Chapter 47




Riv was happy now. Then she trembled at a sudden realization.


That this happiness would not last long.


‘I won’t live long. How could I forget?’


Lionel’s affection might wither as quickly as this rose.


Life was short and affection and love may be more temporary than that.


Lionel noticed her ugly heart and was able to cool it down. Both desire and emotions.


Even so.


He was still interested in her. They were new lovers.


Riv wished Lionel’s affection for her would last a little longer. She hoped that their rose would never wither. All she could do now was do her best to live happily. Riv suppressed her intrusive thoughts.


She didn’t have enough time to enjoy this happy reality.


“Madame, when will you be moving?”


“Claudel, let’s move my luggage now.”


“I understand, Madame.”


Claudel, as if waiting, rolled up her sleeves like the other maids, and prepared to move Riv’s belongings. Riv’s room was quickly disorganized. Riv only brought along her necklace and a few accessories.


“Then what should I do?”


“You like the greenhouse right? You can wait there while we finish the move.”


“What can I do to help?”




The maids were determined enough to be blunt. They took Riv to the greenhouse.


She let herself into the greenhouse and looked around. Plants boasting green richness were all over the place.


Because she was alone, she remembered last night when she had gone to visit Lionel.


Did she present herself too lasciviously?


What did Lionel think of her back then?


Could she be shameless like this?


Riv poured out her confused mind to the plants.


“I think I went crazy last night. Does Lionel think I’m weird?”


Was it a daydream? A dream where she would soon wake up?


But then why did he give her roses?


“Right. Didn’t he say I’d be moving into the Duchess’ room in a few days?”


Her head was a mess.


She had the courage to seduce Lionel, but she had never imagined such an outcome.


She didn’t know what the roses he gave her meant.


“If I move into the Duchess’ room today, I will have to face him tonight.”


The upcoming encounter with Lionel was much earlier than she had expected. She couldn’t think of what expression to make once she faced him.


Riv pondered, and asked the plants in the greenhouse.


“Answer me. What should I do?”


The plants did not answer her questions.


Riv fiddled with her mother’s necklace. The more she touched the necklace, the more nervous she became. She couldn’t relax at all.


“I’ll see him in a few hours.”


Her body temperature seemed to rise.


Riv needed the courage to face Lionel.


“How did I go see him last night?”


The Duchess’ and Duke’s bedroom were next to each other, so she couldn’t avoid him easily.


There was a door connecting their bedrooms.


Stupid Riv Sentoren.


Even when Riv hid in fear, Lionel still managed to pull her out of her shell.


“I have to change. I can’t stand still like this.”


If her exterior had changed, her interior would also have to change.


Riv recalled the faces of Queen Selina, Princess Marianne, who wanted to kill her, and all those who had ridiculed Madame Katana.


In her current state, it would be impossible to face them. She just wanted to survive and be happy with Lionel.


Lionel, the man she fell in love with and who was now her husband. Her own man.


When she thought of him, a strange warm light filled Riv’s surroundings.


Emotions sweeter than honey and ecst*sy floated quietly around Riv.




Those feelings were rustling. Emotions rose to the ceiling at once. They were brilliantly bright emotions.


They floated freely on the ceiling of the greenhouse as if they were lighter than air and attracted her attention.


Riv carefully looked up and stared at the emotions she had created.


Was this the feeling of liking Lionel? The light of those emotions were dazzlingly beautiful.


They flew towards the entrance of the greenhouse suddenly.


Just then, the door to the greenhouse opened and Lionel came in.




Riv couldn’t believe he appeared and called out his name. Lionel replied with a smile.


“I knew you would be here again.”


“I thought Lionel would be home late today.”


“How can a groom be home late on his second day of marriage?”


Lionel looked shy.


Her emotions, now translucent, descended and dissipated near Lionel’s body. His smile grew more subtle.


“What happened last night wasn’t a lie right?”


“Last night?”


“When you seduced me.”


It wasn’t even a lewd word, but Riv still felt embarrassed and it drove her crazy. Her gaze automatically landed at her feet.


“Why are you here?”


She had only been away from him for a few hours but she felt awkward. Although, Lionel didn’t seem to mind.


