning a negotiation."

Xie Eun narrowed her eyes and snapped,"Well,I had no idea our marriage was a negotiation!"

Immediately she regretted her outburst but the words were already uttered.

"So you do believe that we are married?"


She was saved from answering by the server who then knocked on the door and soon the table was laden with fragrant soup and dimsums.Her mouth watering, Xie Eun reacted instinctively and the moment her dishes were served, she got busy eating, much to the amusement of Wolf.He ate slowly and watched her take pleasure in eating her food.she was totally uninhibited when she ate..So busy was he that he even forgot about eating the food on his plate.

It was only after Xie Eun had almost finished her soup, that she glanced up at her husband to find his eyes staring at her lips. Consciously, she dabbed her lips with a napkin and cleared her throat. "I hope you don't mind.I actually eat a lot but do not gain weight because of my metabolism.My father always said that I could eat him out of house.."

Wolf, however continued to stare at Xie Eun making her feel self conscious which in return caused her to turn more awkward and babble,"I wanted to thank you actually.You have been doing so much for me behind the scenes and I have been so ignorant. I can only imagine the humiliations Inwould have faced if you had not intervened last week and made the truth known to me. I used to think I was pretty worldly and knowledgeable but these people have shown me that just because you like someone,doesn't mean they are likeable people.So thank you..I don't even know whether I will be able to ever repay you..but.."

Before Xie Eun could continue, Wolf interrupted her and the words he said made Xie Eun's eyes widen in sheer disbelief. She wondered if she had misheard the man in front of her so she cleared her throat and asked,"What did you just say?"

"I said,'Date me.Like going out and getting to know each other and doing other similar things.'"

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