Narrowing her eyes,Xie Eun chose the modest white swim suit and marched outside.Unfortunately,there was no one to see her ire or for her to vent her frustrations on. The swimsuit was covered by a sarong that she had found stashed in the cupboard.Since her kind husband had arranged the clothing for her,she would not shy away from using it. 

A little while later,the hostess was back with a few snacks and offering them to Xie Eun,explained,"Madam,we are now in the middle of the ocean.Soon you will be able to observe the dolphins.You can go to the east side to observe them..Also,arrangements have been made for you to swim so once you are done,would you like to cool off for a while in the water?"

Snorting,Xie Eun could now very well guess her husband's motive in wanting her to swim.She had started to assume he was a gentleman but after meeting him a few times she realized that,he was a wolf who wanted nothing more than to devour her.She thought of the many times he had assaulted her senses to go into overload, and was sure she would not dare to think of him like that now! So he wanted her to wear those kinds of clothes for him,did he?She would teach him a lesson very soon..She just needed to make sure that his eyes were on her...Barely containing the devious smirk on her face,she nodded and said,"Yes..Once I am done here,I would like to go for a swim.."

The hostess bowed and retreated once again..Xie Eun munched on the shrimp dumplings and drank the chilled soy milk as she made her way to the eastern fence.There, almost travelling along the ship were a pair of dolphins coming up in the air to breathe at a few second intervals..Her face lit up at these wonders of nature that lived in water but needed air to breathe..

After watching them for a few moments,excitedly,she turned on her flash and started to take multiple quick shots, each capturing every that they would look like a moving shot when one looked at slides one by one..Since they were in the direct light of the sun,she was thankful that the flash was available or she would have been able to have only silhouettes of them..Her eyes narrowed as an idea struck her and she changed the settings of the camera a bit before starting to click again..

Once she had enough pictures,she turned around happily and started checking the shots she had taken.She looked at the picture of the dolphin that looked like an illusion due to the effects of the sunlight and water's reflection,almost like a mirage and felt content.This picture was brilliant.She could even use these for her final submissions..Her happy smile froze when she realized that she could not use it as she would not be sitting for those assignments..Before her mood could turn melancholy,however, the hostess carried another camera for Xie Eun and held it out respectfully.."Madam,Sir would like your opinion on these pictures.."

Her eyebrows moved upwards and carefully placing the camera on the side,she took the one that the hostess held out.Curiosity turned to surprise and then to pleasure as she viewed the pictures on the camera..Nobody had clicked her pictures ever.Her father had not been much interested in cameras and would at most occasionally pose for her while Si need to even think of that..

Her eyes shined and she looked around to see the vantage point from which he had clicked the pictures but no one was there..The pictures made her beautiful and she wanted to keep them..They ranged from her popping those shrimps into her mouth to her pleasure when she first saw the dolphins with her hair and sarong billowing in the air and then her concentration as she clicked those pictures..She could not stop smiling and hugged the camera to her chest.

The hostess who had caught only a glimpse of the camera screen,caught the unbridled happiness and felt a happiness herself.Forgetting her role,she smiled and commented,"Madam,the photos just show how much Sir loves you..You are really lucky.."

Her almost envious comment brought Xie Eun back to herself and she silently agreed with a nod and a smile.."Please take this camera back to your boss and say I am very pleased.Also pass him the message that he might find something interesting at the swimming area.."

With that Xie Eun walked to the lower deck towards the swimming pool..she looked around and once she was sure that no one was around, she discarded the saying, revealing the one piece white bikini..The swimming pool which was built on the lower deck was a lot cooler because of the shade that was cast over it..Even the surrounding area was cooler,so instead of jumping straight into the water, Xie Eun walked over to one of the lounge chairs and lay down..So, her husband wanted to watch her in these bikinis, eh?Then she would show him the full potential of this man made wonder.

Stretching her long legs in front of her, Xie Eun closed her eyes.Covertly,she waited for her target to arrive and opened her eyes a bit to check all vantage points from where he could observe her.Once she had locked onto the fee places, she waited patiently to begin her show.After a few minutes, when Wolf had yet to come, Xie Eun frowned, starting to feel impatient. Another idea struck her and she picked up her phone before clicking a picture of her legs and sending them to him with the caption,"Aren't you curious which one I chose?"

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