Chapter 326 How Can Hegemony Have Love Incense?

Shi Feiyan is indeed too salty.

There is no ambition for the entire Shenzhou.

It’s also very accurate indifferently.

Shi Feiyan has no desire for hegemony.

I only care about Sect disciples, and I care about the speed of disciples’ practice.

But there is no concern about the battle between the two realms.

Don’t care about the ranking of the Nether Palace.

It doesn’t matter whether the Netherworld Palace ranks first or the bottom in the Shenzhou sect.

Shi Feiyan is not interested in these things.

I used to like fighting to relieve boredom.

But since Li Yangping confessed, the daily fun has become to fall in love with his own disciples.

There is no such thing as a Megatron Shenzhou Emperor Level Supreme at all.

Not to mention Devil Dao the demon.

He even delayed the fight and started to fall in love.

The same is true for Li Yangping.

No interest in the dispute between the two realms.

Instead, he likes to molest his master.

Committed to getting through all the master’s cards.

Had it not been for the customs clearance conditions, he would not have the mind to continue cultivation.

He has no interest in cultivation at all.

But even such lazy cultivation is supported by talent and Cultivation Technique.

He has become a benchmark for the coercion of the young generation in China.

Easily become the top of the young generation.

If he is a little bit more mindful in his daily practice, he will also grow at a faster speed.

The breakthrough has long since reached the stage of harmony.

Elder, who is completely different from Li Yangping and Shi Feiyan, is not like that.

She wanted to build a more glorious Nether Palace.

He devoted all his efforts to Sect.

All I have in my mind are Sect’s interests.

His biggest hope in this life is to make the Netherworld Temple the largest Sect in China.

Even command the rest of Sect! !

This is his goal and his dream of striving for a lifetime.

Now, Nether Hall already possesses this ability.

Whether it is Shi Feiyan, the superb head of combat power, or Li Yangping, the gifted saint son.

Both now and in the future are geniuses.

At the same time, it was Nanxun’s opponent.

If it is properly arranged, it is not difficult to complete this task easily.

It can even change the pattern of the entire Shenzhou.

What only disappointed him was that Shi Feiyan and Li Yangping were more lazy than each.

None of them have any interest in unifying China.

This left Elder with no choice but to hate iron but not steel.

She wanted to persuade the head to cheer up, but the head did not listen to him.

Wang Elder never forgot, even thinking that he could not see this goal achieved while he was alive.

As a result, the sky had eyes and sent a Li Yangping,

On Li Yangping, Wang Elder’s eyes lit up again.

At first, it changed the low-key of the disciples of the Netherworld Palace, but instead debuted wildly.

The start is the first genius of the right way.

Later, he fought against the tide of beasts in Demon, and became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

The series of things he has done are truly earth-shattering, attracting the attention of countless people in China.

Even the prestige of the Nether Palace was taken to another height.

It is also recognized by the world as the leader of the younger generation!! !

In addition, Li Yangping successively followed Feng Yijing, head of Lingyun Hall, and Zhao Lingchuan, head of Xuantian Sword Sect.

There is also the chief elder brother who killed the Heavenly Dao sect, and even the head of the Heavenly Dao sect, Zhang Zhidao, drank blood with hatred under the head of the head.

In an instant, the four major sects of the Right Way were all cleaned up.

The Xuantian Sword Sect and Lingyun Temple became allies, and the Heavenly Dao Sect was beaten badly, and the Buddha Sect was still lingering.

Wang Elder was very excited.

I even feel that I can see the Nether Hall crushing the other seven Sects in my lifetime.

Thinking of this, Wang Elder looked at Li Yangping with his eyes shining brightly: “The saint son has a dark green chest, he is old and clumsy.”

“Unexpectedly, I only saw the cultivation talent of Shengzi Wushuang, but I didn’t care about this i-Scheming City Mansion.”

Li Yangping:? ? ?

Looking at the excited Wang Elder, Li Yangping couldn’t help but pour cold water and said: “Wang Elder, you have misunderstood, I didn’t think so much at all.”

Wang Elder refused to listen, and said to himself: “Holy son, the old man understands, you don’t need to hide anymore.”

“The old man knows all, all know.”

“Wang Elder, you really misunderstood.” Li Yangping lifted his forehead.

Wang Elder didn’t believe it, “Since it is a misunderstanding, how could you worship Feng Yijing and Zhao Lingchuan as masters?”

“This just melted into it.”

Li Yangping thought for a while, and casually made up a reason: “Because Ben Shengzi thinks soft rice is too delicious, so I am going to find more bowls of rice.”

“Soft rice?”

King Elder was stunned, and then he asked: “Where are they in that Zhang Wanli? Why did the holy son kill them?”

Li Yangping stretched out his hands: “Because I had hatred with them from the beginning, don’t you kill it and keep it for the New Year?”

“I just caught the opportunity, so I caught it all in one go.”

