Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 89 - A Calm Before The Storm

Xie Eun walked to the closet and took out a dress to go to dinner with Yu Seok.Her mind was in a whirl.She glanced at the laptop on the table, her fingers itching to check but she calmed herself down and slowly got dressed.She will know soon enough.If not now, then in a couple of hours when they returned. Ready within a few minutes, Xie Eun walked out of the door to see that Yu Seok had yet to come out of his room.Her eyes scanned the living area restlessly.As if looking for a hint that she was wrong or right...The door soon opened and Xie Eun's eyes flashed right last him, trying to look at the place where she had earlier seen the suit jacket.But that place was also empty.

Yu Seok raised his eyebrows at her,trying to peep into his room and a smug look entered his eyes.Finally the girl had started paying attention to her surroundings.Of course how soom she discovered everything was upto her.He estimated he had about two days at most to come clean..Clearing his throat,he touched Xie Eun's arm bringing her back to the present and said,"Good girl.You have dressed up!Since it is a celebration we are going to a good place.

Yu Seok took her to a high end restaurant which was famous for it's romantic and fairy tale like atmosphere.If it had been a few hours earlier,Xie Eun would have thought nothing of of it but suddenly,everything he did took on a different meaning..The host guided them inside and they were given a small table near the alcove.Since Yu Seok had made the reservations,Xie Eun guessed he must have asked for some privacy. Xie Eun kept staring at the man who sat opposite her, her mind in a whirl..His mannerisms were also a lot like Wolf..It was only the look in his eyes that kept making her doubt his identity.

Smiling thinly at the thought that she had been deceived again, Xie Eun picked up the glass of water and slowly dipped at it. Deciding to question him in a round about way, and see if he would lie, she asked him,"Yu Seok?Why did you enroll in this university, for your last two years?Wouldn't it have been better to continue wherever you were studying earlier?"

Even as she questioned him, she did not have any hope of receiving a straight or an honest answer. So she was pretty shocked when he casually said,"Because you were here."

Though the answer was the truth, Xie Eun had trouble judging anything because it was said so casually that it could even be a sarcastic remark..But he was at least not coming up with any excuses..Maybe she should question him directly.He could deny or accept..and she would be free of agonizing over this.Just as she was about to open her mouth to question him, a familiar figure caught her eye.Her eyes turned to the man who had just walked in with a beautiful woman in his arms..Si Jing. Suddenly, Xie Eun lost her idea to question him and started out of the window listlessly..Soon her eyes moved between Si Jing and Yu Seok, comparing the two men..If Yu Seok was really Wolf then she wondered who was the bigger jerk..Did her forehead have any labels that said,"Come and make a fool out of me?"

Even as her fiery temper rose and her eyes ignited with fire, Xie Eun kept quiet.The waiter then tried to hand her the menu.With a single glance, she randomly pointed out at some of the most expensive dishes and stared at Yu Seok with narrowed eyes.

Yu Seok could feel her continuous suspicious stare but paid no attention to it. He could already guess what was going on in that brain of hers.After all he had purposely hanged the jacket there and left the door of his room slightly ajar.

His reason was simple.This weekend they had become more intimate.If he simply came clean with her, she would forgive him and firmly place him back in the friend box.He needed her to see him as Wolf first and then Yu Seok.He wanted to be both her husband and friend, in that order...

He shook his head inwardly as he saw her trying to contemplate over this problem.All she needed to do was look at their marriage certificate and she would have her answer..

"Xie Eun, you are quiet today.." 

Xie Eun looked up at him and realized that she was indeed behaving a bit oddly.

So she shook her head and answered,"I am just thinking over something.."

Just then, soft music started to play and a beautiful woman came onto the small podium at the front with a microphone in her hand. 

With a big smile at the restaurant's patrons, she spoke into the microphone,"Ladies and Gentlemen, A very warm welcome to you all.As you know, our restaurant is a haven for out couples.Other than giving you a place to enjoy yourselves, we would also like to add some fun to your experience.So today we have come up with a new couple challenge!It is going to test your food knowledge as well as add some sweetness to your relation!So are you all ready to taste some desserts?"

A small round of applause followed the emcee's introduction.After which,she continued,"All the beautiful girls out you love sweets?Because I always crave them but if I were to eat as many as I crave I would need to be fit into a truck to move about.."

Laughter rang about around the room and many girls were nodding along playfully agreeing that indeed eating sweets and maintaining a figure were indeed a dilemma..

Having stirred the audience up,the skillful emcee then raised a small curtain and announced,"Welcome to our Dessert Tasting Challenge! To celebrate this restaurant's one year of being here,our chef has prepared a few scrumptious ice creams and an interesting game or all of you out there!And we also have a special gift for our winners today!So are you ready?"

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