The table was laid out with western breakfast of sandwiches, pancakes, coffee and eggs along with the traditional Chinese breakfast items like steamed filled buns,confer, fried noodles, etc.Even as her mouth watered, she chooses her arms and glared at him,"Do you really think that by doing this you can bribe me into forgiving you?I may love food but I hate lies."

With that, Xie Eun hardened her heart against the food and the man and was about to walk back into the bedroom cursing herself for even coming out.

But the next moment, she was pulled back and his strong familiar arms wound around her waist once more."These are not to bribe you.I have not made them for you to eat.."

At this, Xie Eun scoffed and instantly retorted,"So are you having a party and that is why you have prepared these foods?"

She was actually feeling all the more angry that he had the gall to way that the food was not for her.

He calmly held her, noticing that though her tongue was sharp she was not struggling to get out of his arms and said,"These are for you to dump on my head.So that you can vent your anger."

This made her jaw drop and she was actually stunned..She wondered of this man had a case of split personality.The renowned CEO,that everyone fears wants her a mere human to dump food on him to vent her anger?And he even prepared the food himself?

She wondered if she should pinch herself to check if she was dreaming some odd dream...

And then another thought struck her..So he wanted her to vent some anger eh?Well she would let him..Getting out of his arms,she walked back to the table and looked again carefully.."Throwing such food on you would be a waste of this..and you gave at least not fallen to the extent that man had.I'll tell you what, Inam going to eat this and you should go and get ready.By then Inwill have prepared a punishment for you.."

Wolf almost felt fear when he heard her verdict..If she was not dumping food on him then there were going to be even worse consequences..but at least she was willing to talk to him...Accepting his fate,he moved to his own bedroom to get ready for office. 

Once the man had entered his room, Xie Eun snatched a steamed bun and walked towards the kitchen.She intended to cook breakfast for him..

As she took out the stuff she needed, she shook hear head at poor Yu Seok. He happened to be an excellent cook while her....well it was usually a blessing to be able to boil water without causing a mishap...

Putting the bread into the toaster, she grabbed a few eggs and cracked them into a bowl..Having a bit of mercy on his, she took out the little pieces of shell that fell into it and then started to grab everything she could think of into the omelette.Finally,after mixing all the ingredients, she poured them into the hot pan and cooked it some..Finally after fifteen minutes her liquid and mushy omelette(if it could be called that)/and slightly charred toast were ready. She thought to take a bite of it but the smell was so horrible that she thought she would throw up.Sonshe went and quietly placed the breakfast on the table.

Her meaning behind such a horrible breakfast was clear.She did not want to forgive him and punishing him would mean that she would also forgive him sometime..and maybe she would but at present she was not ready for that..Harrumphing she munched on her tasty breakfast and waited for him to come amd go hungry. 

She felt a bit guilty as every tasty morale melted in her mouth but she resolutely pushed down the guilt.After the explanation last night, she did understand his reasons but still she could not accept being lied to.

After a few minutes, Yu Seok came out clad in a black shirt and black suit.His usually ruffled hair were slicked back.So this was how he looked as Wolf. Looking him over carefully, she decided that she likes his Yu Seok look better..This hairstyle made him look too much like a businessman.But she did not say all this and simply sipped at her congee. 

His eyebrows almost touched his hairline when she pointed at the 'breakfast' on the table.Her gesture was clear.'Finish this and I may consider for giving you.'

Without uttering a word, Yu Seok pulled a chair and started to eat the bread and omelette. She expected him to throw it out after the first bite or actually make a horrible face after eating it but he had no expression and continued eating as if the food on his plate was prepared by some high end chef. She was amazed and actually awed at this...And touched.

Did he really care this much that he would eat such horrible food to appease her? She looked in shock as he went to pick up his plate and asked him tentatively,"Are you alright?"

She wanted to ask him if his stomach was alright after having such horrible food but her pride stopped her from posing her concern.

But then Yu Seok answered and his answer literally blew her brains out and smashed her hearts to pieces."Eun-a,don't worry.My stomach is fine.Thebfood you prepared was very clean and hygienic so it will not affect me much.."

"What do you mean clean and hygienic?"

"You forget, I was in the streets for many years and there food is usually found in garbage only..You will have to think of a better punishment."

Wolf did not know why he said all this..perhaps it was something he had never thought of in the past and never even talked about it.But somehow, he had slipped up and said this.He cursed himself even more after this. These things were in the past and should be buried there then why did his stupid mind insist on bringing them up?

Feeling awkward at his own blunder and her silence, he said,"I..uh..I am getting late..I hope you will be here.Eun-a..",he paused and then quietly continued,"If you do not want me to return tonight, just drop me message and I will go to my apartment..."

Xie Eun could not reply as he said this and walked out of the door.She felt horrible.She did not blame him for saying what he did.That food must-have reminded him of those days..She felt sorry in her heart.She glanced at the table of tasty food on the table and her mouth turned sour.She had wanted to apologize but words escaped her and by the time she came back to her senses, he was already gone.

But this incident made her clear on one thing..She was not ready to leave him..Not once throughout the entire night as she thought of everything, did she consider divorcing him..And in her heart she realized that she still trusted him..

To appease her guilt, she decided to send him something nice for lunch but since she was not a good cook,she had no idea what to do.She wondered if she could just pack all this food and send it too him but then there would be no honesty in that..Suddenly an idea struck her and she placed a call to her favorite pizza place..

At lunch time:

The guard in the security stared at the large box of pizza as if it would blast any second...He looked at the others in the room for their opinion but all of them remained blank..Finally, he decided to make a call,"Assistant Cheng Mo? There is a parcel for the CEO in this room?Oh?No I don't think it can wait?But I don't know if it is a prank..But since it involves the CEO, we thought it was better to ask you.."

Cheng Mo, who was being glared at by the boss almost dropped his phone in excitement and repeated,"What did you say?The box is from the CEO's wife?A young student came there and dropped it?I'll be right there!"

And without even excusing himself, Cheng Mo raced out of the office to collect the box that was his saviour..He reverently carried the box upstairs and placed it on the table in front of his boss..and escaped from there..and that is how everyone in the company knew that their boss was really dating a young girl and she maybe someone who delivered pizza for a living...

Meanwhile, Wolf, who had never touched pizza munched on it greedily, saving only the words written on it.He happily re read them, confirming they said,"Hubby" and ordered his financial planner to buy this pizza company's shares.

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