“Then why did the saint son pretend to be Li Daniu, the disciple of the Xuantian Sword Sect? Are you still planning to arouse hatred between the Heavenly Dao Sect and the Xuantian Sword Sect?”

“They don’t need to cause it. They didn’t like each other. As for why they pretended to be Li Daniu, it was for Zhao Ning.”

Wang Elder:? ? ?

Good fellow, she was just touched by the feelings.

She thought that the saint son had opened up, and knew that the strategizing was done.

The result is that she thinks too much, and she has too much brain supplement to cause such a beautiful misunderstanding.

But thinking of her ambitions, she still didn’t give up, and continued to ask: “Is the saint son teasing the old man? Don’t worry, I will never reveal the secrets of Sect.”

Li Yangping sighed, “It’s okay. If Wang Elder wants to leak Sect secrets, let’s leak the secrets. I don’t have any Sect secrets either.”

“Besides, what’s so fun about dominating China? It’s better to talk to Master…cough cough, that’s it.”

Li Yangping almost changed the subject in embarrassment.

“Okay, it’s not too early, I’m going to discuss things with Master.”

When he said that, he stopped paying attention to King Elder, and walked in the direction of You Yuefeng.

Only King Elder with a dull and unbelievable face remained in place.

After a long time, there was no movement at all.

It seemed to be fixed in place.

The game was originally won, but in the end you all expected the table?

This is the word ah, tease me.

Wang Elder didn’t want to believe it.

I can’t believe it.

This truth is too cruel.

Far beyond her ability to bear it! !

After Wang Elder recovered, he still unwillingly shouted towards Li Yangping’s back: “Holy son, do you want to imagine? The old body will definitely support you.”

Li Yangping is the son of Nether Hall.

Also the head of the future.

Not surprisingly, Li Yangping will be in charge of the Nether Palace in the future.

So as long as Li Yangping is ambitious, she will definitely stand behind him and support him.

This is for sure! !

“Wang Elder, don’t think too much.”

Li Yangping didn’t even turn his head. After dropping a sentence, he left in a hurry.

Obviously, there is no interest in Wang Elder’s proposal.

He is busy dating now, how can he have time to dominate China?

Isn’t this a joke?

waste time.

After discovering that Li Yangping had no idea of ​​fighting for hegemony, Wang Elder was just as frustrated as the eggplant that Shuang beat.


“Why let the old man stand with such two salted fish heads and saint sons.”

“Obviously, the fighting power of the head is the best in Shenzhou, and the talent of the son is the only one in the world… but the two people are actually not interested in being a tyrant.”

“It makes the old man feel uncomfortable.”

“Furthermore, the Son of God has said so, obviously there is no interest in it, and the head is extremely determined.”

“What should I do if I change it? Saint Son is still young, so he might not be able to turn around… But how can he get up on his mind for hegemony when he is old?”

Wang Elder was lost in thought.


the other side.

Li Yangping walked slowly to Youyue Peak in this way.

Standing in front of the head of the palace.

When the guard in the bedroom saw Li Yangping, he was a little surprised.


“Isn’t Saint Son in Xuantian Sword Sect? When did you return to Sect?”

“Why didn’t we receive the news.”

The guard’s attitude is very respectful.

Li Yangping replied, “I will only come today. By the way, the master is still in the bedroom?”

The guard nodded, “Yes.”

“Unexpectedly, the saint son is so filial that he will come to visit the head of the boss when he comes back.”

“Uh, yes.”

Li Yangping smiled awkwardly.

Then walked directly in.

Seeing Li Yangping entering, the guards discussed carefully.

“It’s different, just let the holy child in?”

“What’s the common problem? Saint Son is the head’s most proud disciple. Besides, Saint Son has stayed in the head’s bedroom for several days.”

“That’s right, the relationship between the son and the head is really good.”

“You don’t understand, this is mentorship.”

Li Yangping stepped into the threshold of the bedroom.

“Fortunately, I left Sect before. I have stayed in the palace of the head of the house, and the guards didn’t report it.”

“It would be embarrassing if I was notified and I was stopped at the door.”

“Maybe I won’t be able to enter the palace today, but fortunately.”

Li Yangping breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the courtyard cautiously.

Then he took a closer look around.

The master bedroom covers a large area, and he doesn’t know where the master is in that room.

But I didn’t dare to ask, I could only search room by room.

However, after a long circle, Shi Feiyan was not seen.

“Is it in the palace? But I fell asleep at this time??”

Li Yangping was a little puzzled, but the palace did not look for it.

So tiptoedly walked towards the palace.

Carefully pushed open the door of the room, and looked around with his head.

There is still a smell in the room, but there is no one in it,

“Isn’t the master here? Where did you go?”

Li Yangping scratched his head, wondering what happened.

Just about to leave the room, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: “Rebel, what are you doing!”


Li Yangping was stunned for an instant.

He hurriedly looked back, but he was stunned by what he saw.

Can’t help but move his throat, and said in surprise: “Master, you are…”

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