“I came because you’re here. The servants were busy preparing your move.”


Riv raised her head.


Dressed neatly in a uniform, he swept his short, platinum blonde hair back. His face was bright, but because of his unique scar and brusque atmosphere, he looked like a bloodthirsty man.


That face softened when he looked at Riv, but contorted when he looked at Riv’s ivory dress.


“What don’t you like?”


“The dress.”


Riv looked down at her dress. It was a dress that fit her body well and the color wasn’t too flashy.


“Lionel, what’s wrong with it?”


“It’s like a nun’s habit, it doesn’t show anything nor have any decoration.”


“It is a modest and calm design. I can’t show my skin.”


“Oh, because I left a lot of marks on your body?”


Lionel looked so shameless.


“Riv Sentoren, my wife. You look good in bright colors.”


Lionel, who had been complaining about her clothes, grabbed a strand of Riv’s flowing dark hair. Her body leaned towards him at once.


They stared at each other’s eyes intently.


Lionel’s eyes blazed like a wild animal’s.


“I won’t eat you. Rest assured.”


At Lionel’s words, Riv nodded her head. He smirked slyly.


“You seduce me and tease me at night, but you pretend to be innocent during the day. Why are our days and nights so different?”


Riv realized he was making fun of her. Having regained her composure, she replied.


“I didn’t seduce you.”


“Then who came to my room?”




“Will you come back to seduce me again?”


As he looked like he was sincerely hopeful, Riv muttered what she wanted to say.


Then Riv decided to strike while the iron was hot.


“Duke, spend the night with me.”


“That is very good. Let’s have a hot night.”


Smiling, Lionel expressed his aspirations.


“I vaguely suspected that my night life with you wouldn’t be bad. But I didn’t know you were going to attack me like this. I just thought I should put you in the room next to mine for a pleasant honeymoon.”


“Lionel, you are shameless.”


“Am I as shameless as you? Oh, I think I wouldn’t mind getting attacked here.”




Riv panicked and fanned her face.


“Is it hot?”


“I-It’s just a slight fever.”


“Didn’t you just look at me and have naughty thoughts?”


“It’s not like that!”


Contrary to her words, Riv had imagined taking Lionel’s clothes off and attacking him.


It was all because of Lionel’s lewd remarks.


“You must really want to embrace me. You’re staring at me with eyes that seem like they’re going to eat me.”


“I have no intention of doing that.”


“I know.”


Lionel nodded and stroked her cheek.


“You were brave last night, but now you look like a cornered rabbit.”


The inside of the greenhouse seemed to have gotten too hot.


Riv looked at the green palm leaves and took a deep breath. A little bit of her sobriety seemed to have returned, but Lionel’s presence distracted her.


Lionel laughed like a sheepish boy.


“I never thought I would make you my wife, Madame Katana.”


“I didn’t know that Riv Katana was hiding under that dreadful disguise.”


“Is that a compliment?”


Lionel looked quite happy.


“Who would have known that Madame Katana, rumored to be the ugliest woman in Ailte Palace, would be such a beautiful and charming woman.”


Lionel lightly brushed her exposed collarbone.


Her fingers went down and lightly brushed over her chest.


Riv’s body hardened just by that brief touch. Lionel’s smile grew lustful.


“I want you.”


“You want me?”


The slight heat that had accumulated on Lionel’s fingertips transferred to Riv’s body. Her heart was pounding wildly.


Lionel stroked Riv’s blushing cheek.


“I really long for you.”


Riv’s mind was a mess.


She was given a second chance at life by magic, so she did not know her fate.


But she was sure of one thing.


Lionel was now her man. Hers alone.


“I like spending time with you.”


The words ‘I want you’ came up to her tongue and then disappeared. For Lionel, that seemed enough.


“Tonight, I will visit your room.”


Lionel gave Riv a playful kiss.


“I have to leave for a while. Wait patiently in the Duchess’ bedroom until I return tonight.”


Leaving Riv, whose soul had left her body, he walked out of the greenhouse.


Riv lost strength in her legs and sat down.


“I-I’m going crazy.”


Her longing for Lionel grew too much. Riv muttered in thought.


“I want him.”



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