Chapter 416

The dragon egg danced wildly on Li Yangping’s shoulder, and Li Yangping grabbed him at random. He was about to do something, and suddenly he was stunned.

I saw the egg shell of the dragon egg dropped a little further down.

Although the brain cancer in the dragon egg has not yet been exposed, there are two more holes in the eyes.

He can just see both of his eyes.

Li Yangping looked inside with some doubts.

“Huh? How is this?”

I saw that Long Dan’s eyes were not as handsome and cold as he expected.

Instead, they have two big round eyes.

And the pupils account for a large circle more than the whites of the eyes.

It looks cute, just not so handsome.

Li Yangping was angry: “Where is my handsome mount? How could it be like this.”

Li Yangping was unwilling to accept.

Hurry up and return his handsome mount! !

“Roar roar.”

Long Dan showed two eyes, and looked around with some excitement.

This is his first contact with the world.

I ran around like crazy and bumped into a lot of things.

Just like a puppy, it doesn’t look like a dragon.

After a while, it stopped, and then rolled roundly at Li Yangping’s feet.

Pulled his trousers, then looked at him pitifully.

“Roar roar.”

Ask Li Yangping to take her out to play.

Looking at the dragon egg in front of him, Li Yangping lifted his forehead.

I’m really speechless.

Is he raising a dragon or a dog? ! !

Can this little thing really be a mount? ?

What he wants is the majestic kind.

Li Yangping thought to himself, whether he should find Master Shi Kong for another.

“Roar roar.”

Long Dan wandered around her happily.

The dragon clan inherits memory, and is not ignorant of the world.

But this was the first time he was looking at the world, and he was still surprised.

The world is so alive and full of curiosity everywhere.

Compared with not seeing the light in the eggshell, the outside world can be said to be heaven.

Li Yangping looked at him, not knowing what to say for a while.

Is this really a dragon? ?

Although she didn’t know what the dragon of China looked like, it shouldn’t be the dragon egg in front of her.

This dragon egg is too mentally retarded.

It seems that IQ is not high enough.

It’s not as indifferent and domineering as he imagined.

That look is not right at all.

On the contrary, it seems to be stupid.

Could it be a dragon with a poorly developed brain?

Li Yangping was a little worried.

I thought I was cultivating a majestic mount, but I didn’t want to…


Li Yangping sighed and said, “Life is indeed regrettable.”

No wonder Zhang Zhidao would treat the dragon egg as a thank you gift to Zen Master Shi Kong. Do you still need to keep this kind of dragon egg?

Sure enough, no good baby will fall from the sky.

“Roar roar.”

The dragon egg lay down on Li Yangping’s shoes and roared.

Very happy.

The meaning of the expression is also very simple, that is, call Li Yangping to take her out to play.

Seeing her cute eyes, Li Yangping was extremely helpless.

What and what is this all about.

Seeing that Li Yangping was not moving, Long Dan pulled his trouser legs again and climbed onto his shoulder along the way, then turned his head and looked at him ignorantly.

Li Yangping looked at the clean eyes, his heart softened, and he sighed: “Forget it, it’s all like this, and I can’t return the goods.”

As he said, he took the dragon egg and walked out of the door.

The dragon egg roared happily, expressing his own excitement and joy.

The moment Li Yangping walked out holding the dragon egg, he turned around and said to A Rou: “That’s it for today, and we will come again tomorrow.”

A Rou’s face flushed suddenly, and then whispered: “Okay.”

After speaking, he shyly covered his face and ran away.

Only Li Yangping left behind and said: “You can check it out these two days, I will check it when the time comes.”

Arou: ….

Almost fell into a somersault.

Then speed up and continue to escape.

Too shameful.

He was originally introverted and shy, and he had been able to say that for a long time.

As a result, after being forcibly inserted by the dragon egg, he is now shy again, wishing to find a place to sew in.


Seeing A Rou’s jumping back and graceful body, Li Yangping smiled slightly.

It seems that Li Qingyi is not as useless as imagined.

At least Arou can expand his knowledge…

A Rou has always been very obedient, but she doesn’t know anything about it. She was shocked by what she said just now.

“Oh oh oh.”

The dragon egg began to roar again.

Li Yangping looked for his reputation and saw the dragon egg spreading joy in his arms.

“Roar roar.”

