Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 35 - Journey To Beifong Town (1)

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The carriage moved quickly along the path. The roads were unpaved but we're smooth enough that the journey wasn't too uncomfortable.

Ryu had fallen asleep again after having breakfast but Kai just wanted to stay vigilant. He had already inspected the other passengers and found that they were all ordinary mortals so he wasn't worried about them. He looked out the carriage window and took in the scenery.

Along the way, he saw a few interesting beasts roaming around, but they didn't venture close to the carriage. They were all [Grade-1] beast and seemed intimidated by the carriages [Grade-2] [Cee-Horn].

The journey was uneventful and by nightfall, they arrived at their first outpost town by the border of the Twin-Lions Sect's territory. Apparently, the town had no name and had only been used to facilitate trade and travel between the two Sect's territories.

However, now that the two Sects had become enemies, the town was almost deserted, save for a few merchants willing to take the risk.

The Carriage arrived at dusk and all the passengers disembarked. They would head out again in the morning. It was ill-advised to travel at night since that's when the more dangerous beasts would come out to hunt. Each outpost town had a simple array to deter such beasts so they would be safer here at least.

Kai woke Ryu up and they both left the carriage. This was the longest that he had traveled on a carriage, so he immediately started stretching his body to loosen up.

"They really need to invest in some cushions, that wooden bench sucks. Anyway, Ryu let's go look for an Inn to stay at"

"Yes, Master"

The other passengers would either set up camp around the carriage or simply sleep inside the carriage. It wouldn't wait for them in the morning so they were afraid of being left behind after paying such a sum.

Kai walked into the only building within the outpost town that didn't look abandoned. It turned out to be an Inn combined with a bar.

Quite a few people were drinking with sullen expressions on their faces. Kai wondered what they were so worried about, but then he heard a female voice suddenly calling out to him.

"Mr. Kai. It seems we have been fated to meet again"

Kai turned in the direction of the familiar voice and recognized her. It was Su Ling and besides her was her brother, Su Fang.

Kai walked over to the two and sat down by their table with Ryu. "Hello again, fancy meeting you here"

"Indeed, we didn't know that Mr. Kai was also heading South, we could have traveled together haha", Su Fang said with a chuckle.

Kai sized them up as they spoke. He was still annoyed at them for having kept the real value of the [Slime-Vine] gallbladders a secret, but he also knew that they had no obligation to tell him the truth either. These conflicting thoughts made him both wary and understanding of the two.

"Mr. Kai, are you headed to Beifong town as well?"

Kai simply nodded his head. It was no secret since that was the only major town in this direction.

"I see you took our advice then. Competition in Huang City is becoming too fierce, and once the outer disciples of the Twin-Lions sect descend the mountain, it'll become even worse"

"Outer disciples?", this was the first Kai had heard of this. He had seen a few cultivators within Huang City, but now that he thought about it, they all seemed to be wandering cultivators who were unrelated to Huang City. He hadn't seen a single disciple of the Twin-Lions sect since his arrival.

"Yes" Su Fang continued "After the conflict between the Twin-Lions Sect and the Roaring Sands Sect broke out a few months ago, all the outer disciples we recalled back up the mountain, but according to sources, their conflict is coming to a close so we will likely see them descend the mountain again soon"

Kai nodded his head sagely. Huang City was essentially run by the Twin-Lions Sect, so he had always wondered why he hadn't seen any of their disciples there. Only their Body cultivators who acted as city guards were currently present in Huang City.

"Then why are you still here?. From what I saw, our carriage was the only one that left Huang City today, so yours should have left at least a few days ago..."

" are correct. There seems to be some trouble on the path so we can't head out yet. I'm sure your carriage driver will find out soon enough". Su Ling said this as she gestured her head towards a certain direction.

Kai looked over and saw their carriage driver sitting at a table with another man also dressed like a driver. The looks on both their faces shifted from fear and worry, to frustration and hopelessness.

Kai enhanced his hearing and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"How long have they been at it?"

"This is the third day. Going around is also not an option. Those damned territorial wolves would even try to fight a [Cee-Horn] so it's not worth it. All we can do is wait"

"Dammit, I was hoping to get a few more trips in this week but looks like I'll be stuck here instead."

"Well, on the bright side, this is probably their last battle. I hear even the Sect Elders were spotted"

"El...Elders?....Are you sure we're safe here?. If their battle spills over to the town..."

"Don't worry They're too far away, we can't even hear the sounds of battle so we should probably still be safe"

"You don't sound too confident..."

"Haha, just drink and forget the small stuff. If we're meant to die, then we will just die. That's the way of the world Hahaha"


Their conversation was a little cryptic but Kai felt he got the general idea of what was going on which piqued his interest.

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