As Xie Eun opened her eyes,she realized that a heavy arm was thrown across her waist.She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she saw the location of the hand...It was placed just under positionher breasts...How did she even sleep in such a ? Slowly, another thought struck her, did he sleep with his mask on?Maybe she could see his face..even if he had a mask on, she could at least look more closely.She had only ever seen this man's face in shadows..Slowly, she tried to move her head so that she could see without jolting him into waking up. Ever so slowly, she started to move but she had not moved even a few degrees when a husky voice whispered,"Awake?"

With that, the owner of the voice tightened his arm and threw a leg over her hips capturing her and pulling her closer into his body. Something kept poking into her but even as Xie Eun tried to ignore it, she felt an answering rush in her body. 

"Eun-a..It is still early..let's sleep in a bit more.."

Xie Eun tried to move away a bit from the lower parts but his grip on her had been too tight...

He nuzzled into her neck and Xie Eun could only endure this silently.Finally, she fell asleep once again and missed the golden opportunity of seeing her husban's face.

When she woke next, the sun was already high in the sky and her husband was no where to be found.Rubbing her eyes, she freshened up and slowly walked outside.The same hostess from last night greeted her in the upper deck. Xie Eun was shocked at the sudden appearance of someone as she had totally forgotten that they were not alone in this big ship.

"Good morning madam.The breakfast has been laid out for you. We will be reaching our observing point in a little while where you will be to see and observe dolphins..Your camera equipment is all placed in the inbuilt shelf there and should you need anything more you can tell us..and we will arrange it for you.."

Hearing the words camera equipment, Xie Eun realized what Wolf had mentioned about wanting to fulfill her dreams.She stated to the shelf and was amazed at the attention to detail. There were spot meters, extra flash lights, the old fashioned reel and polaroid camera, as well as the latest Dslr and Mirrorless camera.

Grabbing her favourite DSLR, she forgot her breakfast and raced to the railing of the deck.

Focusing from the frame, she looked at the vast expanse of sea and finally saw a focal point for her picture.Her fingers caressed the familiar shape of the camera lovingly as she immersed herself in taking pictures she found fascinating.Since this was her first time at the ocean, she had no intention of missing all this.The stewardess smiled at the young lady's enthusiasm and slowly moved back.She had served many rich girls as part of various crews but this was the first time that she had seen someone so genuinely happy to enjoy the ocean. She had been instructed to not disturb the miss until Miss Xie Was ready so she quietly waited in the lower pantry area..

Only after a while,when Xie Eun had her fill of photos, did Xie Eun turned away from the railing. But instead of keeping away her camera, she started to click pictures of the interior of the ship..She was tempted to call Yu Seok and tell him that she had fulfilled her wish of clicking the pictures at the ocean while he still had to take pictures in the sky. She remembered in their discussion last year, how she had raced over having a chance to click the ocean pictures and now she had the chance.She was perfectly satisfied with her shots and was already planning on taking more..It was only then she realized that her phone was still inside the master bedroom.

Humming to herself happily, Xie Eun, opened the door to the room and then almost dropped the camera in her hand.There,beyond the frosted glass she could see a man's naked silhouette in the shower with his back to the door..Her throat dried and she thought that the scenery inside was even better than the one outside....

Lifting the camera automatically, she focused on the glass that was a bit steamed and set the focus on the water...a series of clicks sounded and just as her camera would have focused downwards, the man turned abruptly and something untoward came into the lens' view. That was when Xie Eun realised what she had done and her eyes snapped upward...

No no no no..she had been caught red handed!She could just feel his gaze on her, burning her through the glass..

"Xie Eun, you lusty fool"..she cursed herself..

What were you thinking to do this?Wolf got you a camera so that you could fulfill your passion not so that you could click porn! Oh...gosh oh gosh.."

While she was having her internal monologue,the sound of the water running stopped and she could hear the sound of the door opening...

Languidly, she heard the man, walk out and ask her,"What are you doing here in the middle of the day?"

His question fired her up and she defensively snapped back at him,"I came to get my phone?But why are you here, sh showering at this time?"

Sensing that this was her chance to go on the offensive and defend her actions, Xie Eun turned around to attack him but the next moment her words caught in her throat and she quickly slapped a hand on her eyes..but the image of that thing was burnt into her memory.."Why are you not wearing your clothes yet?"

"I was about to but you turned around unable to contain your curiosity about me...."

"Hmpf!Who is curious about you?I just turned back by mistake.And now I am going out!I will take my camera later...

She turned around and as her hand went to the door, another hand stopped the door and a low timber whispered in her ear..." not so you think it is so easy to take advantage of me and then run...what about the show you just enjoyed?Hmm?Do I not get a return favour?

"Rrreturn favor?What do you mean?"

"I mean, we are all modern believers of gender equality and you just enjoyed starting at my bodybwhilenI was showering.So, my Eun-a,why don't you let me also have a good time.."

This good for nothing was actually teasing her.He was the one who had put on the show so why should she return the favor.Narrowing her eyes, she glared at the hand that blocked her way and decided to teach her husband a lesson..

He wanted a show did he?She would show him what happens to boys who dared to bully her.She lifted her heel, with the intention of attacking his instep but before she could do that, the camera was snatched from her hand and she had been hauled back onto the bed...

She was then attacked by the man's fingers that tockled her all over her neck, making her giggle like a little child..How did he guess that she was ticklish, she had no idea but after enduring for so long, she relented and lay defeated face down on the bed..panting from being short of breath..

Acquiescing her defeat, Wolf placed a small peck on the back of her neck and whispered,"Good, I have laid down the clothes for you on the couch,why don't you choose something from that for now? You will be reaching the area to see the dolphins can watch them while I can watch you...." The last two words were said in an erotic whisper causing Xie Eun's imagination to go wild.

By the time she had regained her senses, Wolf had already clothed himself walked out of the door..Getting up from the bed, the first thing she did was to check if he had deleted the pictures she had taken and he had not..Yes!Fine,since he had not deleted his own pictures,she would give him a chance. Xie Eun turned to the couch to see for herself,the clothes he had chosen and realized that she had fallen into a trap!

Never would she wear such clothes...Thebfirst option was a supposed to be a two piece bikini she felt...of the few pieces of orange triangle could be called that..the second option was a one piece that would cover her modestly was white in colour would most certainly turn see through when wet....She finally settled on the third piece which was also a one piece but it was more like threads had been sewn together..

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