Chapter 417 Saint Son’s Pet

It’s not just Li Qingyi.

All the disciples in the martial arts field were stunned.

Shengzi dragged an unhatched egg with the immortal rope and appeared…

Li Yangping didn’t care about the eyes of others, and smiled and waved at Li Qingyi.

All the colleagues know that she likes Shengzi to the state of madness.

She was “flopped” by the Son, sooner or later.

Li Qingyi’s excited waist twisted, revealing infinite amorous feelings, and rushed towards love.

Just when she got ten feet away in front of Li Yangping.

The egg on the ground suddenly became irritable and made a wailing noise.

Li Qingyi subconsciously covered her ears.

The disciples present also felt that their ear bones were about to be shattered, and fled in panic.

Dragon Egg continued: “Oh, oh.”

Inferior creatures are inferior creatures, you have to keep a distance from them.

Li Yangping:! ! !

The dragon egg jumped up and landed on Li Yangping’s shoulder, making triumphant screams one after another.

The huge martial arts field was completely emptied by its harsh chirping.

Long Dan’s slick eyeballs dangled around, and then screamed in Li Yangping’s ears.

Humph, our dragon bloodline is so awesome!

Li Yangping:! ! !

Seeing Li Qingyi’s scared face paled, she slumped on the ground.

Li Yangping raised his hand and patted the dragon egg’s little paw: “It’s so naughty, I threw you into the water and drowned!”

Long Dan whimpered a few times, and there was no movement.

Li Qingyi straightened her waist slightly, her eyes were affectionate, and she raised her head to look up at the holy son: “Holy son, the beast you raise is so advanced!”

Li Yangping gave an awkward cough. If there is a choice, he would not adopt a “gift.”

He smiled proudly, holding up Li Qingyi who was weak Liu Fufeng with one hand, a light fragrance hit, Li Yangping and A Rou’s unfinished thoughts, agitated again.

Li Qingyi saw the heat in Li Yangping’s eyes, quietly pecked him on his face, and lowered her head shyly.

The dragon egg let out a low sorrow…

Li Yangping attached to her ear and said: “Your picture album is a good gift, there is a reward, a reward…”

Li Qingyi heard Shengzi’s words and thought of the ever-changing postures in the booklet, and immediately blushed: “Thank Shengzi.”

“If you have something good in the future, don’t be stingy and share it with everyone.” Li Yangping looked at the distance indifferently, as if preaching to his disciples.


Li Qingyi shared the pictures of a small album with Shengzi in her mind.

The heart was also melted by the tenderness of the son, and she only felt top-heavy and dizzy. As long as Li Yangping speaks, she is willing to rehearse all the contents of the pamphlet with him immediately.

Li Yangping did not ask her, but nodded in satisfaction and moved on.


Li Qingyi suddenly let out a scream.

Only then did Li Yangping woke up from the joy of the picture album and saw the dragon egg sitting on top of Li Qingyi’s head.

A stream of cyan liquid poured out from the eggshell…

Dragon Egg: Ouch.

Lower female animals are always discharging with you, it is a delusion to get my dragon’s luck, I can’t bear this.

Li Yangping looked at Li Qingyi with a dirty face, completely angry.

Inject True Qi into the sleeves of the robe and push the dragon egg.


The guy immediately fell to the ground on all fours, and there was no sound anymore.

The smell that Li Qingyi exudes can only be described in one word. She was ashamed and angry, and immediately fled.

Li Yangping released the lock fairy rope to let the dragon egg fend for itself.

Did not take a few steps.

Long Dan sent out a distress signal: Ooh… Ooh.

Master, save me, I have a concussion.

Li Yangping was inexplicably relieved when he heard it calling its owner.

after all.

It is quite a fulfilling thing to have dragon eggs as servants.

But he also deliberately said with a cold face: “Don’t bother me so much, hurry up if you want to die.”

Dragon Egg: Oh…

help me!

It feels like gossamer, it seems that he is really going to die.

“Well, this stuff is also a fate… God has a good life.”

Li Yangping murmured, found himself a step down, and then picked up the dragon egg.

Long Dan rolled his eyes and covered his heart with two small paws, looking at his death indeed.

Li Yangping raised his hand and poured True Qi into the eggshell.

Between seconds.

Long Dan’s big eyes finally focused, and looked at Li Yangping pitifully.

“Fuck! Ruyi Scepter doesn’t matter in life, all I want is a majestic beast mount!”

Li Yangping looked at the cute dragon egg and shook his head helplessly.

One person, one beast just about to go back to rest.

A disciple hurriedly ran to report, and the letter from Shengzi’s family arrived.

Even if Li Yangping’s position in Nether Peak is second only to Sect Leader.

News from outside must still be delivered in letters or jade charms.

Li Yangping thought something big happened at home, but…

First is a love letter written by Ye Qingmeng.

“Li Lang, how are you doing well? I miss you very much in my concubine body. In my daily dreams, it is your handsome body…”

Li Yangping looked at this fleshy love letter.

The mood is a little broken.

Being in the Demon Sect, Sect Leader has an unclear relationship with him.

Once this letter fell into Shi Feiyan’s hands.

Annoyed her.

His saint son second turned into a discarded son.

It’s just being scrapped!


In front of his disciple, Li Yangping stuffed his wet love letter into the sleeve of his robe, whispered, and hurried away.

A puff of white smoke floated from behind Li Yangping.

Shi Feiyan appeared in white.

“Concubine? She dare to claim to be his wife?”

Shi Feiyan’s delicate face was covered by a layer of frost, and even her voice was full of murderous aura.

However, due to the identity of Sect Leader, she could only endure this moment and quietly followed Li Yangping, intending to see his performance.

Li Yangping went back indoors and opened the letter.

Naturally, he passed Ye Qingmeng’s letters full of love words first, and looked at the family letter written by his old father Li Daoyun behind him.

In the letter, Li Daoyun just talked about the Patriarch’s ancestor Closed Door Training cultivation, and later mentioned that the dragon Qi in Weiyang City was out of control, but only a few words.

However, at the end of the love letter, Ye Qingmeng mentioned that the princess Wenrenguo was inquiring about him. Although she was vague, she managed to attract Li Yangping’s attention.


Ye Qingmeng went to Li’s house that day to discuss with Li Daoyun how to deliver the letter to Li Yangping.

final decision.

Each of them wrote to Li Yangping.

After the two faiths merged.

With Li Yangping’s clever head, he can immediately understand the meaning of their letter.

“There is something inside!”

Li Yangping pretended to meditate, and his brain moved quickly.

Is there something going on in Weiyang City?

The ancestor Li Pingzhi is a more evil guy than him.

If something goes wrong in Weiyang City, he will definitely jump out faster than anyone else.

As a result, the ancestor Closed Door Training.

As for the two princesses of Wenrenguo, why did they inquire about him regardless of their status?

The two had a passion for him.

But I don’t want to put the relationship on the bright side, even my fiancee knows…

Shi Feiyan is also indoors.

Naturally, he saw the content of the letter at the same time, then appeared and said blankly: “This Sect Leader allows you to return to Weiyang City.”


Li Yangping was thinking hard about the universe in the letter, when he heard Shi Feiyan talking, his body trembled.

“I have not decided yet……”

He guessed that Shi Feiyan had read his “family letter” and said so deliberately.

So Tai Chi started.

It’s so sad when there are more women.

“If the harmony period comes, daddy will take you all into the press!”

Li Yangping made up his mind secretly.

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