Chapter 327 Brother and sister relationship has deteriorated


Li Yangping was stunned.

Shi Feiyan was holding Zhao Ning’s hand and appeared in front of her.

Both of them had some moisture in their hair, and they just finished the bath at first glance.

Shi Feiyan was not wearing the inseparable white long-distance running before, but wearing a thin liner.

Graceful posture, charming curves.

There are still water droplets on the white and tender face, and the pretty face is white and flawless.

The clavicle below is a delicate look, which makes people can’t help but get a glimpse of it.

Li Yangping swallowed his saliva, only feeling that his brain was a little up.

“Master, did you take a shower?”

“if not.”

Shi Feiyan stared at her anger.

Even frowning is so pretty.

Let Li Yangping’s heartbeat speed up quickly.

Seeing Li Yangping’s stunned eyes, Shi Feiyan’s face blushed.

The water vapor on the hair disappeared instantly.

Even though she is the emperor-level supreme, there is no dirt on her body.

But she also insists on taking a bath every day, this is a habit all the time,

It just so happened that Zhao Ning wanted to take a bath too.

It’s a little girl again, it’s not necessary.

So Shi Feiyan simply took it to the bath.

As a result, halfway through the bath, I felt Li Yangping’s breath.

And the pace from the bath is getting tighter.

Where would you dare to continue taking a bath?

He quickly got out of the bath and got dressed neatly.

When Zhao Ning saw Li Yangping, she threw herself into Li Yangping’s arms happily.

Surprised: “Big Brother.”

Zhao Ning’s Cultivation Base has reached the middle stage of Qi training, and she can be as light as a swallow.

At this moment, Pu Ru Li Yangping’s movements in his arms were extremely light.

Li Yangping hugged her in his arms and said with a smile, “Are you serious about cultivation?”

Zhao Ning nodded, and said gruffly, “I’m serious today, even Master praised my cultivation speed.”


Li Yangping squeezed Zhao Ning’s cheek and smiled: “That’s your talent, but you can’t be proud. If you don’t cultivate for a day, you will fall.”

“Cultivation pays attention to diligence, you have to cultivate assiduously.”

When Li Yangping said this, he didn’t even think of himself.

Also a serious teaching Zhao Ning cultivation.

“Okay, I know Big Brother.”

Zhao Ning hugged Li Yangping’s neck and nodded, “Big Brother, I finally saw you.”

“All right.”

Li Yangping smiled, “I just met in the morning, how long has it passed since then.”

“But do I just want to see you.”

“Well, Big Brother got it.”


Shi Feiyan saw Li Yangping’s love for Zhao Ning and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Ever since she knew that Zhao Ning’s future goal was to marry Li Yangping, she couldn’t directly look at the relationship between the two.

This kind of brother-sister relationship doesn’t feel right now.

Although Zhao Ning is very young, she simply can’t tell what love is.

Maybe I just want to stay with Li Yangping, not the kind of love.

But Shi Feiyan still felt uncomfortable.

But she could clearly perceive that Li Yangping was taken care of by Zhao Ning as Little Sister.

No other thoughts.

He hadn’t wanted to be crooked yet, which made Shi Feiyan a sigh of relief.

Although Li Yang is naturally romantic, there is still a bottom line.

And even if Zhao Ning becomes competitive, it will take more than ten years.

Shi Feiyan sighed.

Just when she was thinking about things, there was a sudden rumbling in her stomach.

She was watching, and saw Zhao Ning embarrassedly say: “Big Brother, I’m hungry.”

Li Yangping:? ? ?

Some helplessly said: “Since I’m hungry, why don’t you tell me?”

“Since I had breakfast in the morning, I haven’t been eating anymore.”

Shi Feiyan smiled awkwardly: “I forgot that she hasn’t stopped eating yet.”

Zhao Ning said milkily, “Regardless of Master’s business, I was too engrossed in cultivation and forgot to eat.”

Forgot to eat?

How could I forget to eat.

Zhao Ning was just giving Shi Feiyan a step, and was too embarrassed to say it.

Li Yangping and Shi Feiyan know well.

Obviously, although Zhao Ning is young, she is very sensible.

“All right.”

Li Yangping looked at the two masters and apprentices, and sighed: “I’ll get you some delicious food, wait a minute.”

He put down Zhao Ning and walked towards the kitchen alone.

Shi Feiyan whispered: “I really forgot…”

He was planning to learn to cook before.

It was also to feed Li Yangping.

It’s just that since Li Yangping left the Nether Palace, she has not entered the kitchen.

I can’t remember eating.

Thinking of this, Shi Feiyan sighed.

Touched Zhao Ning’s head and said, “If anything happens in the future, I still have to tell Master.”

“This is not only the Nether Palace, but also your home.”

“Don’t dare to say it, just treat this as a home and relax.”

Zhao Ning nodded obediently, “Okay, Master, I see.”

Shi Feiyan raised her mouth slightly.

The little girl in front of her was so sensible and reasonable, she was indeed very loving.

Even if she doesn’t have any interest in children, it is difficult for her to be malicious towards Zhao Ning.

Facing Zhao Ning, she didn’t mean to hate her at all.

However, there is still a premise, that is, Zhao Ning will not compete with her for Li Yangping in the future.


After a stick of incense.

In the restaurant.

Zhao Ning looked at the steaming food on the table and couldn’t help swallowing.

smell good.

The aroma permeated the entire restaurant.

“And it looks so delicious.”

Time is limited, and Li Yangping did not prepare too much ingredients.

It was all made with the ingredients available in the kitchen, but despite this, a table of extremely rich meals was also made.

Although not as good as the celebrity chefs in the restaurant, it can be considered as delicious and delicious.

“Master, let’s eat together, there are so many meals anyway.”

Li Yangping invited.

Shi Feiyan turned her head, “I don’t need to have a meal, I already have bigu.”

Obviously, Li Yangping was still not forgiven.

At the moment, he is still in anger and awkwardness.

Li Yangping directly took her to sit down, “At any rate, it is the meal that the disciple has made with great effort. Master, let’s give some Face a taste.”

Shi Feiyan looked at the hearty food on the table.

She really likes to eat a lot of them.

Thinking of this, her face softened a lot.

Even the voice was charming: “Huh, for your so sincerely, that is what this guy is.”

“Try it.”

Li Yangping took a piece of fish and put it in Shi Feiyan’s mouth.

Shi Feiyan blushed, hungry for a while, and finally started chewing.

Li Yangping looked at Shi Feiyan expectantly: “Is it delicious?”

Shi Feiyan snorted, “It’s okay, it’s going to be.”

“Then Master, try something else.”


“Try this again.”

“Okay, okay, I will eat it myself.”

“okay then.”

In front of Zhao Ning, being fed by Li Yangping, Shi Feiyan was a little uncomfortable.

It feels weird.

So I immediately refused.

However, Zhao Ning did not pay attention to all of this at all.

She was sitting in Li Yangping’s arms, buried in her rice bowl and eating energetically.

Did not notice Li Yangping’s feeding at all.

Obviously he was hungry and ate in such a hurry.

Some dishes were too far away, and Li Yangping helped to pick them up.

“Okay, eat slowly, it’s all yours.”

“It’s delicious, Big Brother.”

Zhao Ning’s mouth bulged, chewing and eating.

Li Yangping smiled.

Shi Feiyan looked at Li Yangping’s pampering eyes, somehow feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Can’t help but stretched out his hand and gave him a hard pinch on the waist.


Li Yangping almost screamed in pain.

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