Once,the two had laid down, Xie Eun stared at the ceiling blindly.Though she had her suspicions, she realized that she had really hoped that she was at fault..Little droplets of water kept flowing out of her eyes even as she lay there quietly..It was only after a few moments that Wolf started to speak.

"My name really is Yu Seok but I have never used it.You are the only one who called me that. I was called Wolf on the streets before Your father found me because, I liked to be alone or rather hint alone.Since I had no one, I let go of this name and remained Wolf.It also kept away those people who would prey on orphan children who feared the name..Any way, when I first met you, I had almost forgotten my real name.Your father had just rescued me and was helping me out..You might not remember me but we met once as teenagers.You were stuck on a tee.Throughout the way you chatted animatedly and I dreaded having to tell you that my name was Wolf.So I decided to tell you my real name.But we were not destined to meet after that.I kept away your memory after knowing your identity and worked hard to make my mentor proud.Then suddenly you were brought back into my life.I tried to talk to you again but you were angry and did not want to get to know me.I thought to give you time but then I discovered that your heard was already captured by another man.That was when I hesitated..You we're never supposed to know Yu Seok but then my investigations showed that Si Jing was not a man who could be trusted so I had to take this chance and get close to younto protect you. Eun-a, I promise you if Si Jing had been a good man then Yu Seok would have been your friend only while Wolf would have agreed to divorce you.But you were unwilling to doubt Si Jing and that is where everything started to get complicated.I am not trying to blame you.I know I should have come clean immediately after you discovered the truth but at the time you needed Yu Seok your friend rather than Wolf the man you believed was your forced husband. Xie Eun, I have no right to ask this of you but please try to understand..Everything I did was to avoid hurting you but in the end it turned around the other way.. and believe me when I say this that I am really sorry to have caused your tears. From here on, there are no secrets among us.Apart from the name, I am the same person.Inhave never lied to you about anything else.It is up to you how you want to go ahead from here on...if, after this you wish to break off our friendship or..our marriage, I will not object to your wishes.But I will continue to protect you and if you should ever need a friend, you will always have one in me.To me, you are the most precious in the world."

Wolf kept staring at Xie Eun waiting for her to reply but she kept quiet.He could see that her eyes were open and she had indeed at least listened to his explanation.So he quietly closed his eyes and waited for her judgement..

Xie Eun listened to his even breathing, her brain mulling over the words he had just said.

His explanation soothed some of her hurt and she thought back to all the conversations they had shared in the past.He was indeed right.It was Yu Seok who had supported her through her most difficult time.If he had come to her as Wolf then she would have been wary of him.If she had seen him as Wolf, the sexual tension between them would have kept her on the edge, unable to clear her mind.In her head, she had seen her husband as someone superior that she needed to please while Yu Seok was someone on the same plain as her.

Her brain understood his reasons and felt that they were justified.But her heart was another story.Why did the person she placed her trust in have to be like this.But before she could lament more on this, her brain interrupted,"He has kept two different identities and maintained this deception for two years.Do you think he could not have continued?Who is Wolf?An invincible man.Would he commit such silly errors so that you could find his truth.He wanted you to know and that is why you were able to figure these things out..

This fact was like a revelation to Xie Eun and she frowned as she pondered this.Soon the emotional trauma took a toll and Xie Eun closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Soon after she had fallen asleep, Wolf opened his eyes and stared at her.Carefully, he opened the lock on the handcuff and took her hand out of it.She would be really uncomfortable if she slept like this the whole night. Adjusting her posture so that she would be comfortable, he made his way to his own room with a heavy heart and troubled eyes.For the first time in his life, he felt uncertain of his own future..

The next morning, when Xie Eun opened her eyes,she had not yet reached to a conclusion..However she felt disappointed when she noticed the handcuffs placed on the side table.Rubbing her eyes, she carefully made her way out,listening for any sounds.She heard nothing but the moment the door opened, she was assaulted by some intoxicating fragrances and she followed them to see that a table full of her favourite breakfast items was laid out.

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