You are not allowed to look at any lower female creatures.

“Roar roar.”

Our blood is noble, how can we communicate with lower creatures.

Li Yangping sighed, the problem of Dragon Egg really cannot be changed.

Not only does Dragon Egg seem to have a low IQ, it’s not as smart as imagined.

And also in the second.

But he just noticed something keenly.

In the eyes of Dragon Egg, he seemed to be different from their lower creatures.

But Dragon Egg has always regarded the human race as a low-level creature.

Isn’t he a human race in the eyes of Dragon Egg?

After all, this dragon egg has said several times that, except for the dragon, the other races are low-level creatures.

Human race must also be included.

But Dragon Egg has a completely different attitude towards himself and others.

Not only did not despise him, but also trusted him very much.

What exactly is going on?

And what seems to be said from the mouth of the dragon egg, is it because he is regarded as a dragon clan?

“Could it be because of the dragon’s energy?”

Li Yangping frowned, only this explanation was left after thinking about it.

Otherwise, there is no reason why Dragon Egg trusts him so much.

After all, before he had paid, what he had absorbed was his dragon energy.

That’s why this dragon egg trusts him so much.

After all, Li Yangping hatched her from the eggshell.

But when will this guy come out?

Li Yangping now hopes that after the dragon egg comes out, he will never take the cute route like a puppy.

What he wants is a majestic and domineering mount.

“Oh oh oh.”

Long Dan stretched out his small paw again and pointed to the outside.

Let Li Yangping take her out to play.

“All right.”

After thinking about it, Li Yangping decided to take out the lock fairy rope from the storage ring.

Then he locked one end on the eggshell and put the other end in his own hand.

Locked him up like walking a dog.

After all, this dragon egg has a bad temper, and is irritable and provoking.

It’s better to tie it up, it won’t be good if you break free.

Fortunately, the dragon egg just stretched out his paw and touched it a few times, and there was no other meaning of struggling.

Li Yangping sighed, and walked outside with the dragon egg.

“let’s go.”

And the other side.

On the martial arts field.

Disciples just ended cultivation, and it was time for small talk.

Sitting together in a boring conversation.

“It’s been a long time since I saw the Son, and I don’t know what the Son is doing.”

“It should be in cultivation, Shengzi is a talented person.”

“Yes, at the age of twenty, he is already at the pinnacle of distraction, breaking the record in the history of China, and breaking through two Realms in succession.”

“Tsk tusk, looking at the history of Shenzhou, the holy son is the first person, which really makes you ashamed.”

“That’s not the case, the saint son is the reincarnation of the Taoist ancestor, how can we compare it?”

“But in the past few days, I learned from the same door of Shengzifeng that there are always roars in Shengzi’s room. I don’t know what kind of strange beasts have been raised.”

Disciples were discussing in a gossip.

But Li Qingyi didn’t join, instead she looked into the distance, her eyes lost, and she didn’t know what was thinking in Dao Heart.

The female disciples on the side were a little puzzled: “Qingyi, what’s wrong with you, why do you think something is wrong with you.”

Li Qingyi came back to her senses and sighed: “Hey, haven’t you seen Saint Son for a long time? I blame him for missing him, and cultivation has no energy.”

The female disciple shook her head speechlessly.

Almost all women in the entire Nether Hall like Saint Son.

But the most favorite person among them is Li Qingyi.

In Li Qingyi’s heart, the saint child is almost becoming something for his cultivation.

Without the Son, he didn’t know how to live.

Li Qingyi’s eyes flickered, and she thought in her heart, she didn’t know how far Arou Big sis and Shengzi had progressed, and whether they had reached the final…


“But according to that day, Shengzi definitely likes Arou Big sis in his heart, as well as the secret book…I believe Arou Big sis can definitely take the Shengzi down.”

“Arou Big sis must continue to work hard.”

“Wait…what am I looking forward to here, it has nothing to do with me again.”

Li Qingyi shook her head with a wry smile.

I remembered the expression of Shengzi looking at Arou Big sis before, obviously very gentle.

Thinking of this, I was a little jealous in my heart, and began to regret sharing that secret book with Arou Big sis.

When he was regretting, he suddenly saw a figure walking by inadvertently.

Li Qingyi was stunned, and then suddenly exclaimed: “Holy Son!!!”

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