Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 112 - Matching Wedding Bands

Early in the morning, Adam woke up with his wife still sleeping in his arms and smiled peacefully. At least she had not protested his love!  And even though she had not accepted all the reasons that he mentioned that she loved him, she had not denied any of the reasons. Getting up, he picked up the matching pair of wedding bands and wondered if she would be open to wearing them. The pair of rigs that they had exchanged at the time of pretending for the Mou's was still with him but he had wanted to give her something. It was why he had this made. Now that she knew the truth, he could give it to her. On the inside of this ring he had inscribed the date when they had first met. Thinking carefully he debated if he should slip the ring on her finger when she was still asleep or if he should wait to wake her up. Finally, he decided to wait and took out the other item that he had brought for her before their last concert..

Sitting up, he slowly stood up and walked away to grab his jacket and the things that it held. Stealthily walking back into the room, he sat near the foot of the bed and slid up the blanket. Grabbing the bigger box, he then held her dainty ankle in his hand. The slight ticklish feeling woke Alice up who almost instantly widened her eyes when she saw Adam holding her ankle. Her mind flashed back to the sweet torture when he had similarly held her like this in the past and then tied her up to have his way with her. Anticipation and thrill mixed with a little anxiety made her voice come out in a croak as she asked," What are you doing?"

She wanted to pull back her foot from his hand but at the same time she was curious to know what he was about to do.. Her look of slight anticipation instead of worry made Adam smile in amusement as his eyes lit up with mischief, "What do you want me to do?" Smiling widely, he slowly raised her leg and placed a small kiss on the inside of her ankle, making her almost jump off the bed. 

Desperate to not be teased again, she tried to pull back her ankle but it was caught firmly, making her unable to pull. "Adam! I am warning you! Don't you dare tie me up, again!"

His fingers slowly caressed the inside of her calf, making her writhe and suppress a moan as she tried to think of a suitable threat.. "If you tie me up, I will tie you up next time!"

Even as the threat was finished, Alice had closed her eyes in anticipation as she felt a slightly cool metal close around her ankles. The toes of her other foot curled into the bed, in anticipation or protest she did not know but instead of closing in, Adam grinningly placed a small kiss on the other ankle and walked away whistling a small tune.

A few moments later, when Alice felt noting, she opened her eyes and looked around the empty room with a little disappointment and then the sparkle at her ankle caught her eye. An intricately delicate little chain was tied around her ankle from which a tiny diamond and round bell hung. As she moved her foot the tiny bell made a little tinkling sound. Smiling at the small musical sound, she shook her head and went out to look for the rascal who had teased her so.

In the kitchen, Adam smiled as he heard the tiny sound, enjoying a rare moment of possessiveness. Every time this sound echoed, she would think of him and remember that she belonged to him. Just like he had hugged her from behind, Alice hugged his broad back and murmured, "Thank you for the beautiful gift. I love it.."

Turning around, he held her close and muttered, "I just wanted to fill some music in your life for when I am not around."

Hugging him, Alice called, "Liar, you just wanted to put a mark of your possession on me!"

"You know me so well, babe!"


"Come, we must have a meal first." 

Together in harmony, the couple prepared a meal as if they had been doing it for years. It was only as they sat to eat did Adam bring up the topic that he had on his mind.

"We are married, Alice."

Alice who had just taken a sip of the juice, coughed violently and spit the entire thing on the floor as she continued to clear her throat.. "Yes! I know! You announced it to the whole world yesterday! I was pretty surprised when I realized that I had no idea that I was married."

"Sigh! We are not! I did get your signature and the certificate but we still need to get our pictures clicked! And exchange rings."

"Well! We can go for that whenever you want. And do we really need matching rings? The ring that I gave you is alright, right?"

As Alice completed the sentence, Adam had placed a small box in front of her. 

Once again surprise made her speechless and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish. 

Inside was the simplest form of a ring she had ever seen. A plain band with only their names inscribed. On the slightly thicker band was her name and on the slimmer one was his. Picking up the one with his name, he pulled her to a stand and then kneeled in front of her, "Alice Faye, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

Touched at the cheesiest proposal she had encountered she crossed her arms in front of him and accused," How could you, Adam? A proposal in the kitchen?"

Adam blinked at this and realized, that he had really not planned well.. He had been much too excited. Just as he was about to withdraw his hand that held the ring, however, Alice scowled even more fiercely and said, "How can you withdraw your proposal like this? Do you even have any sincerity?"

And the next moment, she had slipped her finger into the ring and bent down to kiss Adam on the mouth. " Thank you for making me your wife, Adam Perry! I am pretty sure that no one other than you in this world can be my life partner to handle my tantrums! Thank you for deeming me worthy of your love.."

Picking up the other band, she kneeled just as he was and caught his hand," I hope I never have to let go of your hand, Adam. To me, this will not just be a ring but a circle of trust and love that will never break. I lo...I will be with you for the rest of my life Adam Perry as long as you want me."

Touching his forehead to hers, Adam smiled and caressed the band around his fingers and assured her," I will always want you, Alice."

A long while later, Alice and Adam lay together with their fingers entwined enjoying their time of peace. To the world they were a long time couple but to the both of them, they were simply in the first stage of their relationship where there was no worry or secret burdening them. Slowly, Alice leaned her head against his chest and asked, "Adam, will you tell me about our time together there?"

With a fond smile, Adam explained the circumstances of their first meeting. Of how they had been forced to spend their time together and how that had resulted in them falling for each other. As he slowly came to an end of their time together, Alice could not help but ask," Why did you never call me?"

" You had my contact details, Alice. But I did not. On the last day when the snow had just started to sweep past, you received the call to urgently go back. Since you were in a hurry, I typed in my number in your phone and told you to give me a call.. But then.."

What Adam did not tell her was that when she had forgotten to call him, he had even waited in the small town so that he would ask her grandparents for it when they returned. When he had not received her call even then, he had had no option to go back. And then when he had tried to connect with her grandparents, they had denied having any granddaughter and refused to give him her whereabouts. 

And that was why he had buried her in his heart. He had tried to convince himself that it had been a holiday romance for her and for him. But his heart had refused.. He had even considered dating someone else so that he would move on but in the end, he had only been able to give up on his heart.

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