Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 72 - Move In Together

Xie Eun felt her face flush as she peeped at the man who held her in his arms.Her dewy eyes and swollen lips gave the impression that she had just been ravished.Feeling shy,Xie Eun turned around in Wolf's arms and tried to escape his arms but the moment she tried to do this,Wolf pulled her back to him.His chest now against her back and his chin on her shoulders.She could feel his hot breath against the side of her neck and the his hands spread against her stomach made her feel hot all over. "Eun-a,don't run away from me.The more you run,the more I want to hold you.So don't run.Come let us finish our dinner.".Slowly his arms and then his body moved away from her and Xie Eun felt almost bereft at the loss of his warmth.Unable to understand this feeling or rather,not wanting to acknowledge it, she quietly let him guide her to the seat without saying anything.Another button was pressed and within minutes, servers walked in with a cart full of delicacies.For the first time in her life, Xie Eun did not forget everything at the sight of food.In fact if someone were to ask her what she ate for dinner, she would be totally blank.

Wolf, on the other hand was extremely pleased with his wife's reaction.It proved to him that she was at least affected by him.He thoroughly enjoyed her befuddled look that he was responsible for putting on her face. Carefully, he cut a piece of steak for her and raised it near her mouth.Xie Eun's eyes shot to his at this gesture and automatically she took the bite offered. He kept on feeding her from his plate until she was too full to even think of anything. Only when she adamantly refused his coaxing looks, did he relent..

As the time to leave approached, Xie Eun realized that the butterflies in her run.y we're back to business and her stomach was fluttering too much.Her mind started to whirl and she wondered what he would do once they were home..(She did not seem to realize that she already considered his place, her home..)Even as she tried to think of ways to get out of this fix, Wolf pulled back her chair and once they were ready to move out, his hand settled naturally on her waist-his little finger slipping inside the cut out design.This made Xie Eun hyper aware of his nearness while at the same time, she felt a warmth pass through her at his possessive gesture.Her face started to blush and she decided to try and distract herself..To accomplish this task she started to recite the names of all the action figures in her heart.Kt was only as they reached the car, did inspiration strike and she started to stammer," Umm,I have to stay at the dormitory tonight.I have already applied for a change of programs and I will be leaving the dorms soon so I think it will be easier to just stay there tonight.That way i can save time and finish the procedures as soon as possible."

Wolf,after helping her into the car and listening to her, was almost tempted to call out on her lie but decided to leave her some face.He knew that the procedures for transferring programs had already been concluded.Usually a University did not allow students to change courses mid term but since he was the one who had voiced for her, they would not have dared to say no.And naturally when they were done, he was the first person to receive the news. But, just because he let her have some face, did not mean he would let her off. So as soon as he started the car, he asked her,"Then are you going to move into our home once you have cancelled your dormitory?You have been in the guest bedroom until now.I guess I should ask the housekeeper to make some space for you in the master bedroom so that you can store your things.I'll also send someone to pick you up tomorrow.What time do you think you will be able to finish packing and move home?"

Her plan had backfired!Xie Eun widened her eyes and tried to peer at the man in the dark interiors of the can,who had already began to plan how to help her in making a move from the dorm to his home.She had just been avoided going into his house for tonight so how did they get on the topic of having her move there permanently?She shook her head, to deny his plans and to clear her head before protesting,"No, I..I have already made other arrangements.And you are the one who said we must begin dating so how can you expect use to date while we are living in the same house?That would be too soon!"

It was only then she realised how ridiculous she was being.And how vehemently she had declined his suggestion of moving in together.And when the man failed to reply, she started to analyse everything and wondered if she had really offended him.Theu had already been married for two years.His patience with her must already be to the maximum and she was being even more dense.

Xie Eun cursed herself for being ten kinds of fools and opened her mouth to explain some more but before any words could come out of her mouth, the car jerked to an abrupt halt, throwing her against the back of the seat with some force.Finally, accepting the fact that he was angry, Xie Eun was about to request him to be more understanding but before she could say anything, her mouth was caught in another kiss.

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