Xie Eun walked into the house early in the morning.She felt hungry but she had no desire to eat so she simply stomped in and throwing away the bag in her hand, fell face first onto the couch. Suddenly her head raised as a sweet fragrance assaulted her senses, and she opened her tired and sore eyes..

Yu Seok was home and cooking something tasty!Rolling around on the couch, she called out, "Yu Seeeeeeeok!" (In a song song voice) and shouted,"Whatever you are making, make for me also!"

Wolf, who was inside shook his head at the girl and continued to make the sweet porridge..He had barely reached and thrown away his own clothes, when he had heard her enter the house.Just how much had she urged the captain that he had brought her back so soon!

Seeing the porridge done, he poured the breakfast into two bowls and carried them on a tray outside.

However, he almost dropped the tray when he got a look at her.Xie Eun who was lazing on the couch with a sulk, noticed this and cursed loudly,"Idiot!Rascal!Bast***!"

You Seok raised an eyebrow at her vehement greeting and remarked,"Well, that is a unique was of saying hello and thank you.."

Pouting,she glared up at him and snorted before replying,"Hello!I was not talking to you!I was cursing that...that horrible man who is my husband!"

Yu Seok:".." 

(Author:You wonder what you did?I am not going to tell you!How does it feel to be cursed to your face when you don't even know what you have done to deserve it?

YS: "..")

Yu Seok who was an expert of the human mind but understood nothing of the human heart, specially that of his wife, tentatively asked," Umm, why are you so angry?"

He,of course, knew that he had abandoned her in the middle of the date but she had been perfectly fine when he left..then why did she have panda like dark circles now and a grumpy Scrooge like expression?

Xie Eun squinted at Yu Seok with a sour expression but said nothing as she picked up her bowl and started to drink quietly.

How was she supposed to explain that she was grumpy from lack of sleep and sexual frustration!Twenty years!Twenty years of her life and she had been a stranger to physical desire and temptation and that mam had destroyed everything so easily!And again she had been sleeping alone for more that ten years but one night, one night of sleeping in his arms and she had started feeling lonely on her own in that huge bed! She wondered if he had drugged her with something to intoxicate her senses...Of course she could only curse him and not confess that she was already missing him and thus could not sleep well.

This time, Yu Seok wisely refrained from asking anything and quietly ate his won food while opening his laptop to start on some of his own work..

Xie Eun, who had been lost in thought, suddenly thought of something and looked up to ask him something when her gaze fell on something that made her eyes narrow...She blinked and rubbed her eyes wondering if she was hallucinating but no..Actually there were two things that has caught her eye...First, there wee peculiar scratch marks on Yu Seok's neck...The kind that we're left in the heat of the moment...And secondly,she had spied a suit jacket hanging on a hanger in Yu Seok's room..a jacket very similar to the one that Wolf had been wearing when he left yesterday..It was the reason why she had rubbed her eyes because for a moment, she had imagined that Wolf had been standing there..

Her eyes jerked back to Yu Seok who was absorbed in working and looked carefully at the fingers that were tapping away on the laptop.. Suddenly many past events started to knock around in her head but before she could put them together, Yu Seok felt her stare and looked up suddenly.Their eyes met and when he saw her observing him in a daze, he clicked his fingers in front of her eyes teased,"Are you done studying me?I know I am beautiful but if you stare too much, then your eyes will hurt..."

Having her concentration broken, Xie Eun shook her head and scoffed back,"Who wants to look at you?A nerd like you is really hard on the eyes.I was just wondering how to tell you that you need to get cosmetic surgery for your extra long and crooked nose!"

Having said her piece, Xie Eun stood up and went to her room to sell off her imagination..What was she thinking?Wolf and Yu Seok were two different people.Wolf's eyes when they looked at her dark with possessiveness and desire while Yu Seok looked at her with tenderness and sometimes amusement. Wolf, was someone who wanted to pamper her while Yu Seok was always teasing her..Yu Seok was her friend who was always there for her and someone she liked only platonic while with her husband she had some explosive chemistry.Yu Seok was like the chocolate boy next door while Wolf was dark and dangerous the kind that made your heart race..It was the weekend and she had been out on a date so it was natural that maybe Yu Seok had also been out with his partner and she was overthinking things..but there were too many coincidences.seeing him outside the Alpha companies, his green eyes..

With such thoughts, Xie Eun after having endured a sleepless night drifted off to sleep..She dreamt of his kisses and the way he touched her..She dreamt of what it would be like when they would be together..She dreamt of how his body would feel when she touched it...Her dreams had been going well until suddenly they changed and the one who was touching and even licking her and the one who was being fondled became Yu Seok.Xie Eun woke up with a jerk as if she had experienced a nightmare.Just when did she start having such thoughts about Yu Seok! Had she turned promiscuous and was now going to be attracted to every male?, Her hormones must have gone haywire after being dominant for so long..

Her mind was however in a whirl and she felt guilty for having such thoughts.She was especially thankful that Yu Seok or for that matter Wolf could not read her mind or she would have been done for..

She walked over to the windows and drawing aside the curtain, she looked out to realize that she had almost slept the day away and soon it was going to be evening. Her eyes suddenly found a figure in the garden and she realized that Yu Seok was doing his daily exercise.She had observed that every wbening, Yu Seok would go to the small garden outside the home and exercised.He would do push ups and pull ups on the handle bars that had been installed as well as other exercises. In the last, she would not pay attention to him but now she found it difficult to turn her eyes away from him. The white t shirt that he was wearing was plastered to his body, showing his well-defined muscles and his hair was wet with sweat and falling over his forehead..This time, the niggling feeling got worse and Xie Eun could not ignore it anymore.Her instincts were screaming that something was very fishy..Why did she suddenly start to desire two men?

Slowly, she walked back to the living room and took out the camera that she had brought with her..Walking back to her room, she brought it to her eyes and focused the lens on the man and clicked a few close up shots..She the arched towards her work desk and plugged the memory chip into her laptop..Slowly, she opened the pictures of Wolf that she had taken when he was in the shower.She minimized it and then opened the picture of Yu Seok..but before she could do a side by side comparison, there was a knock on the door and Yu Seok called out,"Xie Eun, if you are awake, let us go out for dinner.My treat to you is pending.Tell me what you want to eat and we will make a reservation."

Her heart in her throat and fearing that Yu Seok would suddenly enter, Xie Eun snapped her laptop closed hurriedly and rushed out to open the door.

Yu Seok looked at her when the door was opened and his eyes flashed hot for a moment before it was curbed but this time Xie Eun had caught the flash and her suspicion was even more firm..

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