Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 113 - A Friend

While James Faye tried to get rid of the law suit against himself, Samaul Faye was also caught up in investigation by the Tax Assessment Officers and IRS as someone had reported multiple frauds committed by his company, resulting in having all his accounts frozen and a house arrest so as to make him co operate with the investigation. As he was caught up in the investigation, Alice came upon someone who would help her make Samual Faye's life even more difficult and Adam's life full of vinegar forcing poor Adam to curse himself. 

As the waited outside the IRS office, Alice looked up at Adam and asked, "Are you sure this will work?"

They were actually the ones who had reported Samual. Over time Alice and Adam both had collected evidence of Samual's many frauds. Even though the man had been extremely careful, he had made a few mistakes along the way. Now that they had delayed in having Samual report Lady Ye, Adam had been looking for someone within IRS who would be willing to carefully investigate but at the same time avoid being prone to temptations and bribes. They had to strike while the iron was still hot. At present the press and the people were cursing James Faye for being a heartless father and the report of IRS investigation had started to spread slowly and steadily.

"We can only try, Alice. The officer is known to be respectable and honest but no one can predict the future. We can do our best by Grandma Ye.."

Nodding, the two people walked into the IRS office and were soon guided into a small airconditioned room. Alice looked around with interest as she wondered how a person could even work like this! IT was so stuffy with nothing but papers and files all around. Adam too could only wonder if the IRS accountant was some sort of vampire. He had even blocked the tiny window, if the square thing behind the stack of papers could be called that. 

Expecting a bespectacled, port bellied man, Alice and Adam were both surprised by the person who walked in. His long legs encased in simple black trouser stopped over a light grey shirt highlighting the man's lean figure. His thick hair was falling over his forehead in disarray while the thin spectacles over his face flashed under the lights. More than an accountant, he looked like a nerdy but cute high school student. While Adam was not thinking about his cuteness, he too was surprised at the man. He had not expected the IRS officer to be so young.

Just as he was about to greet him, the man turned his eyes to Alice and a mega watt smile full with his dimples showcasing graced the man's face making even Adam blink. The next moment was even more shocking as Alice jumped from her seat and ran straight into the arms of the man who stood a few feet away, making the man lose his balance and hold the wall for support.

"Kieran Rowe! How could it be you?"

"Alice Faye! How could it be you?"

(Adam: "Author! How could you?")

Frowning, Adam was tempted to pull his wife out of the other man's embrace and spank her! Had she ever hugged him so enthusiastically? 

And they were still hugging! It had been more than ten seconds. He would wait five seconds more.."

Finally they separated after hugging for so long! Immediately Adam pulled Alicia to him and held her hand in his as he tried not to murder the accountant with his gaze! He should have asked Benji to look for not just some one who was wary and honest but also some one old. Really old. At least a hundred years old. Now, see what had happened. His wife was being hugged by some strange man!

Finally, his wife remembered him and looked up at him with a grin. Softening his heart and trying to pretend that he was not burning in jealousy, he smiled and asked, "You two seem to know each other."

Alice nodded and smiled, "Kieran and I are childhood pals! We used to play together when we were children and were only young children when Kieran shifter over with his parents! We kept in touch over the years but then lost touch after middle school!"

"Yes! But I can never forget these eyes.", the accountant smiled. 

"And I can never forget the dimples!", Alice grinned back.

"Mr. Kieran Rowe is an accountant?", The curt question by Mr. Jealous Adam brought them back to the present and Kieran Rowe turned from grinning school boy to boring accountant. Pushing up his spectacles he cast a once over to Adam and then turned to Alice, "So, what brings you here? And this gentleman is your employee?"

"I am her husband! And we are here to report something?"

"You conducted some fraud with your tax? You really do look like the type. Little Al, did you come here to plead for your husband? Well, I cannot really help tax evaders, it is against the law. But for you... I could ask my people to appeal for a lesser sentence for your husband."

Adam could almost feel the smoke coming out of his ears as this accountant was itching to put him behind the bars!

Laughing, Alice shook her head and answered," "Hey! Stop joking! Adam is not a tax evader. We have actually come to report someone!"

"So, he is a pretty man who wants to repost someone and you have come to support him?"

Pretty Man? Adam wondered if he should punch this man to teach him a lesson? And what was Alice being so happy about! 

Growling under his breath, he said,"Mr. Rowe, we are here to talk to you about someone you would be interested in at present since you have been assigned his case. His name is Samual Faye."

The name Samual Faye erased the little teasing smile from the man's face and Adam was pleased to see that Kieran Rowe's eyes hardened a little! How his investigation had missed that Kieran Rowe was a friend of Alice was something he would investigate later. But for now, it was time to remind Kieran Rowe of his own work. 

In a contemplative tone, Kieran looked from Adam to Alice and repeated the name,"Samual Faye. Faye.."

"Alice, is he related to you? Because if you have really come to plead on his behalf, then I am sorry.."

Alice shook her head vigorously and interrupted him," No! I am not here to plead for him! Rather I am here to help you with the investigation."

This caused Kieran to cast an interested gaze at Alice as he gestured for her to continue. A few hours later, Kieran closed his laptop with a satisfied expression. You two have worked really well in this evidence. Leave it here and I will make sure that Samual Faye gets to suffer what he has coming his way. Nodding, Alice and Adam got up after thanking Kieran Rowe but were stopped by the man as he ignored Adam and asked Alice," Al? How is Samual Faye related to you?"

"He is my enemy, Kieran. My worst enemy."

Nodding Kieran smiled grimly and said," Then, as always, your enemy is my enemy, little Al. I will take care of him. Also, I ask, that you not be a stranger anymore. I hope we will catch up soon. and don't worry about Grandma. I will speak to her and clarify the papers."

Kieran watched Alice leave with a thoughtful frown on his face. He had just received the case of Samual Faye in his reaching here. Since coming to the country, he had wanted to look for her. But the increased workload had prevented him from doing that. And now, she was the one who had coming to look for him! She was the same old with the silly smile on her face and her trusting gaze. 

Samual Faye was a high profile case. That meant he would be able to get information on little Al also. he wondered what she had been up to and once again opened his laptop to look for her name. The first news that popped up was that of her recent marriage. Interested, he slowly read the pages and pages of articles that spoke about her recent romance with that idol! Ha! He had guessed right. Her husband was indeed a pretty boy.

With a sweet nostalgic smile he opened a personal file with simply a heart for the name and smiled sadly. It seemed he had been late! If only he had looked for her earlier. Clickking a picture of the couple from his laptop's screen, he sent it to his mom," Mom! I found the little girl you have been thinking of! She and her husband look good together, don't they?"

It was time to bring Samual Faye to this tiny office.. Step brother, huh? Let Samual Faye know about Kieran's hospitality.

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