The whirring of the rotor blades of the helicopter as it flew away from the ship, brought Xie Eun back to herself.Looking at the wrap that now stuck to her wet body, she straightened her back and went towards the other side of the ship where her room was located.She felt..abandoned,she realized.Knowing that he was not here anymore,was disturbing to her..The scenic views suddenly seemed boring.She wandered aimlessly on the ship...The hostess who was following quietly also felt pity for the young miss..She tried to console her,"Madam,you are young.The two of you will have more chances in the future to spend more time together.Please don't be sad.Sir prepared so much to make you happy.I am sure he is also very saddened to leave you here. We are going to be docking at an island tonight and then start back tomorrow.Since you are interested in photography,Sir had specially made arrangements for you to be able to click the sunset today and sunrise tomorrow.Please cheer up."

Xie Eun looked at the hostess who was trying hard to cheer her up and gave a small smile to the lady.."I am fine..Just a little tired due to the heat.And I would like to rest a while and then I will be fine..Also,please instruct the captain to turn back.I will not be staying at the island tonight..As you said,we have a long life to live this sunrise,we will see together in the future.."

Xie Eun entered the room and suddenly could smell his cologne in the air..He had seemingly, just had a shower before coming to her...She threw herself on the bed,snatched a pillow that smelled like him and punched it a few times!How dare he abandon her on their first date! See if she was not going to make him beg for their next date! Just then her phone beeped and her face showed a mixed expression between pleasure and disdain.She would be teased mercilessly by Yu Seok if he were to see her like this! Wolf had just messaged her to stop pouting and change out of her wet clothes..Standing up,she made sure that she had not soaked the bed and then got out of the sarong...As she thing slowly slid down her arms,her cheeks started to flush as she thought of how it was put on her.

Thirty Minutes ago:

Xie Eun,tried to cover herself but was well aware of how exposed she was to Wolf's gaze.Her eyes darted around to look for a hiding spot but found none.As he came close to her,he pulled her hand down slowly and his other hand wound around her waist pulling her close to his bare skin..She could feel his heat and the ache that had just settled started to burn again.."

She blinked up her innocent eyes at him,and for the first time really witnessed the desire for her that he kept leashed..It was primitive and hedonistic..She wanted to tell him that she was ready to be his,wanted to be him but before she could utter a word,her mouth was stolen in a kiss..After a few minutes of taking her breath away,Wolf moved back and placed small kisses on her cheeks,upturned nose,forehead and her closed eyes...This gesture was like a butterfly sitting on her and she opened her eyes in confusion..In his hand he held her sarong..Slowly he lifted her arm and pulled up the sleeves and then slowly moved to her back and helped with the other sleeve..His hand slid under her hair at the base of her neck and pulled her hair out of the cloth,his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake..Moving aside her hair,he placed a small peck there and then put his hands around her,pulling the two sash together to tie the wrap..Instead of moving back,his hands settled there and his mouth came near her ear,"Eun-a...I am going to keep a record of what you did today..You will have to pay so much more you little naughty kitten.But tonight,I will have to leave you here...untouched.."

It took a few moments for Xie Eun to understand what Wolf was saying..Her eyes opened and a frown graced her face as she tried to look at him..

Without waiting for her to ask,he explained,"Someone is trying to sabotage the Company by spreading rumors and agitating the employees,share holders,out government partners and media..Handling one at a time,is easy enough but with so many people riled up,it is getting difficult for my staff..They people in the mix are important enough that I will need to be involved..I am sorry my love..but I promise I will be back soon.."

Xie Eun's suddenly wanted to grab him and stop him from going.Her hands which were loosely at the side almost clutched at his..But her pride had raised her head at this moment and she refused to be clingy.Since he wanted to go, he could go..So she told him so."Alright.I understand that you are in a hurry..So are we turning back now?"

Before she could say anything, she had heard the sounds of the helicopter and received her answer.Angrily, she was about to push back his arms when they retreated on their own,"Come,see me off.."

With that,he had already gone towards the master bedroom while Xie Eun stood there without looking at his receding back.She firmly believed that emergency exits on dates should be allowed only to medical and military personnel not to businessmen!It was only after a few minutes that her anger calmed down and she tried to think where she had been shown the helipad was and raced there..By the time she reached, Wolf was wearing a simple doctor's mask and sunglasses in his face, clad in a grey formal suit.She could not see any of his facial features but still she felt as if he was pleased that she really had come to see him off.Unable to show him any of her anger, she ran to him and placed a small peck on his mask covered cheek."Take care."

His hands grazed at her waist and patting her hair affectionately, Wolf got into the helicopter..

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