Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 114 - Childhood Crush

"I hate accountants, you know! Don't you think they are too nerdy and bookish! And some of them even look like vampires they are so pale! And accountants that seem to think that they are part of the police are even worst! I mean where do they get the idea that they can handle suspects. They should try becoming a real person with physical hard work! They are all so soft!"

"You seem to know a lot about softness, Adam Perry! Did you try to feel up your accountant? And I dont know about all accountants but the one that I just hugged was not soft anywhere. And he most certainly did not look like a vampire.. He looked more like a.."

"A side character from a useless video game!"

The angry rebuttal finally caused Alice to giggle as she teased,"Mr. overtured bottle of vinegar! You need to control yourself of the entire car is going to smell foul! Kieran is like a brother to me!"

"Ha! He is like a brother to you! But does he also think that you are his sister? And he actually hugged you! What do you think he was thinking when you hugged him? And then he had the gall to call me a pretty boy."

Stopping her husband's rant with the best way, a hard kiss on the mouth, Alice said," Adam Perry! YOu are a pretty boy! But you are more than that! Also, even you cannot control what the other party is thinking! I mean take your STARS for example! They are all your fans and you consider them special. But does that mean they only look at you like you are their idol! The thoughts that they have! Some of them are even shocking to me! So now thta you feel I have a smal admirer, not that I am saying I do, but just because you are feeling it, there is no need for you to be so insecure. I, Alice Faye, have already accepted you as my lawfully wedded husband, heart body and soul! Understand."

The answering smile on his face made Alice smile and shake her head. He was like a little kid sometimes. So silly at the smallest reasons!

"Where are we going now?"

"Well, you just hugged another man so I am feeling a little insecure. To reaffirm my self I am going to take you to a special place.

The special place turned out to be a spa! What are we doing here! Well, we are here to pamper ourselves. First we are going to go separately into the jacuzzi. Then we are going to have couple bath, massages facials and all the works! Mrs. Adam, you better prepare to be pampered all day long! And then at night when you are all soft and sweet, we will do our special workout!

Shaking her head, Alice and Adam were separated where she really was massaged to the extent that she almost believed she was boneless. After a relaxing day and an even more relaxing dinner, Alice was almost asleep on the couch when Adam came forward holding a book in his hand. 

Interested to see him with a book, since he never was an avid reader, Alice could not help but ask,"What is this?"

"This book is a something special."

"A holiday Romance?"

"Do you remember it?"

"Of course I do! I have read it in the past I think!"

"You were reading it when I fainted on top of you. I had the book with me for all these years! I stole it!"

Laughing, she took the book from his hand and hit him on the shoulder, "You thief!"

"Hey! So what! There were not many things that I had to remember you by! Good thing I stole a few things! But i should have stolen something better! I realized that in hindsight! A few undergarments would have been the best option, no?"

Adam Perry! I would have killed you if you had done something so full of perversion!"

Grinning, he pulled her and picked her up before sliding onto the couch so that she was sitting on his lap! "Well, the male lead in this romance definitely did that! It is how I got the idea. I am a very innocent man you see."

Melting into his embrace, Alice closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the feeling of his strong warmth at her back and ordered, "Since you have brought the book here, read it to me."

"You want me to read you a book? "

"Yes! You have good voice."

"Well yes I do, but I have a good voice for singing not for reading! I will fall asleep if I read this!"

"If you fall asleep before the end of this book, you will be sleeping here on the couch for the res tof the week! Adam! Because of you I could not read the end of the book so you have to tell me the end!"

"Fine! Fine! I will read everything! Alice Faye you are really very scary, you know that?"

"Of course I know! It is why you love me so much!"

"Yes yes I do."

Slowly, Adam started to read from the book and Alice closed her eyes and listened to the story of the couple who slowly met and fell in love with each other on a holiday resort before going away their separate ways. To her it was their story. The two had found each other unforgettable and she too would have been unable to forget him if it had not been for the intervention from medicines and the rest. But as she heard the story she came to realize the ways of fate. Like the characters in the book her and Adam had also needed to be separated to grow to their maximum. Yes, fighting her father may have been easier by having Adam at her side, but then would Adam have been able to reach where he was today? Or maybe she would not have needed to fight her father at all and simple surrendered everything to him if she had the man of her dreams by her side. Everything was fate. Their meeting and their separation had all been for their own good! 

Half way through the book, Adam looked down to see Alice had fallen asleep. Shaking his head, he looked at the little girl and sighed! And she dared to threaten him! Inhaling her sweet scent he hugged her sweetly and carried her into their bedroom! These days had really been too tiring for her! And she had deserved a good bedtime story. Watching her sleep was his favorite pastime! He thanked the fates that he had been able to still have this chance. 

Seeing her continue to sleep peacefully as she moved on the bed and caught his pillow to hug, he picked up his phone and called," Benji? Who Is Kieran Rowe?"

"Kieran Rowe is sister in laws child hood crush of course!", came the laughing reply.

"And why is Kieran Rowe handling Samual Faye's case now? You could have arranged anyone else!"

"Hey! brother! What is the fun in that! This is your punishment! You have still not brought sister in law to see me, so I decided to play with you a little! And sister in law had a very tiny crush on his as a little girl! But now she is married to you, so why are you worried?"

"Benji! I will kill you! I will also make sure that whenever Alice meets you, she will hate you!"

"Ha! Sister in law cannot hate me! I am too lovable! You tried did you not?"

"Ha! Benji? That man is really trustworthy?"

"Yes! He is an honest man. And moreover he considers Alice Faye as a dear friend. She was the reason that he even returned to this country. So he will make sure that those who have made his childhood friend's life difficult are punished well."

Finally Adam nodded in agreement and placed the phone on the side before sliding into bed with Alice. Since this morning when they had left Kieran Rowe's office, Adam had a bad feeling in his gut! And his instinct had never been wrong! 

He did not why but Kieran Rowe felt like a threat to him. But Benji would not do something that would put him in danger, of that Adam was sure.

But at this moment, Adam did not know that Benji had just placed the phone on the table with a rather sinister smile on his face. His dear brother was in for a special surprise. Whistling a happy tune, Benji logged into the computer to listen in on the tapped conversation between Kieran Rowe and his mother.. His brother will hopefully like the surprise!

But sometimes paranoia and instinct were too good. Unknown to Benji, Adam was already thinking of everything that could go wrong and planning countermeasures! This new war was going to happen between the two brothers who until now had been on the same side!

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