Chapter 46




In the darkness, Lionel’s white teeth shone.


Riv was sleepy but she was busy striking away Lionel’s hand that touched her mischievously.


Lionel’s hand rubbed over her chest, then his grip tightened.


Her heart ached as she became extremely aroused. Riv blamed him.




Lionel’s mischievous laughter was heard as Riv let out a shallow groan.


“You need to build up your stamina.”


It wasn’t something that a man, who bit and tasted her body like a beast, should say.


His voice sounded like a growling beast. He licked her again.


“Riv, your body is so delicious.”


“I-It hurts. No more tonight.”


“I know, I know.” Lionel groaned as if he would attack her again.


Riv was puzzled by his behavior.


Even though he acted the same as the night he was high on dr*gs, she couldn’t understand his current state.


She thought he would get tired of her after one night.


But their love-making seemed to have stimulated Lionel’s inner beast.


Lionel continued to tease her body while making a satisfied face and not letting go.


“Lionel, do you like my body?”


“I don’t have people I don’t like by my side. Especially if it’s my wife.”


Lionel grabbed Riv’s black, flowing hair.


He turned into a beast again, and buried his face into Riv’s neck and whispered.


“I want to embrace you again.”


Riv’s dark hair blended so well with the darkness, and only her pale white skin stood out in the dark room.


Lionel stared at her body as if he was appreciating a work of art.


“Riv, I want to embrace you again.”


“…I’m having a hard time.”


Lionel wanted to taste her again, but decided to endure it.




Riv, who had been tormented by him, was sleepy and yawned.


“Damn it.”


Lionel hugged her crazily alluring body. She murmured in her sleep.


“I can’t believe the Duke wants me. I don’t think you’re normal.”


“Then I’ll continue to be obsessed with you and agree that it’s not normal.”


Riv looked for warmth, and she burrowed into his arms.


Lionel hugged her tighter.


It felt so good to be entangled against each other’s bare skin.


He had yet to satisfy his desires, but this was enough for now.


“I have to get up.”


As Riv muttered in a sleepy voice, Lionel enjoyed brushing her bare skin.


The feeling of touching Riv’s smooth back was very good.


Afterwards, Lionel brought a towel and cold water and carefully wiped down Riv’s body.


As if she was pleased with his gentle touch, Riv returned to bed and snuggled in his arms.

Lionel asked her.


“Do you want to go back to your room?”


“I have to go back…”


Riv’s words became more and more slurred.


She quickly passed out.




It was a perfect night.


Lionel hugged his new bride in his arms.


Many thoughts passed through his mind, but Lionel didn’t speak.


The only important thing for him was his desires that would be satiated by his own bride in his arms.


Riv opened her eyes in the morning before dawn.




The moment Riv opened her eyes, she realized where she was and why she was here.

She was in the Duke’s bedroom.


‘I came looking for him.’


It was dark in the bedroom so Riv couldn’t see his form, but she could feel Lionel’s warm body holding her own.


Yes, they made love.


Their bodies mingled.


She had no intention of denying the fact.


Riv could clearly feel his warm body temperature seeping through her body.




Riv turned her head at the awkwardness and met deep amber eyes, a piercing gaze looking straight at her.




She didn’t know when he woke up.


“You woke up.”




“You can sleep a little more.”


Riv realized she had cut Lionel’s arm’s circulation off and wrapped her hands around his chest.


Lionel’s hand stroked Riv’s bare shoulder. His sly hands seemed to represent his desires.


The disheveled appearance of Lionel, who was looking at her secretly, was overly enthralled.


Riv thought she should push him out of the bed, but it wasn’t easy.


“Are you really going to leave me?”


This charming man was seducing her.


Her body that melted at Lionel’s touch betrayed reason and told her to stay here.


Riv struggled to push him out of bed. It was an obvious escape. The cold air brushed Riv’s bare skin. Her body shivered.


“It’s cold. Let me give you warmth.”


“I-I need to go back.”




“Th-That temptation, that’s enough.”


