"A date?"

Xie Eun felt really dumb when she repeated herself but she could not help it.Usually a person dated with the intention to get to know each other so that they could eventually marry and live a life together They were already married and her husband wanted to date her??So, did that mean they would doing everything backwards?She looked at the amused masked man in front of her and suddenly felt a sense of deja vu, as if she knew him from somewhere. Shaking her head, she protested, "There is no need.We are already married.We can get to know each other just like this.."

"Really?Do we really get to know each other Eun-a?Will you not keep thinking about the past?No..as I said we will start dating and then go from there.We are married by law but we are not husband and wife.You even hesitate to take my name from those delectable lips of yours so how will you get to know me.Let me propose an arrangement, " A few formal dates, where the two of us can get to know each other fully and intimately.I can promise you that I will not cross any lines.And I want you to be serious when you take this chance. Because, once you are mine, I won't let you go until I possess you heart, body and soul."

Xie Eun could not help but feel goosebumps all over her as he finished his sentence.Why did it feel as though he already had possession of her?Unable to think of a suitable come back she frowned as she thought a reply but before she could do anything, Wolf pressed a small remote button on the side of the table and stood up, coming towards her chair.Xie Eun only looked up as he came to a stand near her chair.The music was slow and seductive and with the man's gaze raking over her, she felt electrified. In a daze, she could only look at his hands and sit there.Finally after a moment of charged silence, he asked,"Eun-a, dance with me?"

Nodding her head obediently, she once again placed her hand in his and he led her to the small alcove in the room.His other hand spanned her waist and came to rest on her waist.As they began to sway to the music, Xie Eun could feel her nervousness increase and the hand on her waist felt scorching..As a result if this, she stumbled a bit, stepping on the man's leather hand crafted shoes.She looked down ready to apologize and felt pity for the shoes but not the owner or the toes that had suffered under her feet.But before she could apologise, she stumbled once more almost causing a grave injury on Wolf's foot.As a result, she was then pulled even closely into his chest and their bodies stuck to each other leaving no space between the couple.Her fingers rubbed against his shoulders which we now covered by only a thin black shirt since he had discarded the jacket earlier.She could feel the strength in themabd she could feel his hard chest against her softness.But as the music changed,so did her daze.What was she doing ?But then Wolf's fingers slowly sneaked into the small openings at the jumpsuit's side causing her to almost jump.His slightly rough fingers wriggled against her skin making her have difficulty in breathing.She could feel as his entire palm slid into the hole in the side and slowly settled there marking it's ownership.His other hand, which had held hers until now slowly but surely moved tot he other side and creeped in.She placed her own hand on his shoulder and clutched tightly to support herself or stop him,she did not know.

Both of his hands seemed to have settled on her bare skin and as his face came closer to hers, she closed her eyes anticipating his kiss and dreading it. But instead of kissing her lips like he wanted to(like she wanted him to)Wlk placed a small peck on the side and then whispered in her ear,"Eun-a, What will you call me?"

Xie Eun could not even understand her own head,so how would she understanding the question so she asked confused,"huh?".Her eyes we're focused on his mask that covered his face and she wanted to rip off the thing.Her hand slowly lifted from his shoulder, intending to throw it away but just as her hand would have touched his face, he caught her wrist and brought it close to his lips, placing a small peck on the inside.Every touch of his lips was like a mark of branding to Xie Eun.Slowly, he whispered,"Eun-a call me hubby.I want you to address me like that."

In a trance, she repeated,"H..hubby.."

And with a pleased smile, Wolf stole the word from her lips, sealing their lips together.

Xie Eun's mind was in a whirl and her arms wound around his neck as she raised her self on the tips of her toes unconsciously trying to get closer to him..His hands slowly moved downwards and pulled him closer.Her quick response and warm body ignited a fire within him and the more he got the greedier he was.When she clutched him,he gave a small nip on her lips, wanting her to grant him entry.When she opened her mouth, he sucked on her lips and explored her mouth with his tongue, engaging her to participate In this ritual of making love.His hands moved even lower and only when he felt her quiver, did her release her, slowly, his lips still clinging to hers not wanting to let go.Slowly he moved back and looked at her..She looked like a piece of art that had come to life.His Goddess of Love.

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