“Weren’t you the one who tempted me?”


Riv couldn’t believe her own behavior last night. She knew that she had seduced him and that it worked, and that Lionel saw her as a beautiful lover. A beautiful lover? Herself? She was his?


“Can you walk?”




Riv quickly regained her thoughts at Lionel’s words.


Riv picked up her clothes off the floor and quickly put them on. Although her body was hurting, she was able to move better than she thought, perhaps thanks to his consideration.


She didn’t know that Lionel was staring intently at her back.


How dizzying she must have looked to him.


After getting dressed, Riv turned to Lionel.


Riv ruffled his tousled hair and said.


“You don’t need to see me off.”


“After you come and tempt me, you become a cold-hearted woman.”

[E/N: this novel should be called “Seduce a Cold Blooded Maid” lol]


Lionel was about to get up. He seemed to want to see her off.


“Riv, you don’t have to go down. It’s better to rest here.”


Riv made a small movement with her finger, then Lionel’s body collapsed onto the bed.


He was already deeply asleep.


“You will be tired today.”


Riv kissed Lionel’s forehead.


She pulled a blanket over his chest.


It was probably because of this man that she was able to use magic naturally, even though she didn’t intend to do so. For some reason, it seemed that she was a witch, and that she could use her power naturally when she was by this man’s side and only for this man.




Riv caressed the sleeping man’s face. She whispered “Good night.”




By the time Riv came out of Lionel’s bedroom, dawn shimmered in the hallway.


The escorts guarding the Duke’s bedroom were still asleep, leaning against a wall or lying on the floor.


Riv passed them quietly and headed for her bedroom.




The guards in front of Riv’s bedroom were still asleep.


They only woke up after Riv was gone.


“Uh, why are we?”


They got up quickly and panicked.


Riv’s morning began a few hours later.


She returned at dawn and slept sweetly for a few hours without waking up.


Her body ached, but her mind was refreshed.


When she woke up, she felt like she had been reborn.


When Riv opened her eyes, a bedroom full of red roses greeted her.




Riv was puzzled.


“Are you awake?”


A maid said as Riv woke up.


She was busy looking around her, bewildered.


“What are these flowers here for?”


“They are gifts from the Master.”


“From the Duke?”


“The master went out after eating because he had urgent business. The Lord has ordered me not to wake you so you can sleep comfortably.”


It was too late to have breakfast together. Riv looked at the roses and then covered her blushing face.


As she looked at the flowers, the memories of last night came to mind and she felt embarrassed.


She thought that it was fortunate Lionel had gone out so they wouldn’t see each other’s faces right away.


Still, she could hardly take her eyes off the roses.


A smile spread across Riv’s face. The maids smiled too.


“We’ll bring you food.”




Riv, who quietly ate the food brought by her maid, refused their help bathing her. She didn’t want to show her body that was covered with Lionel’s traces to anyone. Riv, who had changed into a new dress and accessorized, turned her gaze to the roses.




What was Lionel thinking when he gave her roses? The roses were beautiful and had a faint fragrance.


It was perfect for Riv who didn’t like strong scents.


She picked up one of the roses and looked at it for a long time.


Although she had become Duchess, she had nothing to do right now.


As Riv was contemplating whether she should stop by the greenhouse, Claudel came to see her.


“I’ve been told that the Duke gave you roses.”


Claudel smiled as she looked at the luscious rose Riv held.


“Madame, we have finished preparing the Duchess’ room. The Duke told me to move you to your new room before evening.”




“Yes. We’re going to bring Madame’s belongings to your new room as soon as possible.”


Riv thought it was abrupt, but she nodded her head. Claudel said.


“Why don’t you take a look at the room first? The Duchess’ room is much more glamorous than this one. If you don’t like it, you can change the theme and furniture.”


Claudel’s words were kind, but Riv was reluctant to change the Duchess’ room.


“That was Lionel’s mother’s room too.”




“Then it would be difficult to change the Duchess’ room carelessly.”


Riv’s gaze turned back to the deep red rose.



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